Use custom script in Intelij IDEA to run sbt shell - intellij-idea

Is it possible to run sbt shell in Intelij IDEA using custom script instead of built in sbt or sbt from sbt-launch.jar? Why I need this, for example there is some project which uses custom script to set config file location, VM parameters, and other options for sbt and this script is shared in version control system. And it would be very convenient to just specify for IntelliJ IDEA location of such script.

This is currently not possible. However, to pass project-specific sbt command line parameters to sbt you may place a .sbtopts in your project directory, and likewise a .jvmopts for VM parameters.


SBT can't read environment variables in IntelliJ

I defined a new environment variable in ~/.zshrc like that: export JVM_XMX=-Xmx2048M. I can verify that it was set correctly running export command and finding it in the list.
Now I want to use it in SBT. I've tried these two approaches:
But the value couldn't be found or the Option is None. Errors that I see are:
NoSuchElementException: key not found: JVM_XMX
NoSuchElementException: None.get
What I also tried was to add the variable into SBT in IntelliJ Settings. I went to Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> sbt and set VM parameters to -DJVM_XMX=-Xmx2048M. It didn't help.
Anyone knows how to setup SBT to work with IntelliJ correctly?
Versions used:
sbt 1.2.8
IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.1
As a workaround I was able to use system properties (scala.sys.SystemProperties). This works because this is the way how to find values added into SBT in IntelliJ Settings.
Code example from build.sbt:
I was finally able to figure out what was the real problem. My .bashrc file was incorrectly set up (I had the variables only in .zshrc). After adding environment variables into correct rc file, the problem was fixed.
If you'd like this property to be part of your project, and not only in your solution, you can add a file names ".sbtopts" at the root of your repository, next to the build.sbt file.
In this file you can configure the JVM options.
For instance you can add there:
I couldn't find the sbt documentation supporting my suggestion, but it works for me :)
I was able to work around this issue by going to Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> sbt, then enabling sbt shell for builds and project reload.

Intellij Command Used for "Refrsh SBT Project"

I'm wondering what is the actual sbt command that Intellij is executing when I use "Refresh sbt project" from the sbt window. I would like to understand how the same command can be issued from the sbt shell.
The IntelliJ Scala plugin ships with the sbt-structure sbt plugin, which gets automatically loaded with sbt shell sessions that you start from the IDE. When you enable sbt shell for imports, a refresh simply writes commands similar to these to the sbt shell:
> set org.jetbrains.sbt.StrcutureKeys.sbtStructureOptions in Global := "prettyPrint download"
> */*:dumpStructureTo structure.xml
To actually import the project structure, IntelliJ also runs an additional step which does not happen in sbt.

Intellij and sbt: How to make intellij to read custom configuration file for my play application tests?

For my test (Play Framework 2.6 app) I want to use different configuration file.
For this, I've added the following line into build.sbt
javaOptions in Test += "-Dconfig.file=conf/application.test.conf"
When I run tests from sbt (sbt test), it works fine, reads the custom configuration file.
But when running tests from IntelliJ IDEA, it ignores this setting and uses application.conf file.
How to force IntelliJ to use this sbt setting?
You have to edit your intellij configurations.
To do that use this :
Once you're in the edit configurations page, add ScalaTest into the list of your configurations. Then add -Dconfig.file=conf/application.test.conf under VM Parameters.
Save, and done!

How to set environment vars in IntelliJ for Gradle tasks

the easiest way to pass spring profiles to gradle bootRun is (for me) by environment variable (e.g. SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE), when run on commandline.
Unlike the Application configurations, the config for gradle tasks does not provide an input for environment variables. And as VM options don't get picked up either as it seems, I can not run those tasks from the IDE.
I am aware, that I could start IntelliJ with the envvar set, but this seems rather cumbersome.
So what I need is the IntelliJ pendant for SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev,testdb gradle bootRun, unless there is a good reason, they have left this out.
System is linux, intellij 14. The project in question is using springboot and I want to move over from running main in IntelliJ to running with springloaded+bootRun and separate compileGroovy calls as IntelliJ is not "understanding" the gradle file completely and therefor hides errors.
Make the available in the bootRun (or other) tasks.
bootRun.systemProperties =
This way we can set in IntelliJ VM Options like
Here is my solution for setting up Spring environment variables / settings with Gradle / IntelliJ
Firstly, define a basic properties file, and then one based on your environment, such as:
#PropertySources(value = {#PropertySource(""),#PropertySource("classpath:${env}.properties")})
Int the above example, pay careful attention to the #PropertySource("classpath:${env}.properties"). This is an environment variable being pulled through.
Next, add a VM argument to IntelliJ (via the Gradle Tasks Run Configurations) - or as an argument via the gradle command line.
Lastly, copy the properties across in the gradle task as #cfrick mentioned and #mdjnewman have correctly shown:
tasks.withType( {
bootRun.systemProperties =
I've had success adding the following to my build.gradle file:
tasks.withType( {
systemProperty('', 'local')
This allows gradlew bootRun to be run from IntelliJ without requiring any changes to the IntelliJ Run/Debug Configurations (and also from the command line without having to manually specify a profile).

What is the command line option to pass into the activator framework to generate an intellij project?

I'd like to generate the intellij project files from a typesafe activator project via a script - is there a command line interface or command i can use for this purpose?
(i wasn't able to find directions for one online, or in the usual help locations)
Please note that since IntelliJ IDEA version 13 it is no longer necessary to generate files for IntelliJ IDEA. sbt support is now build in, you can open/import the project by opening your build.sbt with IntelliJ IDEA:
Remember that Activator is just an sbt wrapper with optional UI mode. So what you want is sbt-idea:
The Activator UI will auto-add this plugin and then (on the Code tab) it has an "open in" menu item to generate the intellij project.
If you want to script it, there are two steps:
add the plugin (either drop an idea.sbt in project/ directory or put it globally in ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins)
run activator gen-idea