Closing (Auto)Closeables that exist only in `Either` - kotlin

I currently face the problem of correctly closing resources that never leave their containing Either.
The relevant code looks something like this:
object SomeError
class MyRes : AutoCloseable { [...] }
fun createRes(): Either<SomeError, MyRes> { [...] }
fun extractData(res: MyRes): String { [...] }
fun theProblem(): Either<SomeError, String> {
return createRes()
.map { extractData(it) }
What is the most idiomatic way of closing the created MyRes? Closing it before that map prevents extractData from accessing it, and after the map I can't access it anymore via Either's operations. Closing it in extractData severely limits composability.
Currently I have an external List<AutoCloseable> that I iterate over after all the computations, but that can't be the intended way.
I am open to using Arrow Fx (e.g. Resource) if that helps, but I haven't found anything on how to combine Either and Resource in an elegant way.

It's possible to combine the either and Resource safely.
object SomeError
class MyRes : AutoCloseable { [...] }
fun createRes(): Resource<Either<SomeError, MyRes>> { [...] }
fun extractData(res: MyRes): String { [...] }
suspend fun solution(): Either<SomeError, String> = either {
createRes().use { either: Either<SomeError, MyRes> ->
val res = either.bind()
val string = extractData(res)
// call other Either code + `bind()` safely here
} // <-- MyRes will automatically close here
If in this code you encounter Either.Left and you call bind() on it the Resource will first close, because we jump outside of use, and then either will return the encountered Either.Left.

One possible solution I found was wrapping the block passed to map:
fun <B : AutoCloseable, C> andClose(f: (B) -> C): (B) -> C =
{ b: B -> b.use { f(b) } }
fun theProblemSlightlySolved(): Either<SomeError, String> {
return createRes()
.map(andClose { extractData(it) })


Issue IDE warning if annotated member is not surrounded with a particular block

I have a data structure which has members that are not thread safe and the caller needs to lock the resource for reading and writing as appropriate. Here's a minimal code sample:
class ExampleResource : LockableProjectItem {
override val readWriteLock: ReadWriteLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
val nonThreadSafeMember: String = ""
interface LockableProjectItem {
val readWriteLock: ReadWriteLock
fun <T : LockableProjectItem, Out> T.readLock(block: T.() -> Out): Out {
try {
return block(this)
} finally {
fun <T : LockableProjectItem, Out> T.writeLock(block: T.() -> Out): Out {
try {
return block(this)
} finally {
annotation class RequiresReadLock
A call ExampleResource.nonThreadSafeMember might then look like this:
val resource = ExampleResource()
val readResult = resource.readLock { nonThreadSafeMember }
To make sure that the caller is aware that the resource needs to be locked, I would like the IDE to issue a warning for any members that are annotated with #RequiresReadLock and are not surrounded with a readLock block. Is there any way to do this in IntelliJ without writing a custom plugin for the IDE?
I think this is sort of a hack, but using context receivers might work. I don't think they are intended to be used in this way though.
You can declare a dummy object to act as the context receiver, and add that as a context receiver to the property:
object ReadLock
class ExampleResource : LockableProjectItem {
override val readWriteLock: ReadWriteLock = ReentrantReadWriteLock()
// properties with context receivers cannot have a backing field, so we need to explicitly declare this
private val nonThreadSafeMemberField: String = ""
val nonThreadSafeMember: String
get() = nonThreadSafeMemberField
Then in readLock, you pass the object:
fun <T : LockableProjectItem, Out> T.readLock(block: context(ReadLock) T.() -> Out): Out {
try {
return block(ReadLock, this)
} finally {
This will give you an error if you try to access nonThreadSafeMember without the context receiver:
val resource = ExampleResource()
val readResult = resource.nonThreadSafeMember //error
You can still access nonThreadSafeMember without acquiring a read lock by doing e.g.
with(ReadLock) { // with(ReadLock) doesn't acquire the lock, just gets the context receiver
resource.nonThreadSafeMember // no error
But it's way harder to accidentally write something like this, which I think is what you are trying to prevent.
If you call another function inside readLock, and you want to access nonThreadSafeMember inside that function, you should mark that function with context(ReadLock) too. e.g.
fun main() {
val resource = ExampleResource()
val readResult = resource.readLock {
fun foo(x: ExampleResource) {
The context receiver is propagated through.

rxjava, how to inspect the result of a Single

using kotlin, having code
fun fetchRemoteDataApi(): Single<RemoteDataResponse> = networkApi.getData()
// it is just a retrofit
fun getData() : Single<RemoteDataResponse>
fun mergeApiWithDb(): Completable = fetchRemoteDataApi()
.flatMapCompletable { (remoteData, localData) ->
doMerge(remoteData, localData) //<== return a Completable
the code flow:
val mergeApiDbCall = mergeApiWithDb().onErrorComplete().cache() //<=== would like do some inspection at this level
.switchMap {
//merge DB with api, or local default value first then listen to DB change
.concatMapSingle { topics -> { topics to it } }
.flatMapCompletable { (topics, user) ->
// do something return Completable
}, { throwable ->
and when making the call
val mergeApiDbCall = mergeApiWithDb().onErrorComplete().cache()
the question is if would like to inspect on the Singles<RemoteDataResponse> returned from fetchRemoteDataApi() (i.e. using Log.i(...) to printout the content of RemoteDataResponse, etc.), either in got error or success case, how to do it?
/// the functions
fun listAllTopics(): Flowable<List<String>> = localRepoDao.getAllTopics()
// which a DAO:
#Query("SELECT topic FROM RemoteDataTable WHERE read = 1")
fun getAllTopics(): Flowable<List<String>>
private val remoteTopicUsers: Single<List<User>>
get() {
return Single.create {
networkApi.getTopicUsers(object : ICallback.IGetTopicUsersCallback {
override fun onSuccess(result: List<User>) = it.onSuccess(result)
override fun onError(errorCode: Int, errorMsg: String?) = it.onError(Exception(errorCode, errorMsg))
You cannot extract information about elements from the Completable. Though you can use doOnComplete() on Completable, it will not provide you any information about the element.
You can inspect elements if you call doOnSuccess() on your Single, so you need to incorporate this call earlier in your code. To inspect errors you can use doOnError() on both Completable or Single.

Kotlin - Trying to factorize code with high-order function

I'm quite new to Kotlin and I'd like to see if using high-order functions can help in my case.
My use-case is that I need to call the methods of an IInterface derived class to send events to one or more components. And I'd like to make this generic, and I want to check if a high-order funtion can help. A sample of code will help to understand (well, I hope so!).
private val eventListeners = mutableListOf<IEventInterface>() // List filled somewhere else!
private fun sendConnectionEvent(dummyString: String) {
val deadListeners = mutableListOf<IEventInterface>()
eventListeners.forEach {
try {
} catch (e: DeadObjectException) {
Log.d(TAG, "Removing listener - Exception ${e.message}")
deadListeners.forEach { it ->
private fun sendWonderfulEvent(dummyString: String, dummyInt: Int) {
val deadListeners = mutableListOf<IEventInterface>()
eventListeners.forEach {
try {
it.onWonderfulEvent(dummyString, dummyInt)
} catch (e: DeadObjectException) {
Log.d(TAG, "Removing listener - Exception ${e.message}")
deadListeners.forEach { it ->
I added 2 similar methods (I will have many more in the real use case) and I think (I hope!) that something could be done but I can't make high-order function works in this case because:
I want to call the same method on several instances, and not 'just' a basic function
To make things even worse, the methods I need to call don't have the same prototype (that would have been too easy!).
Hope this is clear enough.
Thanks for your help!
Here is how it can be done
fun onEvent(body: (IEventInterface) -> Unit) {
val deadListeners = mutableListOf<IEventInterface>()
eventListeners.forEach {
try {
} catch (ex: DeadObjectException) {
Log.d(TAG, "Removing listener - Exception ${e.message}")
deadListeners.forEach { it ->
Supposing an interface like this:
interface IEventInterface {
fun onConnectionEvent(dummyString: String)
fun onWonderfulEvent(dummyString: String, dummyInt: Int)
Define an generic type that implements your defined interface ( <T : IEventInterface>)
Define an mutable list of this type to receive your implementation (MutableList<T>.removeIfThrows)
Expect an extension function for you type that will do your specific validation (and custom parameters if you want)
Using an apply and returning the instance you can run your code like a pipeline
Executing the custom validation when you want
private fun <T : IEventInterface> MutableList<T>.removeIfThrows(validation: T.() -> Unit, customLogMessage: String? = null): MutableList<T> {
return apply {
removeIf {
it.runCatching {
}.onFailure { error ->
print(customLogMessage ?: "Removing listener - Exception ${error.message}")
Define your specific implementation passing just the function with custom validation as an parameter
private fun <T : IEventInterface> MutableList<T>.sendConnectionEvent(dummyString: String) = removeIfThrows({
private fun <T : IEventInterface> MutableList<T>.sendWonderfulEvent(dummyString: String, dummyInt: Int) = removeIfThrows({
onWonderfulEvent(dummyString, dummyInt)
Now you can run your code like an pipeline modifying your original object like this
private fun nowYouCanDoSomethingLikeThis() {
.sendConnectionEvent("some dummy string")
.sendWonderfulEvent("some another dummy string", 123)

How to execute a program with Kotlin and Arrow

I'm trying to learn a bit of Functional Programming using Kotlin and Arrow and in this way I've already read some blogposts like the following one:, which is good, I've understand the main idea, but when creating a program, I can't figure out how to run it.
Let me be more explicit:
I have the following piece of code:
typealias EitherIO<A, B> = EitherT<ForIO, A, B>
sealed class UserError(
val message: String,
val status: Int
) {
object AuthenticationError : UserError(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.reasonPhrase, HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.value())
object UserNotFound : UserError(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.reasonPhrase, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND.value())
object InternalServerError : UserError(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.reasonPhrase, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value())
class UserAdapter(
private val myAccountClient: MyAccountClient
) {
lateinit var subscriberRepository: SubscriberRepository
fun getDomainUser(ssoId: Long): EitherIO<UserError, User?> {
val io = IO.fx {
val userResource = getUserResourcesBySsoId(ssoId, myAccountClient).bind()
{ error -> Either.Left(error) },
{ success ->
Either.right(composeDomainUserWithSubscribers(success, getSubscribersForUserResource(success, subscriberRepository).bind()))
return EitherIO(io)
fun composeDomainUserWithSubscribers(userResource: UserResource, subscribers: Option<Subscribers>): User? {
return { userResource.toDomainUser(it) }.orNull()
private fun getSubscribersForUserResource(userResource: UserResource, subscriberRepository: SubscriberRepository): IO<Option<Subscribers>> {
return IO {
val msisdnList = userResource.getMsisdnList()
private fun getUserResourcesBySsoId(ssoId: Long, myAccountClient: MyAccountClient): IO<Either<UserError, UserResource>> {
return IO {
val response = myAccountClient.getUserBySsoId(ssoId)
if (response.isSuccessful) {
val userResource = JacksonUtils.fromJsonToObject(response.body()?.string()!!,
} else {
when (response.code()) {
401 -> Either.Left(UserError.AuthenticationError)
404 -> Either.Left(UserError.UserNotFound)
else -> Either.Left(UserError.InternalServerError)
}.handleError { Either.Left(UserError.InternalServerError) }
which, as you can see is accumulating some results into an IO monad. I should run this program using unsafeRunSync() from arrow, but on javadoc it's stated the following: **NOTE** this function is intended for testing, it should never appear in your mainline production code!.
I should mention that I know about unsafeRunAsync, but in my case I want to be synchronous.
Instead of running unsafeRunSync, you should favor unsafeRunAsync.
If you have myFun(): IO<A> and want to run this, then you call myFun().unsafeRunAsync(cb) where cb: (Either<Throwable, A>) -> Unit.
For instance, if your function returns IO<List<Int>> then you can call
myFun().unsafeRunAsync { /* it (Either<Throwable, List<Int>>) -> */
{ Log.e("Foo", "Error! $it") },
{ println(it) })
This will run the program contained in the IO asynchronously and pass the result safely to the callback, which will log an error if the IO threw, and otherwise it will print the list of integers.
You should avoid unsafeRunSync for a number of reasons, discussed here. It's blocking, it can cause crashes, it can cause deadlocks, and it can halt your application.
If you really want to run your IO as a blocking computation, then you can precede this with attempt() to have your IO<A> become an IO<Either<Throwable, A>> similar to the unsafeRunAsync callback parameter. At least then you won't crash.
But unsafeRunAsync is preferred. Also, make sure your callback passed to unsafeRunAsync won't throw any errors, at it's assumed it won't. Docs.

How do I write to a file in Kotlin?

I can't seem to find this question yet, but what is the simplest, most-idiomatic way of opening/creating a file, writing to it, and then closing it? Looking at the reference and the Java documentation I managed to get this:
fun write() {
val writer = PrintWriter("file.txt") //
for ((member, originalInput) in history) { // history: Map<Member, String>
writer.append("$member, $originalInput\n")
This works, but I was wondering if there was a "proper" Kotlin way of doing this?
A bit more idiomatic. For PrintWriter, this example:
File("somefile.txt").printWriter().use { out ->
history.forEach {
out.println("${it.key}, ${it.value}")
The for loop, or forEach depends on your style. No reason to use append(x) since that is basically write(x.toString()) and you already give it a string. And println(x) basically does write(x) after converting a null to "null". And println() does the correct line ending.
If you are using data classes of Kotlin, they can already be output because they have a nice toString() method already.
Also, in this case if you wanted to use BufferedWriter it would produce the same results:
File("somefile.txt").bufferedWriter().use { out ->
history.forEach {
out.write("${it.key}, ${it.value}\n")
Also you can use out.newLine() instead of \n if you want it to be correct for the current operating system in which it is running. And if you were doing that all the time, you would likely create an extension function:
fun BufferedWriter.writeLn(line: String) {
And then use that instead:
File("somefile.txt").bufferedWriter().use { out ->
history.forEach {
out.writeLn("${it.key}, ${it.value}")
And that's how Kotlin rolls. Change things in API's to make them how you want them to be.
Wildly different flavours for this are in another answer:
Other fun variations so you can see the power of Kotlin:
A quick version by creating the string to write all at once:
File("somefile.txt").writeText(history.entries.joinToString("\n") { "${it.key}, ${it.value}" })
// or just use the toString() method without transform:
Or assuming you might do other functional things like filter lines or take only the first 100, etc. You could go this route:
File("somefile.txt").printWriter().use { out -> { "${it.key}, ${it.value}" }
.filter { ... }
.forEach { out.println(it) }
Or given an Iterable, allow writing it to a file using a transform to a string, by creating extension functions (similar to writeText() version above, but streams the content instead of materializing a big string first):
fun <T: Any> Iterable<T>.toFile(output: File, transform: (T)->String = {it.toString()}) {
output.bufferedWriter().use { out -> { out.write(it); out.newLine() }
fun <T: Any> Iterable<T>.toFile(outputFilename: String, transform: (T)->String = {it.toString()}) {
this.toFile(File(outputFilename), transform)
used as any of these:
history.entries.toFile(File("somefile.txt")) { "${it.key}, ${it.value}" }
history.entries.toFile("somefile.txt") { "${it.key}, ${it.value}" }
or use default toString() on each item:
Or given a File, allow filling it from an Iterable, by creating this extension function:
fun <T: Any> File.fillWith(things: Iterable<T>, transform: (T)->String = {it.toString()}) {
this.bufferedWriter().use { out -> { out.write(it); out.newLine() }
with usage of:
File("somefile.txt").fillWith(history.entries) { "${it.key}, ${it.value}" }
or use default toString() on each item:
which if you had the other toFile extension already, you could rewrite having one extension call the other:
fun <T: Any> File.fillWith(things: Iterable<T>, transform: (T)->String = {it.toString()}) {
things.toFile(this, transform)
It mostly looks ok to me. The only thing different I would do is use the "use" extension defined in ReadWrite to auto close the writer.
PrintWriter("file.txt").use {
for ((member, originalInput) in history) { // history: Map<Member, String>
it.append("$member, $originalInput\n")
At the very minimum, you could use:
FileWriter(filename).use { it.write(text) }
FileWriter is a convenience class for writing character files (provided by Java, and hence available in Kotlin). It extends Closeable, and hence can be used by Kotlin's ".use" extension method.
The .use extension method automatically closes the calling object once the block exits, thus providing an idiomatic way to close the file after it's written.
Some Kotlin magic allows to omit referencing the stream on each read or write call:
fun <T : Closeable, R> T.useWith(block: T.() -> R): R = use { with(it, block) }
File("").bufferedReader().useWith {
File("a.out").printWriter().useWith {
val (a, b) = readLine()!!.split(' ').map(String::toInt)
println(a + b)
Scanner(File("")).useWith {
PrintWriter("b.out").useWith {
val a = nextInt()
val b = nextInt()
println(a + b)
val fileWriter = FileWriter("test.txt", true)
fileWriter.write(string+ "\n")
} catch (exception: Exception){
Example as easy
val path = context!!.filesDir.absolutePath // => /data/user/0/com.example.test/files
File(requireContext().filesDir, "TodayTaskListChange.txt").writeText("write your test here...")