Unable to connect two components in Matillion - matillion

enter image description hereI have two components on a canvas in Matillion. The instructions are to "use my mouse to connect the two components". I am unable to connect them. I can drag them, but no connection is created.

This Matillion article on Developing Workflows in Matillion ETL might be helpful? There is a section on how to link Matillion ETL components.
In your Job, if you click on the "Start" to select it, you should then be able to drag out a link from its connector. Release the link on top of another (currently un-linked) component.

Single click on the Start and hover over the circle (connector). Click from within this circle connector and move over to the other component. You should see the connecting line following behind your cursor.
Click on the second component and they should now be attached.


Right click on element leads to new page unable to inspect the element

I am facing a strange issue while identifying the element on one of the webpages in my application. There are links on the page and I need to click those links and perform the necessary steps.
When I right click on those links then it immediately takes me to that page, I am not able to inspect that link element. When I use inspect tool tip and mouse over any of the link then it highlights a big window where all the links are located and in the elements section nothing shows up, at least I thought I will find those links in view source. Any help is greatly appreciated.
enter image description here
just press ctrl+shift+i
to open the inspect tool , sometime website will have event listeners for right mouse click to some other tasks . IN such case you can open dev tool using this short cut

Click not working on combo-box down arrow button karate UI testing

I tried clicking on down arrow button for a Combo Box (Select is not available. Its a React JS application and once I click on arrow button only list shows selection items) using below karate command but click not happened in application and no error displayed. [The same xpath worked in selenium click command,and showing unique item on Inspect search]
And waitFor("//div[#id='root']/div/div[3]/main/div/div[3]/div[2]/div")
And click("//div[#id='root']/div/div[3]/main/div/div[3]/div[2]/div")
Note: Then I tried below command
And assert('//div[#id='root']/div/div[3]/main/div/div[3]/div[2]/div').exists
and got error
javascript evaluation failed: assert('//div[#id='root']/div/div[3]/main/div/div[3]/div[2]/div').exists, :1:19 Expected , but found root
It would really help us if you follow this process, it is simple and should not take much time for you to give us a small snippet of static HTML (or you can mix react if really needed).
EDIT: you also seem to have mis-matched single and double-quotes in your code.
Also note that you should be able to fire a JS event or click by using the script() API. See this example: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/master/karate-core#script
So this is an alternate approach to be able to overcome any tricky situation that comes up.

Weblogic 10.3.6: admin console not showing applications

I have the following problem. Admin console of Weblogic 10.3.6:
the session deployments is not showing the apps just the libraries.
Click on the link Customize this table above Deployments title, and the following view will appear :
click on the check boxes of unwanted nodes(here node start with adf.. is the case)
and then click on the check box of Exclude libraries when displaying deployments, and click on the Apply button. The nodes starting with adf will disappear :
By clicking on the reset button(seen in the first picture), all hidden deployments can be brought back.

Are some bigquery public datasets no longer available?

When using the BigQuery GUI interface, I'm no longer able to browse the bigquery-public-data.stackoverflow dataset. It doesn't show up in the Public Datasets dropdown, where I was previously able to view the schema. On the other hand, I am able to query the table.
Have some public datasets been removed from the GUI?
The original issue was due to a bug that caused Pinned Projects to be hidden. It has since been fixed.
Regarding static_rtti's request to use the pushshift reddit dataset:
I see two ways to accomplish this:
(1) Using the original UI:
From the Cloud Console, click "Go to classic UI".
Click the little arrow next to your project name on the upper left.
"Switch to Project" > "Display Project"
Enter "pushshift" (Display Project in Navigation Panel) and submit.
You should now see a new pushshift project w/ the reddit dataset in your navigation panel.
(2) Using the new UI:
I don't see an obvious way to add a project if you aren't a member, but you can use the same trick that the public dataset browser employs. Replace YOURPROJECT with your project name in the URL below and navigate. This will pin the specified dataset for later access.
Hope that helps!
Use this URL in your browser:
Then you can click on the "view all" button and look for the the ones you need.
This is the link to the bigquery-public-data.stackoverflow, click on the view dataset to use it in the WebUI.
You can review this document on accessing the public dataset.

Dynamic JFreechart

I have a project where I read values from a file. I'd like to create a Dynamic chart where the user will have the ability to choose sections of the graphs and these sections will zoom - in in order to see the results. This functionality is similar to what the Excel does.
For example in the initial graph the user is able to see the graph of the whole year but I'd like to be able to zoom in and to see the graph of a specific day in the same panel,labelm frame.
Is it possible to be done via JFreechart???
In the Java Web Start demo, most examples have zooming enabled. To zoom, right-click to see the context menu, click and drag a selection or use the mouse wheel. TimeSeriesChartDemo1, found in org.jfree.chart.demo, is a good starting point.