save textbox as picture in powerpoint_transparancy difficulties - vba

In powerpoint 2010 I want to save an inserted textbox as a picture, which is simply done by right-clicking on the text box and save it. The saved image will however include a large amount of transparancy around the text. I am wondering whether this abundance of transparency around the text can be reduced, whithout using photo-editing programs.
I understand that powerpoint is not the right tool to use the beautifuly created texts for other purposes aside from office itself, however this would make things ten times easier for some coworkers of mine.
I hope someone can help me with this, also if it means using VBA or other (complex) codes/languages.
Thnx for your time.

Once you have typed your text in the textbox,
Copy the text box, right-click and paste as image
Now you have the image of the text box as you will get while saving that textbox as image - - using the save_as_image option
Select this image and click on format tab
You have an option to crop your image
Crop the image and save it as a picture


PoiwerPoint auto-updating text boxes

I want to know if there is a way to link text boxes in PowerPoint in a similar fashion as Excel so that when I update one text box (for instance, changing the title of the presentation), the other linked text boxes will update by themselves. The purpose is to avoid having to go through the whole presentation to change manually every relevant slides. I don't think there is a build in function but I am fairly new to VBA in PowerPoint (have some experience with Excel already). Any input is very much appreciated, thank you!

Scale text to fit in a text box in illustrator using scripts(javascript)?

I have been trying to figure out how to get a font to shrink to fit in to its text box, but it needs to scale down the font size. I want to be able to do it to multiple text boxes at once. I dont have any coding right now. I know a little JavaScripting but not 100% sure how to do if for illustrator.
You can use the code snippet in my LinkedIn article: Dealing with Overset Text.
The Illustrator scripting API gives one some control over the paragraphs, lines, words, characters and arbitrary text ranges of an Illustrator text frame. One upgrade my script could use though is to incorporate text-on-a-path - maybe someday soon I'll fix it up and update my article.
As for using the snippet, just run it however you choose to run scripts (put into App scripts folder or use File > Scripts > Other Scripts. When you run it, any overset text boxes which are area text will have their font shrunk to no longer be overset. You can use this same snippet with Illustrator variable data to ensure a batch process will not have oversets.

Convert an embedded Excel Picture into an Object

I created a logo in Publisher.
Using TechSmith Snagit, I captured the image and saved as a JPEG.
I fetched the image inside of Excel and placed it in a properly sized cell(s)
I don't want to have a file that has the image (have seen in researching some solutions) -- Nevertheless, everything must be self-contained in my Excel vba Application.
Excel (2013) has a tendency to either erase the image or it creeps when the app is opened on other displays. (And it does this with ActiveX Controls, too)
So... a friend wrote code that stretches or centers ActiveX Controls inside cells. Works brilliantly, except I want to apply the code to the Picture (say Picture 12) ... the Logo ...
If I could convert the Picture into an Object (similar to a CommandButton or a SpinButton, I think the code would work.
My work around had been to insert the logo as a BitMap into a CommandButton, and then apply the stretching code to the button... BUT I have image size limitations and the Bitmap is of low resolution, which makes my beautiful logo look terrible.
Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
maybe use base64
Inserting an Image into a sheet using Base64 in VBA?

A Text value change on Powerpoint by using OpenXml doesn't fit

I use OpenXml for creating custom powerpoint presentation in this way: I put a keyword on the presentation, I found it during process with OpenXml and change the text value. Everything work fine but the fit option doesn't work at first.
The text box has options "Autofit: Shrink text on overflow; Wrap text in shape: On"
After my process, the new text appear on the right place but the autofit is not done, I need to click on the text box and make a input for see the autofit work. I think that PowerPoint only check option after a modification.
What I want is the autofit option is called at the end of the process. Can anyone help me?
I hope you understand what I want to do.
It's not possible using just OpenXML. The <a:normAutofit/> tag is used by a client application, such as PowerPoint, to render the text larger or smaller, as needed. OpenXML doesn't actually render anything, so until the client does, it will just read the text as if it is not auto-fitted.
There are a few options to think of to control this - none of them great however. One would be to use VSTO or VBA in PowerPoint to check all shapes on PPTX open and if they have a AutoFit tag, to re-render them. A second way would be to do all the font measurements yourself based on the shape's width & height and then set the font scale to the appropriate percentage. Another would be to make a textbox large enough to fit the largest amount of text you will ever insert and then turn autofit off.
Sorry this doesn't really help you immediately. I've done tons of research on this particular subject and it's all bad news. code to enlarge font size, font name and do page setup in ms.excell

I am creating an excel report from Now it works. But i realize that the apparent does not make sense. I just want enlarge some font size and change font name plus setting up the page to fit my receipt printer (Epson TM-T88IV).
what should i do ?
thanks in advance
First manually set everything up bit by bit until it all fits nicely on your receipt printer.
Once you have everything just the way you want:
Generate a new, plain copy of the report.
Start recording a macro
Manually replicate the changes that you did in your practice sheet onto your macro recording sheet.
Stop recording the Macro, and press Alt-F11 to get to the VB that was generated.
Use the relevant lines of the generated macro to see what you need to add to your report generation code.