Execute .kts (kotlin script) from gradle - kotlin

A gradle project, using the org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm plugin
The project has some *.kts kotlin script files located inside src/main/kotlin. The scripts do various tasks, for instance there is a script for loading test data from a set of CSV files into a local H2 database, a script for creating a test user in the database etc.
I currently run these scripts using IntelliJ IDEA run configurations
The gradle build file is using kotlinscript (build.gradle.kts)
To make things easier to set up for new developers, I would like to configure gradle so I can run the scripts directly using gradle. That would simplify my README.md, instead of "use IntelliJ to execute the script xxx.kts with arguments yyy and zzz, then nnn.kts", I could write "execute gradle loadTestDataIntoLocalH2Database".
Is there a simple way to execute a *.kts script from gradle?

Puzzled my answer together from https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/plugins.html#sec:script_plugins , https://kotlinexpertise.com/execute-kotlin-scripts-with-gradle/ and https://stackoverflow.com/a/52139585/9936828
Although I didn't try it, the second link seems like the best solution if you are ok with adding the scripts to your projects package instead of keeping them as loose scripts.
Tested with gradle 7.2.
First option is the most straightforward with no changes to code, but requires you to install the kotlin compiler CLI (kotlinc), gradle can then call it to execute the scripts:
task<Exec>("MyTask") {
commandLine("kotlinc", "-script", "foo.gradle.kts")
Then call it with gradle -q MyTask. Or obviously you could also provide the direct instructions to run kotlinc for the user without wrapping it in gradle.
Second option would be to load your script as a plugin. This however causes the kotlinscript annotations such as external imports (#file:Import, etc) to not work.
Wrap your code in your script in a task:
tasks.create("MyTask") {
doLast {
<do your stuff here>
load as plugin in your build script:
apply(from = "foo.kts")
Then call it with gradle -q MyTask.


Use custom script in Intelij IDEA to run sbt shell

Is it possible to run sbt shell in Intelij IDEA using custom script instead of built in sbt or sbt from sbt-launch.jar? Why I need this, for example there is some project which uses custom script to set config file location, VM parameters, and other options for sbt and this script is shared in version control system. And it would be very convenient to just specify for IntelliJ IDEA location of such script.
This is currently not possible. However, to pass project-specific sbt command line parameters to sbt you may place a .sbtopts in your project directory, and likewise a .jvmopts for VM parameters.

Intellij: Define default task to be used for all new Java projects

For almost every Java project I have, I define a new Gradle task to build a jar with the javadocs. Specifically, I add the following to almost every build.gradle:
task jarJavadoc(type: Jar, dependsOn: ['javadoc']) {
classifier = 'javadoc'
from javadoc.destinationDir
artifacts {
archives jarJavadoc
Is there a way to configure Intellij so that it automatically adds these lines to every new Gradle Java project?
I think you could explore couple of options:
First is creating a gradle file (e.g. init.gradle) in your GRADLE_HOME directory (e.g ~/.gradle/) and define the common parts there. Gradle always applies those files first while processing your build scripts. Note, everything you configure there is going to be available in
every Gradle project on your machine. Which means e.g. if you depend
on Java plugin (like you do in an example you provided) and you create
other project which doesn't depend on Java, this approach may produce
configuration errors so use it with caution.
You could write a simple Gradle plugin which adds common tasks you require to a project. With this approach you will still need to duplicate the apply plugin: 'your plugin'
You could leverage File and Code templates and update Gradle build script template to include the common code.
You can also mix the last 2 examples and write a plugin which configures the common tasks and modify Gradle build script template to include your plugin.
You could apply the nebula.javadoc-jar plugin.
plugins {
id 'nebula.javadoc-jar' version '5.1.0'

How to get IntelliJ to associate Gradle sources with build.gradle?

When writing Gradle scripts for my Java project, specifically, when writing build.gradle files, IntelliJ does not recognize the Gradle API.
For instance, Gradle methods calls like apply, dependencies configure appear with a black line under them and it is not possible to navigate to method declarations, there is no auto-completion etc.
I managed to work around this by adding compile gradleApi() to the build's dependencies block. However, I don't want to have this explicit dependency in my code.
I tried editing IntelliJ's project structure and add a dependency on a Gradle library (tried gradle-core and gradle-all) to my modules, but that seems to have no effect.
Is there a way to make IntelliJ associate all build.gradle files with the Gadle sources?
I solved this problem as follows:
As mention in already posted answers, configure gradle
update gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties file
change bin to all in distributionUrl i.e.
[optional] If you are using old version of gradle wrapper and wanted to upgrade, then execute
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version 6.8.3 --distribution-type all
Update gradle task (if present in build file)
wrapper {
gradleVersion = '6.8.3'
distributionType = Wrapper.DistributionType.ALL
Before importing the project to IntelliJ-Idea IDE, update build.gradle and add java and idea plugin to the plugins list
plugins {
id "java-library"
id "idea"
From a terminal, execute ./gradlew clean build idea or simply ./gradlew idea
Import project to IntelliJ idea.
Go to Preferences --> build,Execution,Deployment --> BuildTools --> Gradle
You can see
Restart IntelliJ idea IDE.
So above we have configured both of the options so choose either of them, except the specified location option. That's it.
Autocomplete functionality as mentioned in this answer.
I had similar frustrations with Grails 3, which defines and runs a wrapper task when an app is created. Changing to the "all" zip in the wrapper properties file did not work because this kept getting changed back to the "bin" zip.
This was solved when it was understood that the "gradle-wrapper.properties" file simply stores the values from the "wrapper" task, and if this task is run after the properties are changed, they get changed right back.
This is easily fixed by setting some properties on the wrapper task:
Now importing the project into IDEA gives you smart editing of your build.gradle.
when I choose build.gradle in IDEA and open it, IDE prompts
You can configure Gradle wrapper to use distribution with sources. It will provide IDE with Gradle API/DSL documentation.
I choose Ok, apply suggestion!
after project refreshing I am able to use code completion
before you import your project, configure it to use the customizable gradle wrapper as per the instructions here :-
add a task to your top level project like this:-
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
println "Wrapper gradleVersion = '2.12'"
gradleVersion = '2.12'
or whatever the latest version is.
make sure you can build the project from the gradle command line before you try importing into intelliJ, using the ./gradlew command, which will download and install a gradle distribution for you the first time you build.
set your java home, intelliJ home and gradle home variables in your machine and in intelliJ (mine look like this, yours may be different depending on your setup and your history of hacking around your machine...:-
(from .bashrc
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_45.jdk/Contents/Home
When you do import, choose the customisable gradle wrapper. if all is well, when you open the top level build.gradle for your project, you will be asked to configure sources for the gradle dsl, which will also update your gradle wrapper properties file to this:-
#Thu Mar 31 14:04:00 BST 2016
.. the change being from ... bin.zip to all.zip. and that's it. This had been giving me lots of grief for a long time, but that's the way to do it. (on IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1 CE at least...)
most of this was in
Dimitry's answer too, but I couldn't get it to work using the default wrapper , it had to be the customisable wrapper.

How to set environment vars in IntelliJ for Gradle tasks

the easiest way to pass spring profiles to gradle bootRun is (for me) by environment variable (e.g. SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE), when run on commandline.
Unlike the Application configurations, the config for gradle tasks does not provide an input for environment variables. And as VM options don't get picked up either as it seems, I can not run those tasks from the IDE.
I am aware, that I could start IntelliJ with the envvar set, but this seems rather cumbersome.
So what I need is the IntelliJ pendant for SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev,testdb gradle bootRun, unless there is a good reason, they have left this out.
System is linux, intellij 14. The project in question is using springboot and I want to move over from running main in IntelliJ to running with springloaded+bootRun and separate compileGroovy calls as IntelliJ is not "understanding" the gradle file completely and therefor hides errors.
Make the System.properties available in the bootRun (or other) tasks.
bootRun.systemProperties = System.properties
This way we can set in IntelliJ VM Options like -Dspring.profiles.active=dev.
Here is my solution for setting up Spring environment variables / settings with Gradle / IntelliJ
Firstly, define a basic properties file, and then one based on your environment, such as:
#PropertySources(value = {#PropertySource("classpath:default.properties"),#PropertySource("classpath:${env}.properties")})
Int the above example, pay careful attention to the #PropertySource("classpath:${env}.properties"). This is an environment variable being pulled through.
Next, add a VM argument to IntelliJ (via the Gradle Tasks Run Configurations) - or as an argument via the gradle command line.
Lastly, copy the properties across in the gradle task as #cfrick mentioned and #mdjnewman have correctly shown:
tasks.withType(org.springframework.boot.gradle.run.BootRunTask) {
bootRun.systemProperties = System.properties
I've had success adding the following to my build.gradle file:
tasks.withType(org.springframework.boot.gradle.run.BootRunTask) {
systemProperty('spring.profiles.active', 'local')
This allows gradlew bootRun to be run from IntelliJ without requiring any changes to the IntelliJ Run/Debug Configurations (and also from the command line without having to manually specify a profile).

IntelliJ 14 Gradle task in Test Runner

Upgraded to IntelliJ 14.0.1 One of the big new features I was looking for:
"If you run tests via a Gradle task, the IDE offers you the standard Test Runner instead of the console output." (Source: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/whatsnew/#buildTools)
I right click on the Gradle Task to run our Integration Tests:
However, I see the results of the test still going to console output, not to the Test Runner:
Has anyone been able to get this new feature in IntelliJ IDEA 14 to work?
Thank you in advance,
Looks like IntelliJ looks for a task named "test" rather than a task of type Test.
Rename the test task to unitTest and then create a wrapper that runs both:
// Rename test to unitTest
tasks.test.name = "unitTest"
// Wrap and run both
task test(dependsOn:['unitTest', 'integrationTest'])
If you only want to run integration tests, just overwrite it:
task test(overwrite: true, dependsOn: ['integrationTest'])
This allows me to run the integration tests in the test runner successfully (at least it works in IDEA 15 EAP but it should work in 14 as well I would think).
I still get this in IntelliJ 2017.1, but specifically when running tests in the gradle buildSrc directory. After digging a while, it turns out that the Gradle API doesn’t expose the test tasks in the special buildSrc directory to Intellij, so IntelliJ doesn’t recognize it as a test.
Workaround: Open another IntellIJ project for the buildSrc directory directory instead of trying to run tests cleanly inside the root project.