When will LogStash exceed the queue capacity and drop messages? - redis

I am using LogStash to collect the logs from my service. The volume of the data is so large (20GB/day) that I am afraid that some of the data will be dropped at peak time.
So I asked question here and decided to add a Redis as a buffer between ELB and LogStash to prevent data loss.
However, I am curious about when will LogStash exceed the queue capacity and drop messages?
Because I've done some experiments and the result shows that LogStash can completely process all the data without any loss, e.g., local file --> LogStash --> local file, netcat --> LogStash --> local file.
Can someone give me a solid example when LogStash eventually drop messages? So I can have a better understanding about why we need a buffer in front of it.

As far as I know, Logstash queue is very small. Please refer to here.
Logstash sets each queue size to 20. This means only 20 events can be pending into the next phase.
This helps reduce any data loss and in general avoids logstash trying to act as a data storage
system. These internal queues are not for storing messages long-term.
As you say, your daily logs size are 20GB. It's quite large amount. So, it is recommended that install a redis before logstash. The other advantage for installing a redis is when your logstash process have error and shutdown, redis can buffer the logs for you, otherwise all your logs will be drop.

The maximum queue size is configurable and the queue can be stored on-disk or in-memory. (Strongly advise in-memory due to high volume).
When the queue is full, logstash will stop reading log messages and drop incoming logs.
For log files, logstash will stop reading further when tit can't keep up, it can resume reading later. It's keeping track of active log files and last read position. The files are basically acting like an enormous buffer, it's really unlikely to lose data (unless files are deleted).
For TCP/UDP input, messages can be lost if the queue is full.
For other inputs/outputs, you have to check the doc, whether it can support back pressure, whether it can replay missed messages if a network connection was lost.
Generally speaking, 20 GB a day is pretty low (even in 2014 when it was originally posted), we're talking about 1000 messages a second. logstash really doesn't need a redis in front.
For very large deployments (multiple TB per day), it's common to encounter kafka somewhere in the chain to buffer messages. At this stage there are typically many clients with different types of messages, flowing over a variety of protocols.


Keep queues and exchanges when vhost is corrupted

We've recently come across a problem when using RabbitMQ: when the hard drive of our server is full, RabbitMQ's vhost are getting corrupted, and unusable.
The only to make RabbitMQ functional again is to delete, and recreate the corrupted hosts.
Doing so, all of our queues, and exchanges, along with the data in it, is then gone.
While this situation should not happen in prod, we're searching for a way to prevent data loss, if such an event does occur.
We've been looking at the official rabbitMQ documentation, as well as on stack exchange, but haven't found any solution to prevent data loss when a host is corrupted.
We plan on setting up a cluster at a later stage of development, which should at least help in reducing the loss of data when a vhost is corrupted, but it's not possible for now.
Is there any reliable way to either prevent vhost corruption, or to fix the vhost without losing data?
Some thoughts on this (in no particular order):
RabbitMQ has multiple high-availability configurations - relying upon a single node provides no protection against data loss.
In general, you can have one of two possible guarantees with a message, but never both:
At least once delivery - a message will be delivered at least one time, and possibly more.
At most once delivery - a message may or may not be delivered, but if it is delivered, it will never be delivered a second time
Monitoring the overall health of your nodes (i.e. disk space, processor use, memory, etc.) should be done proactively by a tool specific to that purpose. You should never be surprised by running out of a critical system resource.
If you are running one node, and that node is out of disk space, and you have a bunch of messages on it, and you're worried about data loss, wondering how RabbitMQ can help you, I would say you have your priorities mixed up.
RabbitMQ is not a database. It is not designed to reliably store messages for an indefinite time period. Please don't count on it as such.

Redis Streams vs Kafka Streams/NATS

Redis team introduce new Streams data type for Redis 5.0. Since Streams looks like Kafka topics from first view it seems difficult to find real world examples for using it.
In streams intro we have comparison with Kafka streams:
Runtime consumer groups handling. For example, if one of three consumers fails permanently, Redis will continue to serve first and second because now we would have just two logical partitions (consumers).
Redis streams much faster. They stored and operated from memory so this one is as is case.
We have some project with Kafka, RabbitMq and NATS. Now we are deep look into Redis stream to trying using it as "pre kafka cache" and in some case as Kafka/NATS alternative. The most critical point right now is replication:
Store all data in memory with AOF replication.
By default the asynchronous replication will not guarantee that XADD commands or consumer groups state changes are replicated: after a failover something can be missing depending on the ability of followers to receive the data from the master. This one looks like point to kill any interest to try streams in high load.
Redis failover process as operated by Sentinel or Redis Cluster performs only a best effort check to failover to the follower which is the most updated, and under certain specific failures may promote a follower that lacks some data.
And the cap strategy. The real "capped resource" with Redis Streams is memory, so it's not really so important how many items you want to store or which capped strategy you are using. So each time you consumer fails you would get peak memory consumption or message lost with cap.
We use Kafka as RTB bidder frontend which handle ~1,100,000 messages per second with ~120 bytes payload. With Redis we have ~170 mb/sec memory consumption on write and with 512 gb RAM server we have write "reserve" for ~50 minutes of data. So if processing system would be offline for this time we would crash.
Could you please tell more about Redis Streams usage in real world and may be some cases you try to use it themself? Or may be Redis Streams could be used with not big amount of data?
long time no see. This feels like a discussion that belongs in the redis-db mailing list, but the use case sounds fascinating.
Note that Redis Streams are not intended to be a Kafka replacement - they provide different properties and capabilities despite the similarities. You are of course correct with regards to the asynchronous nature of replication. As for scaling the amount of RAM available, you should consider using a cluster and partition your streams across period-based key names.

ActiveMQ broker storage usage

I have 3 ActiveMQ brokers, out of the three, one broker is running into an issue which says persistent store is full.
Sample error:
INFO | Usage(default:store:queue://foo.bar:store) percentUsage=99%, usage=537210471, limit=536870912, percentUsageMinDelta=1%;Parent:Usage(default:store) percentUsage=100%, usage=537210471, limit=536870912,percentUsageMinDelta=1%: Persistent store is Full, 100% of 536870912. Stopping producer (ID: AKUNTAMU-1-31754-1388571228628-1:1:1:1) to prevent flooding queue://foo.bar. See http://activemq.apache.org/producer-flow-control.html for more info (blocking for: 155s)
I have configured my storeUsage limit as 100GB for persistent messages but when i go and check the disk usage of the kahadb it is more than 100GB (it is 190Gb).
My understanding is kahadb folder contains both the persistent messages plus the journal log files.
1) Can we query kahadb to see which queue is eating up space?
2) Inside the kahadb folder, how do we segregate the space occupied by messages and other database related files. because everything is data*.log files.
3) for the other 2 brokers, on the activemq web console the store limit used is showing as 0%, confused on this part. so how i validate if its actually zero percent on the other two brokers?
Thanks in advance.
Whenever we configure ActiveMQ we provide a setting as to how much space on the Disk the MQ should be using,
The settings have 3 parameters
Memory Usage
Store Usage
Temp Usage
Out of which TempUsage is the maximum memory that MQ can use to store the non-persistent messages, you should most probably have this value set to 50GB(which is 536870912 bytes).
Have a look at this answer on how to find this value
I haven't seen this limit being breached, is there no consumer on the queue or some slow consumer? any which ways if you want to increase the limit you can tweak your activemq.xml file as mentioned in the above answer.
Hope this helps!
Good luck!

ActiveMQ performance for producing persistent text messages

As advised on the webpage
activemq-performance-module-users-manual I've tried (on an Intel i7 laptop with Windows 7 OS and SSD drive) the performance of producing persistent messages on a ActiveMQ Queue :
mvn activemq-perf:producer -Dproducer.destName=queue://TEST.FOO -Dproducer.deliveryMode=persistent
against the default installation of activemq 5.12.1
The performance which I got is around 300-400 messages per second.
On the page activemq-performance I have been reading much higher numbers:
When running the server on one box and a single producer and consumer thread in separate VMs on the other box, using a single topic we got around 21-22,000 messages/second using 1-2K messages.
On the other hand, when the messages are not persistent, the performance of the producer grows to 49000 messages per second. -Dproducer.deliveryMode=nonpersistent
When the messages are sent asynchrounously.
-Dproducer.deliveryMode=persistent -Dfactory.useAsyncSend=true
I get around 23000 messages sent per second.
From what I see here stackoverflow-activemq-persistent-performance-on-different-operatiing-systems it makes a difference when running activemq on different OS.
Can somebody give me some tips for having a better performance for writing persistent activemq messages?
Performance of sending persistent messages is all about disk based IO as the message must be written to the disk prior to the broker signalling the client that the message send completed. The faster the disk the better your throughput will be, all else being equal.
To work around some of this you can send persistent messages in transactional batches so that the send itself is complete and the synchronization point is reduced to the transaction boundary.
Depending on the size of the text messages you can also gain some performance by using compression, this can be turned on via a option in the ActiveMQConnectionFactory.

distributed cluster questions about performance

I'm using 6 servers to make a cluster and they are all disk nodes. I use rabbitmq for collecting log file for our website. Now at the peak hour, the publish rate is about 30k message per second. There are 2 main consumers(hdfs and elasticsearch) and each one need to handle all message, so the delivery rate hit about 60k per second.
In my scenario, a single server can hold 10k delivery rate and I use 6 node to load balance the pressure. My solution is that I created 2 queues on each node. Each message is with a random routing-key(something like message.0, message.1, etc) to distribute the pressure to every node.
What confused me is:
All message send to one node. Should I use a HA Proxy to load balance this publish pressure?
Is there any performance difference between Durable Queues and Transient Queues?
Is there any performance difference between Memory Node and Disk Node? What I know is the difference between memory node and disk node is only about the meta data such as queue configuration.
How can I imrove the performance in publish and delivery codes? I've researched and I know several methods:
disable the confirm mechanism(in publish codes?)
enable HiPE(I've done that and it helped a lot)
For example, input is 1w mps(message per second), there are two consumers to consume all message. Then the output is 2w mps. If my server can handle 1w mps, I need two server to handle the 2w-mps-pressure. Now a new consumer need to consume all message, too. As a result, output hits 3w mps, so I need another one more server. For a conclusion, one more consumer for all message, one more server?
"All message send to one node. Should I use a HA Proxy to load balance this publish pressure?"
This article outlines a number of designs aimed at distributing load in RabbitMQ.
"Is there any performance difference between Durable Queues and Transient Queues?"
Yes, Durable Queues are backed up to disk so that they can be reinstated on server-restart, for example. This adds a nominal overhead, though the actual process occurs asynchronously.
"Is there any performance difference between Memory Node and Disk Node?"
Not that I'm aware of, but that would depend on the machine itself.
"How can I imrove the performance in publish and delivery codes?"
Try this out.