Infinity stream of PagingData without pagination - kotlin

I did this by android dev guide
but my code didnt work normal.
This my code
PagingSource -
PagingDataAdapter realisation -
Vm when use pagination =
Fragment where i observing on flow of PagingData -
I cant find and understand why i havent pagination.
And e.c it create infinity loop in flow.


WebdriverIO: Execution context is not available in detached frame

I'm trying to automate a flow that I've been doing at least once a day for the past 3 years. It's an unnecessarily convoluted process that is taking time out of my day. It's an internal proprietary system, so I can't give you any details about it, but suffice to say that I cannot change it. I have to try to automate it the way it is, and I'm stuck with the following error:
Execution context is not available in detached frame "https://..." (are you trying to evaluate?)
I'm using WebdriverIO with the default configuration, which uses Puppeteer internally. When I googled the error, I got a suggestion to add the following flags:
'--disable-web-security', '--disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process'
I did that, but it didn't help:
logLevel: 'trace',
capabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
'goog:chromeOptions': {
args: ['--disable-web-security', '--disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process']
I want to try it out in the REPL to do some more debugging, but I haven't figured out how to add those args when launching the REPL:
npx wdio repl chrome
Everything I've tried so far has failed. If someone knows how to do it, please let me know.
I don't do web automation normally and I chose WebdriverIO, since I have used it in the past for mobile automation. I'm wondering if this is a Puppeteer specific issue and if it would work in Selenium, but I'm not quite sure how to set that up. Puppeteer was just working out of the box.
Any guidance on how to get past this error would be greatly appreciated.
Turns out it was pretty simple:
// Doing stuff inside the frame that causes the next page to show.
// Now that iFrame is gone and I have to switch out of it, to continue:
// After the above call the execution context is not in a detached frame anymore.

Minecraft Modding Using Forge: GradleStart is in default package?

My project runs, and I see my mod populating within Minecraft, but for some reason my code doesn't do anything. I followed a basic tutorial that should be adding an item with a texture. I also set some basic method as such within Main to test whether this is working or not:
public void onPlayerTick(TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent tick)
System.out.println("testing 123");
Upon loading of the world, this doesn't output anything.
Any help?
I think it's working now. I made the dev environment again, this time with a different tutorial from the beginning. The main difference was this tutorial used intellij like me, unlike the other tutorial which used eclipse. Seems to be working because something in the init method printed out something in the format that is expected in the console (meaning it is compiling and using the code properly). So it appears to be working... It seems. I used these tutorials, they were very in depth, would recommend regardless. This is the playlist:

Is automated testing of Open Layers possible?

I am attempting to use selenium to test OpenLayers-2.13.1 functionality.
I am having problems with mouse clicks, mouse downs etc....
I found a couple of out-dated posts with similar problems but their resolution didn't help me.
Does anyone know of any software that can be automated to properly test Open Layers.
We have had some success in using Selenium WebdriverIO in running automated tests of our mapping.
The way we address map click throughs is by exposing a function from the map script from which we can get the pixel location of a feature on the map.
function pixelOfFeature (id) {
return map.getPixelFromCoordinate(...coordinate of feature...)
Then in our test script, once on our loaded mapping page, we query the map object for the pixel of the feature we want to click, and using webdriverio we can then move the mouse to the pixel value within the map css selector, and then perform a .buttonPress().
var client = webdriverio.remote(options)
client.moveToObject('.map', pixel[0], pixel[1]).then(function(){
We use ol3 however the same approach could be taken for openlayers 2
It's probably too late for the OP but hopefully this might help someone get started.

SoundCloud Widget API setVolume Method broken?

I'm successfully using Soundcloud's widget API, except the setVolume() method is broken :(
First, I love the widget, but I'm blown away that after all that amazing work there is no volume control available! People will immediately "back button" out of my site when they hear 100% audio and I can't alter it using setVolume()... I have to get it working or pull it :(
Here is what is happening, I have an instance named "widget" (which loads and plays well on the page).
widget.bind(SC.Widget.Events.READY, function() {
$('#audioIndictments').removeClass('remove'); // This disables a CSS rule, making the soundCloud iframe visible
widget.setVolume(10); // This should set the volume to 10% but doesn't :(
console.log(vol); // This outputs 0.1 in the console :/
console.log(widget); // This outputs the object in the console and I don't see anything out of whack :|
});; // This successfully fires up the widget and the audio begins playing :)
widget.setVolume(10); // Just to see if it makes a difference, after the play() method, I ran setVolume again after the play() method and still no change :(
console.log(vol); // This still outputs 0.1 in the console :/
Strange results. I found another blogger who asked a similar question and got no satisfactory answer. What's the deal here? What am I not seeing?
Thank you for taking the time :)
Try using the a volume between 0 and 1. This fixed it for me.
0.25 = 25% volume
I too am facing the same issue and I discovered that the volume does not reset to full when setVolume method is called outside of the READY event. This is why the setVolume button on the SC api playground works since it's called externally. But there is another problem - when the next track in the playlist is loaded into the widget, it resets the volume back to full and as a result, deafens the user.
I've used a hacky workaround until this is fixed.
Setup a new PLAY_PROGRESS event and call the method inside there.
widget.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS, function() {
The setVolume method will continuously be called when the track is played. Not ideal but it works.
If you have a slider in place for volume then you may use this instead:
widget.bind(SC.Widget.Events.PLAY_PROGRESS, function() {
var vol = jQuery('.slider').val();

Ti.Geolocation callbacks only works when running KitchenSink

I have a problem with Ti.Geolocation that drives me crazy. Only using IOS platform so far. The goal is to get GPS callbacks with highest possible accuracy when I move around with the phone.
The problem is that I have copied most of the code from geolocation.js in KitchenSink, with the relevant part shown below. It looks OK to me, however the behaviour I get is very strange.
I just don't get regular GPS callbacks when I walk around! The compass works fine however and sends me callbacks all the time. I have also tried without subscribing to 'heading' events, but no change in GPS behaviour.
There is only one event that can trigger a GPS-callback with correct data, and that is running KitchenSink! Switching to KitchenSink and back also gives me a callback with accuracy between 5 and 10. If I don't do that, my accuracy can be as high as 1500-2500 (if I get a callback at all, that is).
KitchenSink seems to work fine, but I fail to see what that app does that I do not?!?
I have turned off Wifi in the phone so it wont disturb. This problem is very frustrating and I have spent three days on it now, can someone please help? I have tried compiling against different SDK's too (normally 2.1.1GA but also down to 1.8.2). No change.
if (locationServicesAvailable()) {
Ti.Geolocation.purpose = "Get Lat/Long of your current position";
Ti.Geolocation.accuracy = Ti.Geolocation.ACCURACY_BEST;
Ti.Geolocation.distanceFilter = 10;
Ti.Geolocation.frequency = 0; /* as fast as possible */
Ti.Geolocation.preferredProvider = Ti.Geolocation.PROVIDER_GPS;
if (Ti.Geolocation.hasCompass) {
Ti.Geolocation.showCalibration = false;
Ti.Geolocation.headingFilter = 45;
Ti.Geolocation.addEventListener('heading', handleCompass);
Ti.Geolocation.addEventListener('location', handlePosition);
ui.refresh.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
OK it seems I have found an answer to my problem. It's as simple as setting accuracy to Ti.Geolocation.ACCURACY_NEAREST_TEN_METERS. I'm using the IOS platform, and I'm located in Sweden (in the countryside) if it matters. Don't know if this solution applies to everyone, but I have seen references to this problem ( and solution so I know it exists.
No idea why ACCURACY_BEST doesnt work, but it doesnt for me. I'll test all the other settings too when I get the time but now at least I can continue developing.