Need t2.gstatic URL parameters for Web Scraping - api

I am checking to see if I can use gstatic to scrape favicon from websites. Below will fetch the websites Favicon:,SIZE,URL&url=
I understand that the URL parameters might not be for general use, but just checking if anyone knows where this might be documented?
UPDATE: I have just started building an app on Google App Script. I need to list website names along with their favicons and metadata like site description, etc. Currently the only approach is to read the webpage and use beautifulSoup to parse the page and then locate the favicon. I came across the above link that will directly give me the favicon! But I want to understand it better and trying to locate more information on the URL parameters for gstatic.
I am also open to alternative ways to scrape a web site from Google App Script...

I believe your goal is as follows.
You want to retrieve the favicon from the websites.
You want to use the following sample URL.,SIZE,URL&url=
From I need to list website names along with their favicons and metadata like site description, etc., you want to retrieve the favicon, title, and description of the site using Google Apps Script.
Sample script 1:
When your URL of,SIZE,URL&url= is used, how about the following sample script? Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of Google Apps Script. And, run samoke1 at the script editor.
function sample1() {
const uri = ',SIZE,URL&url=';
const blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(encodeURI(uri)).getBlob();
When this script is run, the favicon is retrieved and that is saved as a file to the root folder of Google Drive.
When I saw the URL, it seems that the favicon is retrieved as the image data.
Sample script 2:
When the favicon, title, and description of the site are retrieved, how about the following sample script?
function sample2() {
const uri = ''; // Please set the URL.
const obj = { title: "", description: "", faviconUrl: "" };
const res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(encodeURI(uri));
const html = res.getContentText();
const title = html.match(/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/i);
if (title || title.length > 1) {
obj.title = title[1];
const description = html.match(/<meta.+name\="description".+>/i);
if (description) {
const d = description[0].match(/content\="(.+)"/i);
if (d && d.length > 1) {
obj.description = d[1];
const faviconUrl = html.match(/rel="icon".+?href\="(.+?)"/i);
if (faviconUrl && faviconUrl.length > 1) {
obj.faviconUrl = faviconUrl[1];
When this script is run, you can see the following value in the log.
"title":"Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos",
"description":"Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!",


How to update the snippet.description on Youtube from Google Apps Script API using only the videoId?

I want to update my snippet.description on my Youtube channel using the API exposed through Google Apps Script. I know the videoId already so there is no need to create and loop through a search list like they show in the example here.
I expect to see my script complete with the new description on my Youtube video. But I get the following error message instead.
API call to youtube.videos.update failed with error: Forbidden (line 90, file "Youtube")
function updateVideo( data ) {
var videoId = 'foo';
var title = 'bar';
var description = 'baz';
var resource = {
id: videoId,
snippet: {
title: title,
description: description,
categoryId: '22'
YouTube.Videos.update(resource, 'id,snippet'); // this is line 90
What am I doing wrong?
To clarify: By "only the videoId", I mean without creating a list of channels to find it like they do here.
var myChannels = YouTube.Channels.list('contentDetails', {mine: true});
This question is different because the other asks specifically about HTML. This question is not about using HTML in the description. It's about making any changes whatsoever to the description.
Summary from comments:
This is an authorization error. The account making the API request was not the same account as the owner of the YouTube video.

How to update HTML of Youtube video snippet description from the API exposed through Google Apps Script?

I want to update my Youtube video snippet.description from the API exposed through Google Apps Script. The snippet contains formatting so I am trying to use HTML. I expect to see the updated snippet on my Youtube video. But I get the following error instead.
API call to youtube.videos.update failed with error: The request metadata specifies an invalid video description. (line 88, file "Youtube")
How can I format my video description?
function updateVideo( data ) {
var videoId = 'foo';
var title = 'bar';
var description = '<p>baz</p><p>bat</p>';
var resource = {
id: videoId,
snippet: {
title: title,
description: description,
categoryId: '22'
YouTube.Videos.update(resource, 'id,snippet'); // this is line 88
You can't use HTML so you have to use string symbols for newline \n and tab \t, etc.
var description = 'baz\n\nbat';
I don't know how to add other HTML features like links, etc. Maybe someone else can improve upon this answer by adding that information if they know how to do it.

Changing script on website

I was recently asked to change a script that is on this shopify website but I am unable to find it in either the backend settings or the actual code for the template. Could someone please point me in the right direction on how to change the code for this script? The pixel values are wrong here and it's causing SEO issues:
(function() {
function asyncLoad() {
var urls = ["\/\/\/assets\/v4\/spr.js?","\/\/\/javascripts\/beecart.js?","https:\/\/\/scripts\/shopify.js?","https:\/\/\/lastsecondcoupon\/js\/freeshippingbar.js?","\/\/\/tracking_pixels\/123.js?","\/\/\/conversion_pixels\/123.js?","\/\/\/js\/1463319629\/loader.js?","https:\/\/\/widget-script\/58065fec304e8e75855e4cce\/default.js?","https:\/\/\/shopify\/shopify.js?affiliatly_code=AF-10200\"];
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';
s.async = true;
s.src = urls[i];
var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x);
window.attachEvent ? window.attachEvent('onload', asyncLoad) : window.addEventListener('load', asyncLoad, false);
This code is included by Shopify as a part of the {{ content_for_header }} Liquid variable in the layout files (e.g. theme.liquid.)
The JavaScript files would be ScriptTag scripts that have been added to the store by Shopify apps that you have installed. For example belongs to the Product Reviews app.
These scripts are hosted by the app developers so you won't be able to edit them directly. You can remove a ScriptTag script by uninstalling the Shopify app that placed it there.
It looks like the function above is loading the java script (.js files) dynamically in the code and adding the script to the domain:
var urls = ["\/\/\/asse....
You would need to download the .js files (url are listed in the code), modify them, and change the path so that the above function can load them from a local path.
Following array is URL to all the JS scripts... Each of the item in this array is loaded after page loads.
var urls = ["\/\/\/assets\/v4\/spr.js?","\/\/\/javascripts\/beecart.js?","https:\/\/\/scripts\/shopify.js?","https:\/\/\/lastsecondcoupon\/js\/freeshippingbar.js?","\/\/\/tracking_pixels\/123.js?","\/\/\/conversion_pixels\/123.js?","\/\/\/js\/1463319629\/loader.js?","https:\/\/\/widget-script\/58065fec304e8e75855e4cce\/default.js?","https:\/\/\/shopify\/shopify.js?affiliatly_code=AF-10200\"];

Is it possible to add a scripted dashboard to the Home "Dashboards" list?

I've created a scripted dashboard for Grafana v2.1.2 and would like to add it to the Home dashboard list, however don't see a way to do it using the GUI's dashboard settings.
Is it possible? And if so, is there some documentation or example on how to do this?
This seems to be an longstanding issue with grafana and is not supported as mentioned on
But luckily there is a workaround as described on
You will have to create a new grafana dashboard. In dashboard settings you should rename it to "Scripted Dashboard". Then add a "text" row of "html" type. Then to the text field of that row you need paste this code:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=/dashboard/script/getdash.js">
<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href = "/dashboard/script/getdash.js"</script>
After this is done you will have to save the dashboard. That's it. Now from your Grafana Home screen you can select newly created "Scripted Dashboard" and it will automatically redirect you to the actual GetDash dashboard.
In Grafana 4, you add a text panel in a row and switch mode from Markup to HTML, then insert snippet above.
Downside of this solution is that such dashboards can't be used in playlists (will redirect out of playlist's url).
Be careful about URL (especially if you run grafana under /grafana path) as this redirect dashboard can not be deleted from web UI, you will need to use API for that or (as stated in above issue)
Create a new one with the same name. Then on saving action it will let you overwrite the old one.
Update: Grafana 6 does not allow workaround anymore :(
Yes, it is possible. But there is no direct way to implement this feature. Grafana allows dashboard API to create or update dashboards. You need to modify the default script dashboard object to adapt to this dashboard API as well as scripted dashboards.
Following is the default scripted dashboard:
'use strict';
var window, document, ARGS, $, jQuery, moment, kbn;
var dashboard = {
rows : [],
dashboard.title = 'Scripted Dashboard';
dashboard.time = {
from: "now-6h",
to: "now"
title: 'Chart',
height: '300px',
panels: [
title: 'Events',
type: 'graph'
return dashboard;
Modified script to achieve the purpose:
'use strict' ;
var window, document, ARGS, $, jQuery, moment, kbn;
var ScriptedDashboard= {
dashboard :{},
overwrite: true
/* Create a simple dashboard*/
function createDashboard(dashboard){
dashboard.title = 'Grafana Dashboard';
dashboard.time = {
from : "now-6h",
to : "now"
}; null;
dashboard.uid= null;
function sendHTTPData(method, url, data){
var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); method,url , true);
httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
var reqData = JSON.stringify(data);
sendHTTPData("POST", "", ScriptedDashboard);
return ScriptedDashboard.dashboard;
See the difference between the above-scripted dashboards.

How do I get data from a background page to the content script in google chrome extensions

I've been trying to send data from my background page to a content script in my chrome extension. i can't seem to get it to work. I've read a few posts online but they're not really clear and seem quite high level. I've got managed to get the oauth working using the Oauth contacts example on the Chrome samples. The authentication works, i can get the data and display it in an html page by opening a new tab.
I want to send this data to a content script.
i'm having a lot of trouble with this and would really appreciate if someone could outline the explicit steps you need to follow to send data from a bg page to a content script or even better some code. Any takers?
the code for my background page is below (i've excluded the oauth paramaeters and other )
` function onContacts(text, xhr) {
contacts = [];
var data = JSON.parse(text);
var realdata = data.contacts;
for (var i = 0, person; person = realdata.person[i]; i++) {
var contact = {
'name' : person['name'],
'emails' : person['email']
contacts.push(contact); //this array "contacts" is read by the
contacts.html page when opened in a new tab
chrome.tabs.create({ 'url' : 'contacts.html'}); sending data to new tab
//chrome.tabs.executeScript(null,{file: "contentscript.js"});
may be this may work?
function getContacts() {
oauth.authorize(function() {
console.log("on authorize");
var url = "http://mydataurl/";
oauth.sendSignedRequest(url, onContacts);
As i'm not quite sure how to get the data into the content script i wont bother posting the multiple versions of my failed content scripts. if I could just get a sample on how to request the "contacts" array from my content script, and how to send the data from the bg page, that would be great!
You have two options getting the data into the content script:
Using Tab API:
Using Messaging:
Using Tab API
I usually use this approach when my extension will just be used once in a while, for example, setting the image as my desktop wallpaper. People don't set a wallpaper every second, or every minute. They usually do it once a week or even day. So I just inject a content script to that page. It is pretty easy to do so, you can either do it by file or code as explained in the documentation:
chrome.tabs.executeScript(, {file: 'inject_this.js'}, function() {
console.log('Successfully injected script into the page');
Using Messaging
If you are constantly need information from your websites, it would be better to use messaging. There are two types of messaging, Long-lived and Single-requests. Your content script (that you define in the manifest) can listen for extension requests:
chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.method == 'ping')
sendResponse({ data: 'pong' });
And your background page could send a message to that content script through messaging. As shown below, it will get the currently selected tab and send a request to that page.
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.sendRequest(, {method: 'ping'}, function(response) {
Depends on your extension which method to use. I have used both. For an extension that will be used like every second, every time, I use Messaging (Long-Lived). For an extension that will not be used every time, then you don't need the content script in every single page, you can just use the Tab API executeScript because it will just inject a content script whenever you need to.
Hope that helps! Do a search on Stackoverflow, there are many answers to content scripts and background pages.
To follow on Mohamed's point.
If you want to pass data from the background script to the content script at initialisation, you can generate another simple script that contains only JSON and execute it beforehand.
Is that what you are looking for?
Otherwise, you will need to use the message passing interface
In the background page:
// Subscribe to onVisited event, so that injectSite() is called once at every pageload.
function injectSite(data) {
// get custom configuration for this URL in the background page.
var site_conf = getSiteConfiguration(data.url);
if (site_conf)
chrome.tabs.executeScript({ code: 'PARAMS = ' + JSON.stringify(site_conf) + ';' });
chrome.tabs.executeScript({ file: 'site_injection.js' });
In the content script page (site_injection.js)
// read config directly from background
I thought I'd update this answer for current and future readers.
According to the Chrome API, chrome.extension.onRequest is "[d]eprecated since Chrome 33. Please use runtime.onMessage."
See this tutorial from the Chrome API for code examples on the messaging API.
Also, there are similar (newer) SO posts, such as this one, which are more relevant for the time being.