How to specify fixed length fields in the xml config file in jpos - iso8583

We can specify numbers up to 99 with length IFA_LLNUM, as well as strings up to 999 with LLLCHAR, but how can we specify a number with a fixed length of 8 or specify a string with a fixed length of 12

You can use org.jpos.iso.IF_CHAR for that.


Numeric value (9000000000000) out of range of int (-2147483648 - 2147483647) in splunk

Because I have very large data, I changed the value of maxresultrows
change maxresultrows
But when I use the dbxquery command, I get the following error. Is there a solution?
show error
The solution is to set maxresultrows to a value in the specified range.
Also, be aware of this note about maxresultrows in limits.conf.spec:
This limit should not exceed 50000.
A (64 bit machine) integer has a size of 4 bytes or 32 bits. The first bit is reserved for the sign. So there are only 2^31-1 (=2147483647) positive integers (excluding 0) and 2^31 (=2147483648) negative integers. It is like trying to write the number 12345 with only 4 digits.
Of course there are exceptions to the size of integers, but most languages standardized them to always be 4 bytes long.

The meaning of the "consumed" number in the unpack error of jpos

I use jpos to parse iso8583 message and when I see ISOException I get two numbers, the first one specifies the error field, the second one does not specify the next field nor the used bytes, for example:
"...Field length 81 too long. Max: 11) unpacking field=32, consumed=55"
can any body help?

How to get text bytes used by a string in Hive?

I have some data in Hive 1.2.1 table. I have to get raw bytes of a specific column. The column data is html raw in multiple languages. In order to get length of characters, I can use simple query like below
select baseurl, LENGTH(content) from clss limit 30;
Above query is ok for characters length the problem is for text other is English, their value is incorrect. For a Character in Arabic, it is saved as unicoded that's why character length is changed. Some characters are of two bytes and some are single byte.
Is there any builtin function to know bytes of text instead of characters ?
Function character_length(string str) was added in Jira HIVE-15979 And it says Fix versions 2.3.0. If you cannot upgrade your Hive (and this is quite risky), then try to download UDF source codes and build it, then add jar and create temporary function.
Download code:

Hexadecimal numbers vs. hexadecimal enocding (with base64 as well)

Encoding with hexadecimal numbers seems to be different from using hexadecimals to represent numbers. For example, then hex number 0x40 to me should be equal to 64, or BA_{64}, but when I put it through this hex to base64 converter, I get the output: QA== which to me is equal to some number times 64. Why is this?
Also when I check the integer value of the hex string deadbeef I get 3735928559, but when I check it other places I get: 222 173 190 239. Why is this?
Addendum: So I guess it is because it is easier to break the number into bit chunks than treat it as a whole number when encoding? That is pretty confusing to me but I guess I get it.
You may wish to read this:
In summary, base64 specifies a specific encoding, which involves using different values for letters than their ASCII encoding.
For the second part, one source is treating the entire string as a 32 bit integer, and the other is dividing it into bytes and giving the value of each byte.

Do certain characters take more bytes than others?

I'm not very experienced with lower level things such as howmany bytes a character is. I tried finding out if one character equals one byte, but without success.
I need to set a delimiter used for socket connections between a server and clients. This delimiter has to be as small (in bytes) as possible, to minimize bandwidth.
The current delimiter is "#". Would getting an other delimiter decrease my bandwidth?
It depends on what character encoding you use to translate between characters and bytes (which are not at all the same thing):
In ASCII or ISO 8859, each character is represented by one byte
In UTF-32, each character is represented by 4 bytes
In UTF-8, each character uses between 1 and 4 bytes
In ISO 2022, it's much more complicated
US-ASCII characters (of whcich # is one) will take only 1 byte in UTF-8, which is the most popular encoding that allows multibyte characters.
It depends on the encoding. In Single-byte character sets such as ANSI and the various ISO8859 character sets it is one byte per character. Some encodings such as UTF8 are variable width where the number of bytes to encode a character depends on the glyph being encoded.
The answer of course is that it depends. If you are in a pure ASCII env, then yes, every char takes 1 byte, but if you are in a Unicode env (all of Windows for example), then chars can range from 1 to 4 bytes in size.
If you choose a char from the ASCII set, then yes your delimter is a small as possible.
No, all characters are 1 byte, unless you're using Unicode or wide characters (for accents and other symbols for example).
A character is 1 byte, or 8 bits, long which gives 256 possible combination to form characters with. 1 byte characters are called ASCII characters. They only use 7 bits (even though 8 are available, but you can't use this 8th bit) to form the standard alphabet and various symbols used when teletypes and typewriters were still common.
You can find an ASCII chart and what numbers correspond to what characters here.