CefSharp how i click button - vb.net

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not working pls help ,, thanks

document.getElementsByClassName returns a https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLCollection which is an array like object. You cannot call click directly on the collection, you must select an element from with the collection.
Personally I prefer to use query selector for fetching a single html element.
Anything you are having problems with JavaScript I'd suggest running your script directly in DevTools. See https://github.com/cefsharp/CefSharp/wiki/Trouble-Shooting#javascript-debugging


Selenium Webdriver Onlink Text

What command in webdriver should I use to make sure it clicks the specific text i.e Last Month
the code is
<div class="dt_padded_medium_div">
<a onclick="setLastMonth()" href="#">Last Month</a>
I tried xpath by using firepath but still doesnt work
it was
I used
but still didnt work, am I missing something?
Got the Code working guys, thanks for the help!
If there is only one 'a' element in the page with this text, try this XPath:
//a[text()='Last Month']
If there are more than one element, please, post the full HTML tree else we're unable to write a xpath without know the tag path and ensure it will work
Are you sure your xPath is correct?
Install FirePath on Firefox and experiment with your xPath as on screenshot below.
Also, that does look like a long and brittle xPath. Look up xPath cheat sheets to learn how to make your xPath more robust.
In your case I would imagine something like:
//*[#id='block-2']/descendant::a[text()='Last Month']
(get the element with a particular ID, then search for an <a></a> in that element, no matter how deep, with a particular text)
In your question, you have used a "id" that is not shown in your code, where is #id='block-2'. It is possible for you to have used the wrong id. For us to help you, can you please provide the whole HTML code?
What I can suggest based on the information you have provided is:
Making sure the Xpath you have provided is unique, there is an add-on for Firefox called Firebug you can use. It will help you find out the xpath you are after fast and easy. What you need to do is basically:
download firefox and install it;
download firebug add-on and install it to firefox;
you will notice there is a small bug symbol to the top right of your tool bar, please enable it;
you will see a console pops out, click on inspection button and click on any web element you want to inspect and its html code will be highlighted in the console;
right click on the highlighted code and choose to copy its xpath to clipboard. This way you will never get your xpath wrong.
Here is a quick tutorial:
P.S. There are more than one way to locate a webelement, please consider using the following options as well:
Css selector
class name
This link will direct you to an awesome cheat cheet.
Hope it helps.
Please try to use below code to click on the text Last Month
driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//a[text()='Last Month']")).click();
Hope this helps.
You can use below code to click on the link containing the text 'Last Month'
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Last Month")).click();
First of all make sure that your xpath works correctly, try to use more specific xpath other than just td[5] or smthn like that, for example above could be like:
//div[#class='dt_padded_medium_div']/a[#href] - meaning, we need to find <div> element with specific parent and within it <a> element that has href property
There are a few possibilities.
If you're site doesn´t get rewritten to much you could just go for the link name via
driver.findElement(By.linkName("Last Month");
You could also go for any of the attributes if your site is subject of many rewrites like this and just put "href" and "#" or "onclick" and "setLastMonth()" as arguments when calling it.
static WebElement getLink(String Attribute, String Value /*String ItemText*/){
List<WebElement> Elements = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));
for(int Counter = 0, Counter < Elements.size(); Counter++){
if(Elements.get(Counter).getAttribute(Attribute).contains(Value) /* && Elements.get(Counter).getText().equals(ItemText){
return Elements.get(Counter);
return null;
If you remove the comments it will go completely sure and check for the Attributes and the displayed text.

Click Button With No ID Selenium Java

Apologies for this;
Event Triggers
Push Notifications
How can I Click on Event triggers for example using Selenium Java?
I've tried this code:
By.xpath("//button[contains(text(),'Event triggers')]");
I tried this as well:
WebElement Box= driver.findElement(By.tagName("Event triggers"));
Neither of these worked...
Thank you
Try to using this:
By.xpath("//a[contains(text(),'Event triggers')]");
instead of
By.xpath("//button[contains(text(),'Event triggers')]");
Based on the page source mentioned in the comment I think Event Triggers is not a button but an tag which essentially makes it a link.
As you know the text of the link you are trying to click you can always use:
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Event Triggers"));
to get Event Triggers web element.
Using xpath should be avoided due to slow performance.
Well, if button doesnt have any id , you can try to write dynamic xpath by using "class name" and "type" (there are plenty of examples , you can learn easily how to create your xpath) , or easiest way, use firebug to locate element that you want to click and copy exact Xpath via firebug. And then click.
The correct answer is:
By.xpath("//button[contains(text(),'Event triggers')]").click();
You were missing that click action.

Seaside calling a component inside javascript

I have a seaside application with a master-detail page. The master page has a table that consists of a list of tr records. When the user clicks a particular tr element, I want to call a detail component, which'll show the individual record's data.
Since I cannot make a tr element with callback or have it contain an anchor with a callback, I want the tr's onClick property to have some JavaScript which'll call: subcomponent . When I tried this, I got an error saying call: can only be used in callbacks and tasks.
Using ajax is a workaround, however it breaks the back button.
More generally, I'd like to know how to set callback like behaviour for various JavaScript events.
Well, you cannot render a component in a tr element, but you could add some anchor or other element in one of its td children.
For my project I did roughly the following: I added an anchor to each row with a special css class, e.g. '.dblclick-action'. This anchor has a normal Seaside callback.
Then I bound a dblclick handler to the tr element that does something like document.location=$(this).find('.dblclick.ction').get(0).href;
I am not close to a Smalltalk image now to give you source code, but I hope you get the idea: you don't use Ajax to click the link in that particular row, but instead have the browser navigate to the callback that is associated to the link in that row. You could say you use the tr.'s dblclick handler to click the link and then let the normal Seaside stuff do its work. No magic there. You can find a little bit more info here.
If you don't want the anchor to be visible you may want to experiment with making the anchor invisible (display: none) or the like.
If you are a bit more experiment friendly, you can also try saving a callback on the server and render its url with callback id as an attribute of the tr element and use the dblclick handler to follow the link from that attribute you extract the value of an attribute in query using attr().
I forgot to answer your initial question: you cannot issue a call: from javascript. But you can use the document.location trick to re/misuse an existing link to a callback on the page using the technique I described in my first answer.

Sencha Touch - Multiple instance of one panel generated on adding to viewport

I have generated fieldset (textboxes,selectfield etc) inside panel. After login done i display this panel using bellow code from my controller.js
Ext.Viewport.add({xtype: 'IntakePanel'});
Ext.Viewport.setActiveItem({xtype: 'IntakePanel'});
But after this if i try to inspect i can found two panels are there
And due to this if i try to access fields of panel i got array with length 2/4 etc.
I try to remove it using
Ext.Viewport.remove(Ext.Viewport.getActiveItem(), true);
but doesn't help much.
Please help me on this.
I think the framework is reinstantiating your component because when you pass only the xtype, it can't know you are trying to reference the same instance as before. try adding an id to your instance and instead of passing an xtype to setActiveItem, give it the result of a component query.

How to click on Toolbar Item with selenium?

Web page contain a button with some text for example "Test". This button actually is a toolbar element. ( class ="tbButton" id="id",text="Test") and redirects to a certain table when press on it.
When try to use the following click methods
selenium.click("//*[text()='Test'and contains(#class, 'tbButton')] ");
the button does not react
Could enybody show an alternative methods that is able to resolve a problem
It's hard to know exactly what the problem is without knowing more about the actual contents of the page you are testing. Is there an example of the toolbar online somewhere?
With modern interfaces, locating elements with Selenium is not always an exact science. Here are a few suggestions:
With modern interfaces you often find that the DOM is being manipulated, so it is possible that the identifier you are using is no longer valid by the time you get to your click(). Use Firebug to check that you have the correct element.
Often it helps to click on the parent of the element, such as a div or the parent table cell. Again, use FireBug, to try some other elements near your toolbar button. Alternatively, Firebug sometimes reveals that the element contains other elements. You might have more luck changing the target to a contained element instead.
Sometimes you have to play around with some of the alternative actions. For instance, some controls respond to a mouseDown() followed by a mouseUp(), but not to a click(). Again you can often get hints from looking at the source with Firebug.