Adobe Pdf - Hiding buttons on PNG export - pdf

Good Day,
I'm creating a form in Adobe and need to use the form exported as an image. However, when exporting, the buttons appear in the output image. I was wondering if there is a way to hide the buttons when exporting the from as an PNG image.

You can hide your button before exporting it to an image.

Okay! Since there were not very helpful answers to my question and after searching the web for a while, according to help desk link below, the buttons can be invisible except for a rollover act that make them visible. This way the when the form is exported as an image the unwanted buttons like "Form Reset" will not be exported to the image and yet it's there to reset the form.
Hide an Acrobat button except during rollover


How to add floating button in PDF?

I would like to add a floating button in PDF. However, after doing a lot research on internet, I didn't find any answers.
I would like the button to float/move across the pages with the scroll bar as the document is scrolled. Is there a way to implement it in PDF?
Note: I would prefer to not to use JavaScript to implement it.
Thanks in advance.
As #mkl commented, it is not possible to add a floating button in PDF without using JavaScript.
PDF is meant to be used for fixed layout and not dynamically change as it is being viewed.
The closest I could find to what you are looking to do is this article about creating text that shows/hides depending on where the cursor is. I can't think of a way to leverage this though to change the position of a button as a user scrolls and even then you would most likely run into different PDF viewers handling it differently.

How to display hide text in acrobat?

I want to create one pdf file. and I that pdf contain questions. I want to add one button or image so that whenever user click on that image so I will show the answer below question. I means I don't want user open pdf file and see the answer but if they want to see answer so they can click on button or image file. how to do this using adobe acrobat? thank in advanced
What you are referring to is essentially layers on Adobe Acrobat.
What you want to do is create the answers as individually separate layers as described in the link above.
Once you have a separate layer [answer], you can associate a link to show/hide it - The link in this case will be what someone clicks to show the answer.
Repeat the above for each question/answer pair.
Layers are a simple way to show/hide all answers at once.
If you want to show/hide individual answers, you could put them into a text field set to readonly, and show/hide this field on an individual (or global) basis.

Editing Flexslider HTML

I'm still new to coding. I downloaded flex slider, and I have it running fine on my site and working fine. However I can't make ANY edits into my html regarding the slider. It has the 'next' and 'previous' image links on my gallery, which I would like to replace. It shows up in the html when I inspect it in firebug, yet when I run my html through my text editor (Im using text mate), it doesn't show up at all!
Any ideas why?
I think you are talking about the navigational arrows on the left and right side of the images. This can be changes in the "flexslider.css" file. If you are using textmate then the line number is 52.
Probably the easiest way is to find the image here images/bg_direction_nav.png. Right click the image and open with your image editing software eg. photoshop. Then once you have change the image just save it and it will be saved in the same folder location. If you keep the image the same size then you will not have to mess around with anything else..

save textbox as picture in powerpoint_transparancy difficulties

In powerpoint 2010 I want to save an inserted textbox as a picture, which is simply done by right-clicking on the text box and save it. The saved image will however include a large amount of transparancy around the text. I am wondering whether this abundance of transparency around the text can be reduced, whithout using photo-editing programs.
I understand that powerpoint is not the right tool to use the beautifuly created texts for other purposes aside from office itself, however this would make things ten times easier for some coworkers of mine.
I hope someone can help me with this, also if it means using VBA or other (complex) codes/languages.
Thnx for your time.
Once you have typed your text in the textbox,
Copy the text box, right-click and paste as image
Now you have the image of the text box as you will get while saving that textbox as image - - using the save_as_image option
Select this image and click on format tab
You have an option to crop your image
Crop the image and save it as a picture

Is it possible to have a PDF file open at a predefined magnification in Adobe Reader?

We have a downloadable PDF file which looks great at 72% magnification in Adobe Reader and not so good at 101%. When downloaded and opened in the reader, its default magnification is 101%.
Is there a way to define the default magnification in the PDF file itself so that we ensure the best user experience?
Thank you!
If you can control the URL used to download, you can put parameters in the URL to control how the built-in reader will display the file.
For example, will set the magnification to 50%.
The above applies to the built-in reader supplied by Adobe. Other readers may not honor the parameters. In particular, see the answer to this question regarding Chrome.
An example of how to define magnification when opening a file (regardless of the default one):
AcroRd32 /A "zoom=50=OpenActions" sh.pdf
First, this is a programming website, so you should identify a programming context. This question will probably be closed because it belongs on the soon to be launched
To set the default magnification, you need Adobe Acrobat Standard or Professional not Reader to have the ability to edit pdfs. Then when you open the document, click File | Properties. Click the Initial View tab and enter 72% in the magnification text box and click ok. Save your pdf and reopen it. It should default to 72% magnification when it is opened.
Note: I am unsure if other open source pdf editors provide this type of functionality.
Update: Standard doesn't work for saving magnifications.
For Adobe Standard, go to "Edit" then "Preferences."
When you click on the "Page Display" tab on the left, you'll see a panel with a field called "Zoom," where you can select a percentage from a drop-down menu.
If the above suggestions are not working it may be because the bookmarks can contain zoom instructions in their properties. To look at the bookmark properties select a bookmark in the bookmark panel and right click it to open properties. Choose actions. There should be a description of actions that will be applied when clicking on the bookmark.
The best solution I have found is that you can add a subsequent property for zoom instructions that will execute following the initial one, and set the page zoom to your specifications. To do this, select all of the bookmarks, right click to open properties, then actions, then choose the add function. After choosing add, find the zoom instruction that is the best fit for what you are looking for.
If you want to edit the initial zoom instruction through the edit function in bookmark properties on all bookmarks, you cannot select all, because, although the zoom will be set correctly, every bookmark will be set to one bookmark page. If you wish to edit the properties this way you must edit each, one by one.