Show/Hide bottom tab navigator when scrolling - react-native

I have a bottom tab bar, and I want when scrolling in the home screen to hide it exactly like LinkedIn.
How can this be done with smooth animation ?
Like when I scroll up and down I want to hide it (with animation) and when stop scrolling to show it again.
Also, I have a Custom Bottom Tab.
Here is my implementation:
tabBar={(props) => <CustomBottomNavbar {...props} />}
<Tab.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />
<Tab.Screen name="Explore" component={Explorer} />


How to minimize React Native Navigation Modal?

How to minimize a modal within a Stack Navigator in React Native so that the model still shows as a small bar at the bottom of the screen and stays even when switching tabs (like in the pictures I attached).
Picture of Modal opened
Picture of Modal miminized
Currently I have built a Bottom Navigation Tab Bar and within this Tab Navigator I have a Stack Navigator where the Modal can be opened.
<Tab.Navigator initialRouteName="Session">
<Tab.Screen name="Social">{() => <Social />}</Tab.Screen>
<Tab.Screen name="History">{() => <History />}</Tab.Screen>
<Tab.Screen name="Session" options={{headerShown: false}}>
{() => (
<Stack.Screen name="Start Session">
{() => <StartSession navigate={navigate} />}
name="New Template"
presentation: 'containedModal',
{() => <AddTemplate />}
<Tab.Screen name="Activities">{() => <Activities />}</Tab.Screen>
<Tab.Screen name="Profile">
{() => <Profile setUser={setUser} setUserCreds={setUserCreds} />}
You can achieve this using a bottom sheet instead of using a modal from react native navigation.
Something like:

React Navigation Tab Screens don't show up as separate screens in history

I have a Tab Navigator with 3 screens: Home, Camera, and Profile. I then have a stack navigator which references the tab navigator, and have a screen in this stack navigator called Camera2.
const Navigation = () => {
return (
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={TabNavigator} />
<Stack.Screen name="Camera2" component={Camera2Screen} />
const TabNavigator = () => {
return (
<Tab.Navigator backBehavior="history" initialRouteName="Home">
<Tab.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<Tab.Screen name="ToCamera" component={ToCameraScreen} />
<Tab.Screen name="Profile" component={ProfileScreen} />
Suppose I start at the Home screen, then navigate to the Camera screen by selecting the camera tab. Then in the Camera screen I use navigation.replace("Camera2"). At this point, in the Camera2 screen I would want the navigation history to look like [Home, Camera2] since the Camera screen had been removed from history. However, what I end up seeing is [Camera2].
After doing some research I realized this was happening since the tab navigator acts as a single screen in the stack navigator, so seperate tabs show up as a single screen in navigation history. So if I remove the Camera screen from history it essentially removes all Tab Navigator screens (including the Home screen).
I realize this is the expected behaviour but I was wondering how I can get the desired behaviour.

React-native navigation, hide bottom tab

I have this
name="Галерея" component={Gallery}
name="Избранное" component={Favorites}
name="{item}" component={PhotoScreen}
And i dont wanna show last bottom tab on the bottom menu
How can i hide it?
Maybe i need to create one more Stack?
or i can hide it with some options?

How can I hide the screen header but show my back button?

I would like to hide my screen header but still show the back button in my Stack Navigator? I have set screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }} in my Stack.Navigator, which hides both the screen header and back button. I would like to just hide the screen header.
Can someone please assist with this? Below is my Stack Navigator:
function SearchStack() {
return (
<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }}>
<Stack.Screen name="SearchScreen" component={SearchScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="SearchListScreen" component={SearchListScreen} />
In the tab navigator the stack is set as:
<Tab.Navigator screenOptions={({ route }) => ({
tabBarIcon: ({ focused, color, size }) => {...})}>
<Tab.Screen name="Search" component={SearchStack} />
This is what I'm currently seeing:
But this is what I would like to have with my Tab navigation bar still at the bottom for the search stack:
This is what I get using options={{headerMode:"none"}} in Stack.Navigator:
The below occurs when adding updating the Stack.Navigator to <Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerTitle:"", headerTransparent:true }}> . How can add or move the back button to the top exactly like the 2nd image, which is achieved when not adding the Stack to the Tab.Screen so changing:
<Tab.Screen name="Search" component={SearchStack} />
<Tab.Screen name="Search" component={SearchScreen} />
but doing this causes the tab to not appear in the Search list screen.
The back button is part of the header, so you can't hide the header and keep the back button.
What you want to do is to hide other parts of the header except for the back button, which would be
Title, with headerTitle: ""
Background, with headerTransparent: true
for hide the back button in react-native, we can use property,
headerBackVisible:false this property only work on android
options={{headerBackVisible: false}}
example use of in Stack
const CustomerStack = () => {
return (
options={{headerShown: false}}
options={{headerTitle: '', headerTransparent: true}}
If you don't want the default header then use like this
screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }}
and write custom code for the header with back button in your component
(If your are using class component) Then
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>this.props.navigation.goBack()} style={{width:'100%', height:45, flexDirection:'row'}}> <Image source={require('back button image path')}/> </TouchableOpacity>
if you want header title too then,
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>this.props.navigation.goBack()} style={{width:'100%', height:45, flexDirection:'row'}}> <Image source={require('back button image path')}/> <Text>SearchListScren</Text> </TouchableOpacity>
Put this code at top of the component code under a container

Is there a way to hide one item in a BottomTabNavigator?

I am building a project in react native. I want to use a bottom tab navigator, but the problem i have is that it automatically shows all screens in the navigator.
I want to hide one of the screens from the bar on the bottom.
Try this on your screen that needs to be hidden
const Tab = createBottomTabNavigator();
options={{ tabBarButton: () => null }}