Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition missing libraries or installation problem -

I bought a new laptop and installed VS Community 2022 (used 2019 previously). I mostly create VB.Net console applications. I had to update a few of my utility apps and all worked fine. I then created a new app to automatically copy and rename photos from Google Drive to One Drive but I was surprised when standard libraries appear to be missing. For example:
Dim image As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Fpath)
shows a red underline below both Bitmaps and reports bitmap is not defined. Even if I change this to System.Drawing.Bitmap, it still says undefined. If I do type in System.Drawing, then intellisense shows only a few options Classes, Structures, etc. like Color, ColorConverter, etc. I had the same problem with System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes.
I uninstalled and reinstalled, selecting more options in case it needs other things. The System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes now works but System.Drawing.Bitmap is still undefined.
I can go to the menu item Project / Add Project Reference... and select COM, search for Drawing and 2 are shown (2.0 and 2.4). Checking either reports no errors however when I go back again, they remain unchecked.
Any suggestions?

In the .NET Framework, the Bitmap and Color types are both defined in the System.Drawing.dll assembly, so being able to access one would mean being able to access the other. In .NET Core, the Color structure is defined in the System.Drawing.Primitives.dll assembly, while the Bitmap class is defined in the System.Drawing.Common.dll. The former is a standard part of .NET Core and is cross-platform while the latter is part of the platform extensions that is specific to Windows.
As you have access to Color and not Bitmap, you have presumably created a project targeting .NET Core rather than .NET Framework. Note that .NET 5 and later are based on .NET Core. You need to either install the appropriate NuGet package to reference the appropriate assembly or else create a new project targeting .NET Framework. All the VS project templates that target .NET Framework say so in the name.


Is possible to create a MS Office com add-in using .Net 5 and an unmanaged shim?

Since VSTO has yet not been ported to .NET Core, can I do it the old fashioned way and create a unmanaged shim to load the CLR and host the managed .Core 5 add-in?
My particular use case is an Outlook COM add-in that is currently built using VSTO against .NET framework 4.7 but I want to start leveraging .NET 5. In terms of interaction with Outlook, it just adds some buttons on the Ribbon and makes a few calls into the Outlook object model. I don't need to do anything like VSTO document based add-in in Excel for example.
I don't want to down the JS path as there is quite a bit of C# code that would need to be ported.
I found this which shows how to do it with the .NET framework, and am assuming its pretty close if not identical to what the shim wizard did back in VS 2010.
Since I need to load .NET 5 I believe to load the CLR I will need to do something along the lines of what is outlined here:
Before I dig further into it, is the approach likely to work? In particular, will in be possible to do necessary COM gymnastics to instantiate the managed components?
And assuming all this is feasible, will this be more or less equivalent to what VSTO does for .NET framework 4.x, i.e. is it less safe or performant in any way or will there be any functionality that won't be available compared with an add-in built with VSTO?
Update 1
I did some more research which raised some additional potential issues.
For the .NET framework case, once a class has been loaded into the CLR it is relatively easy to "unwrap" the returned reference to get a COM pointer which can be used to access COM interfaces that the type implements. It is not clear to me how this can be done when loading the .NET Core runtime using netfxr interface.
.NET Core does not have the concept of app domains, does that mean the multiple add-ins loaded into the Core runtime would not be isolated, or there a way to achieve some degree of isolation? From what I have read it seems that maybe their heaps would at least be isolated but I'm not sure.
Update 2
From reading this it seems that in Core, requests to types in assemblies as COM servers will result in auto loading the Core runtime (if it isn't already loaded) and create the object in a separate AssemblyLoadContext so maybe a shim is not needed at all? On the other hand it seems that if the Core runtime is already loaded and the version does match what is required by type you are trying to create, then the type will fail to load, so that seem to be a problem...

"Could not resolve mscorlib ... .NETFramework,Version=v2.0" in VS2015 from VB6

My question is similar to others, but my particular nuance of this problem doesn't appear to have an answer I can find on here so far, so here goes. (edits in italics)
Our company has a deployed application written in VB6. Since VB6 development is no longer officially supported in Windows, our company made the decision to port our VB6 application to VB.NET.
(Prior to this edit, I had mentioned that the project was converted to VB.NET using VS 2015. This was incorrect, I discovered that my coworker had actually performed the conversion using VS 2008, and I was working on the 2008 project in 2015.)
So we are now working with the VB.NET conversion in VS2015. As many of us know, the VS 2008 converter does an incomplete job porting VB6 code to VB.NET code so there are many, many errors to sort through (as of this writing, all compile errors are fixed). In particular, though, I'm trying to open the various forms for the project in the Designer so I can see and work with them. The designer specifically is reporting the error:
Could not resolve mscorlib for target framework '.NETFramework,Version=v2.0'. This can happen if the target framework is not installed or if the framework moniker is incorrectly formatted.
I saw some mention of a 256 character limit on dependency paths. This dependency is met in my case. I have also confirmed that .NET Framework 2.0 is installed and active in my instance of Windows. I have seen the recommendation to upgrade the .NET Framework version as well, which was successful in itself but did not resolve this mscorlib issue.
Full call stack for this error follows:
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design.VsTargetFrameworkUniverse..ctor(IDesignTimeAssemblyLoader assemblyLoader, IVsDesignTimeAssemblyResolution projectAssemblyResolution, IVsSmartOpenScope dispenser)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design.VsTargetFrameworkUniverse.GetUniverse(IDesignTimeAssemblyLoader assemblyLoader, IVsDesignTimeAssemblyResolution projectAssemblyResolution, IVsSmartOpenScope dispenser)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Design.VsTargetFrameworkProvider..ctor(IVsDesignTimeAssemblyResolution assemblyResolution, IDesignTimeAssemblyLoader assemblyLoader, TypeDescriptionProvider parentProvider, IVsSmartOpenScope openScope)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.VsTargetFrameworkProviderService.get_TargetFrameworkProvider()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.VsTargetFrameworkProviderService.GetProvider(Type type)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DesignerSerializationManager.GetType(String typeName)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DesignerSerializationManager.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.GetType(String typeName)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.TypeCodeDomSerializer.Deserialize(IDesignerSerializationManager manager, CodeTypeDeclaration declaration)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.CodeDomDesignerLoader.PerformLoad(IDesignerSerializationManager manager)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.VSCodeDomDesignerLoader.PerformLoad(IDesignerSerializationManager serializationManager)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Design.Serialization.CodeDom.VSCodeDomDesignerLoader.DeferredLoadHandler.Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsTextBufferDataEvents.OnLoadCompleted(Int32 fReload)
How can I gain the ability to view my project in the Designer?
As far as I know, opening VB6 files in VB.NET will not work. You will have to make modifications in Visual Studio 6.0 or re-write the application in VB.NET/C#.
Older versions of Visual Studio (until 2008) had some converters but they never really worked as expected.
You can take a look at Visual Basic Tools for Visual Studio, it "allows to work with classic VB workspaces and projects within Visual Studio.", this will allow you to modify the VB6 project in a newer version of Visual Studio but the code will remain VB6.
Regarding your exact issue, others have reported that the following worked for them:
Remove and add back project references that have warnings.
Rebuild the project
Remove and add back Microsoft.Office.Core
Good luck!
As someone who has converted a number of VB6 applications to VB.Net, I always advise a full rewrite. The languages are just too different. You waste far too much time trying to resolve issues of this type.
Better still, just leave the VB6 application running as is.
Microsoft's VB6 support statement

VB.NET how to prevent embedded images in the executable

I'm working in a VB.NET application using Visual Studio 2017.
I'm using a lot of images in my project and if I follow the instructions that I've found in the Internet (add images to a resource file) the executable ends up weighting more than 300MB. This is a huge problem because when I want to send updates to the users they have to download every time 300MB instead of just a few KB, and perhaps some additional images.
I would prefer the images to be stored separately from the executable, in the same folder, but this does not seem to be possible because using the resource file and building a release version they all get eaten inside the executable.
(Note that I need the images to show while working on the designer module, so it is not an option to load them all through code using image.fromfile, which would do exactly what I want)
Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks a lot in advance.
You can create a separate class library project in the same solution. A class library project is compiled to a DLL. Include the image resources in this library project and add it as project reference to the main project.
If the image resources don't change, you don't need to re-distribute this DLL.
A trick that could enable you to use these resources at design time could be to use satellite assemblies for culture specific resources (I never tried it so). In your case you would have only on single culture.
Locating and Using Resources for a Specific Culture (MSDN)
Localizing a Windows Application with Satellite Assemblies (article uses C# but should be the same procedure for VB).
How to Localize Windows Forms and Change the Language at Runtime

How to share WinForms and code between 2 projects

I have a working Windows Forms app (split into an EXE and a few DLLs). Now I've been asked to look at creating another app (MyAppLite) that has only a very small subset of the functionality. Think of it as similar to MS Word Viewer vs. MS Word.
Everything that I need to build MyAppLite is contained in the main solution - essentially I need to use a couple of the WinForms and whatever bits in the DLLs they call into.
What would be the best way to do this?
I was thinking of creating another Project in my solution for MyAppLite, then adding the necessary source files as links (using Add Existing Item > Add As Link in Solution Explorer).
I definitely wouldn't want to maintain 2 copies of the source code.
FYI it's a .NET 2.0 VB app, using VS2008.
You can create a new class library to contain your forms that are common to both projects. Create the new project and copy the forms from the original project into the new class library. Then you can import the class library into both the original project (after removing the original versions of the forms) and the MyAppLite version. If you need to change the forms, change it in the class library and then recompile your applications
You could refactor your project so that it would keep the common functionality in a MyAppCore project, and reference that from both MyApp and MyAppLite. The core dll would contain all the common functionality and take parameters as to what to allow and what to restrict, so the set of features in your lite version is customizable(say you have a customer that reaaaallly wants a preview of a certain feature).

Visual Studio 2010, using VB.NET. Intellisense does not recognize new property until I recompile

I have an ASP.NET VB.NET web project that references a VB.NET class library.
I add a new property to a class in the class library, then, from the web app, I expect to be able to use it immediately w/o errors and with full intellisense.
It used to work in 2008.
When I compile the class library, it becomes available but not until.
Was this nice feature taken away, perhaps in the interest of speed?
What's likely happening here is that the Class Library and ASP.Net applications are targeting different versions of the framework. If they are using incompatible versions of the framework then VB.Net will treat it as a file reference instead of a project reference and would give you the behavior you're seeing.
Right click on the project, select the Appilication Tab and make sure that both have the same value selected for Target Framework. That should fix the problem.
Visual Studio 2010 will officially launch on April 12, 2010. I'd say there's a good chance that problem will be fixed in it. Go see.
EDIT: corrected the date.