Apache Flume stuck after ChannelFullException is occured 500 times - rabbitmq

I have flume configuration with rabbitmq source, file channel and solr sink. Sometimes sink becomes so busy and file channel is filling up. At that time ChannelFullException is being thrown by file channel. After 500 number of ChannelFullException are thrown flume stuck and never responds and recover itself. I want to learn that, where does 500 value come from? How can I change it? 500 is strict because when flume stucks, I count exceptions and I find 500 number of ChannelFullException log line everytime.

You are walking into a typical producer-consumer problem, where one is working faster than the other. In your case, there are two possibilities (or a combination of both):
RabbitMQ is sending messages faster than Flume can process.
Solr cannot ingest messages fast enough so that they remain stuck in Flume.
The solution is to send messages more slowly (i.e. throttle RabbitMQ) or tweak Flume so that it can process messages faster. I think the last thing is what you want. Furthermore, the unresponsiveness of Flume is probably caused by the java heap size being full. Increase the heap size and try again until the error disappears.
# Modify java maximum memory size
vi bin/flume-ng
Additionally, you can also increase the number of agents, channels, or the capacity of those channels. This would naturally cause a higher footprint on the java heap size, so try that first.
# Example configuration
agent1.channels = ch1
agent1.channels.ch1.type = memory
agent1.channels.ch1.capacity = 10000
agent1.channels.ch1.transactionCapacity = 10000
agent1.channels.ch1.byteCapacityBufferPercentage = 20
agent1.channels.ch1.byteCapacity = 800000
I don't know where the exact number 500 comes from, a wild guess would be that when there are 500 exceptions thrown the java heap size is full and Flume does not respond.
Another possibility is that the default configuration above causes it to be exactly 500. So try tweaking it so if it ends up being different or better, that it does not occur anymore.


OutOfMemory error in a queue consumer application

I have a datapipeline component that reads SQS messages, generated at S3 upload trigger, and parses and publishes the message for a batchpipeline component.
I have recently observed that in production system, my datapipeline keeps crashing with OutOfMemory error under heavy load but it never crashes when tested locally with similar loads? The batchpipeline never seems to crash in Production ever.
How do I go about debugging it when I can't reproduce it locally?
As I have found a solution, after 2 weeks, to my problem above, I figured I'll document it for others and my future self.
I wasn't able to replicate the issue because the aws command-
aws s3 cp --recursive dir s3://input-queue/dir
somehow wasn't uploading messages fast enough that it could stress my local datapipeline. So I brought down the datapipeline and once there were 10k SQS messages in the queue, I started it and as expected, it crashed with Out Of Memory error after processing ~3000 messages. It turns out that the pipeline was able to handle continuous throughput but it broke when it started with 10k message load.
My hypothesis was that the issue is happening because Java garbage collection is unable to properly clean up objects after execution. So, I started analyzing the generated heap dump and after some days of research, I stumbled on the possible root cause for Out of Memory error. There were ~5000 instances of my MessageHandlerTask class, when ideally they should have been GC'd after being processed and not keep on piling up.
Further investigation on that line of thought led me to the root cause- it turned out that the code was using Executors.newFixedThreadPool() to create an ExecutorService for submitting tasks to. This implementation used an unbounded queue of tasks, so if too many tasks were submitted, all of them waited in the queue, taking up huge memory.
The reality was similar- messages were being polled faster than they could be processed. This caused a lot of valid MessageHandlerTask instances to be created that filled the heap memory if there was a message backlog.
The fix was to have create a ThreadPoolExecutor with an ArrayBlockingQueue of capacity 100 so that there is a cap on number of instances of MessageHandlerTask and its member variables.
Having figured out the fix, I moved on to optimize the pipeline for maximum throughput by varying the maximumPoolSize of the ThreadPoolExecutor. It turned out there were some SQS connection exceptions happening at higher thread counts. Further investigation revealed that increasing the SQS connection pool size ameliorated this issue.
I ultimately settled on a count of 40 threads for the given Xmx heap size of 1.5G and 80 SQS connection pool size so that the task threads do not run out of SQS connections while processing. This helped me achieve a throughput of 44 messages/s with just a single instance of datapipeline.
I also found out why the batchpipeline never crashed in Production, despite suffering from a similar ExecutorService implementation- turns out the datapipeline could be stressed by too many concurrent S3 uploads but the messages for batchpipeline were produced by datapipeline in a gradual fashion. Besides, the batchpipeline had a much higher throughput that I benchmarked at 347 messages/s when using 70 maximumPoolSize.

Aerospike: Device Overload Error when size of map is too big

We got "device overload" error after the program ran successfully on production for a few months. And we find that some maps' sizes are very big, which may be bigger than 1,000.
After I inspected the source code, I found that the reason of "devcie overload" is that the write queue is beyond limitations, and the length of the write queue is related to the effiency of processing.
So I checked the "particle_map" file, and I suspect that the whole map will be rewritten even if we just want to insert one pair of KV into the map.
But I am not so sure about this. Any advice ?
So I checked the "particle_map" file, and I suspect that the whole map will be rewritten even if we just want to insert one pair of KV into the map.
You are correct. When using persistence, Aerospike does not update records in-place. Each update/insert is buffered into an in-memory write-block which, when full, is queued to be written to disk. This queue allows for short bursts that exceed your disks max IO but if the burst is sustained for too long the server will begin to fail the writes with the 'device overload' error you have mentioned. How far behind the disk is allowed to get is controlled by the max-write-cache namespace storage-engine parameter.
You can find more about our storage layer at https://www.aerospike.com/docs/architecture/index.html.

ActiveMQ performance for producing persistent text messages

As advised on the webpage
activemq-performance-module-users-manual I've tried (on an Intel i7 laptop with Windows 7 OS and SSD drive) the performance of producing persistent messages on a ActiveMQ Queue :
mvn activemq-perf:producer -Dproducer.destName=queue://TEST.FOO -Dproducer.deliveryMode=persistent
against the default installation of activemq 5.12.1
The performance which I got is around 300-400 messages per second.
On the page activemq-performance I have been reading much higher numbers:
When running the server on one box and a single producer and consumer thread in separate VMs on the other box, using a single topic we got around 21-22,000 messages/second using 1-2K messages.
On the other hand, when the messages are not persistent, the performance of the producer grows to 49000 messages per second. -Dproducer.deliveryMode=nonpersistent
When the messages are sent asynchrounously.
-Dproducer.deliveryMode=persistent -Dfactory.useAsyncSend=true
I get around 23000 messages sent per second.
From what I see here stackoverflow-activemq-persistent-performance-on-different-operatiing-systems it makes a difference when running activemq on different OS.
Can somebody give me some tips for having a better performance for writing persistent activemq messages?
Performance of sending persistent messages is all about disk based IO as the message must be written to the disk prior to the broker signalling the client that the message send completed. The faster the disk the better your throughput will be, all else being equal.
To work around some of this you can send persistent messages in transactional batches so that the send itself is complete and the synchronization point is reduced to the transaction boundary.
Depending on the size of the text messages you can also gain some performance by using compression, this can be turned on via a option in the ActiveMQConnectionFactory.

ActiveMq Broken pipe exception

I am running an application which will produce JSON data to activemq and another process which will consume it and do some processing on this data. But as the JSON data which I am producing to the queue becomes larger in size I am getting broken pipe exception.Is there any limit in size of data which I can store/produce into activeMQ ? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Well, you can configure a max frame size on the transport connector in ActiveMQ. By default in recent versions, it's around 100MB. Anyway, when you have that size of messages, you should think about splitting your data into smaller chunks.
Check out the ActiveMQ logs as well, maybe you have a clue there if it's a frame size limit that is hit or some other thing. Broken pipe simply means that the connection is broken by some reason, so that message does not say much.

When will LogStash exceed the queue capacity and drop messages?

I am using LogStash to collect the logs from my service. The volume of the data is so large (20GB/day) that I am afraid that some of the data will be dropped at peak time.
So I asked question here and decided to add a Redis as a buffer between ELB and LogStash to prevent data loss.
However, I am curious about when will LogStash exceed the queue capacity and drop messages?
Because I've done some experiments and the result shows that LogStash can completely process all the data without any loss, e.g., local file --> LogStash --> local file, netcat --> LogStash --> local file.
Can someone give me a solid example when LogStash eventually drop messages? So I can have a better understanding about why we need a buffer in front of it.
As far as I know, Logstash queue is very small. Please refer to here.
Logstash sets each queue size to 20. This means only 20 events can be pending into the next phase.
This helps reduce any data loss and in general avoids logstash trying to act as a data storage
system. These internal queues are not for storing messages long-term.
As you say, your daily logs size are 20GB. It's quite large amount. So, it is recommended that install a redis before logstash. The other advantage for installing a redis is when your logstash process have error and shutdown, redis can buffer the logs for you, otherwise all your logs will be drop.
The maximum queue size is configurable and the queue can be stored on-disk or in-memory. (Strongly advise in-memory due to high volume).
When the queue is full, logstash will stop reading log messages and drop incoming logs.
For log files, logstash will stop reading further when tit can't keep up, it can resume reading later. It's keeping track of active log files and last read position. The files are basically acting like an enormous buffer, it's really unlikely to lose data (unless files are deleted).
For TCP/UDP input, messages can be lost if the queue is full.
For other inputs/outputs, you have to check the doc, whether it can support back pressure, whether it can replay missed messages if a network connection was lost.
Generally speaking, 20 GB a day is pretty low (even in 2014 when it was originally posted), we're talking about 1000 messages a second. logstash really doesn't need a redis in front.
For very large deployments (multiple TB per day), it's common to encounter kafka somewhere in the chain to buffer messages. At this stage there are typically many clients with different types of messages, flowing over a variety of protocols.