Read S3 file based on the path that comes in Kafka - Apache Flink - amazon-s3

I have a pipeline that listens to a Kafka topic that receives the s3 file-name & path. The pipeline has to read the file from S3 and do some transformation & aggregation.
I see the Flink has support to read the S3 file directly as source connector, but this use case is to read as part of the transformation stage.

I don't believe this is currently possible.
An alternative might be to keep a Flink session cluster running, and dynamically create and submit a new Flink SQL job running in batch mode to handle the ingestion of each file.
Another approach you might be tempted by would be to implement a RichFlatMapFunction that accepts the path as input, reads the file, and emits its records one by one. But this is likely to not work very well unless the files are rather small because Flink really doesn't like to have user functions that run for long periods of time.


Flink exact once streaming with S3 sink

I am a newbie in Flink and I am trying to write a simple streaming job with exactly-once semantics that listens from Kafka and writes the data to S3. When I say "Exact once", I mean I don't want to end up to have duplicates, on intermediate failure between writing to S3 and commit the file sink operator. I am using Kafka of version v2.5.0, according to the connector described in this page, I am guessing my use case will end up to have exact once behavior.
1) Whether my assumption is correct that my use case will endup to have exact once even though there is any failure occurring in any part of the steps so that I can say my S3 files won't have duplicate records?
2) How Flink handle this exact once with S3? In the documentation it says, it uses multipart upload to get exact once semantics, but my question is, how it is handled internally to achieve exact once semantics? Let's say, the task failed once the S3 multipart get succeeded and before the operator commit process, in this case, once the operator gets restarts will it stream the data again to S3 which was written to S3 already, so will it be a duplicate?
If you read from kafka and then write to S3 with the StreamingDataSink you should indeed be able to get exactly once.
Though it is not specifically about S3, this article gives a nice explanation on how to ensure exactly once in general.
My key takeaway: After a failure we must always be able to see where we stand from the perspective of the sink.

AWS S3 ETL tool options

Trying to get a handle on what I would use to schedule and run jobs to move data into S3, run scripts on it and move it around s3 afterward.
My requirement is to be able to ingest from API's and also directly from databases. Some formats to ingest will be XML, and others could be flat files. The raw files need to be joined and transformed and turned into a format that graphs could be produced with.
What is AWS glue is like as an ETL tool? My specific question is can you see the finished pipelines showing the data sources and processing parts in a graphical view once they are created?
I have used Azure Data Factory - and it had a graphical UI to view and monitor the pipelines which I found quite useful. Just wondering if AWS glue has a similar thing.
If not - would Nifi on AWS S3 be a good way to do this?
If you are looking for the best GUI, I would recommend NiFi. It is commonly used with S3 and has many connectors out of the box for other data sources. It becomes even more interesting if you want to do things outside of the AWS cloud.
That being said, I would think that Glue will also get the job done.
Running Data Factory when you have a heavy AWS footprint feels like an anti-pattern.
Full Disclosure: Have not worked with Glue/Data Factory and work for Cloudera, the driving force behind NiFi
I'm currently using AWS Glue to extract data from DB into s3, manipulate the data and save it back to Redshift/S3 or send via API to my client. AWS Glue GUI is not that good, you won't see a diagram of your flow and sometimes you will need to use other tools like step functions, airflow to orchestrate your job. Also, most of my jobs I have to use PySpark because AWS Glue methods are too limited.
Related to monitoring, you can see if there is an error, how many CPU and memory is been consumed by your job, s3 bytes read/written. If you want additional information you need to use logger or print to send it to the logs.

How are Apache Pig UDFs distributed to data nodes?

There are plenty of documentation about how to write Pig UDFs in the various languages but I haven't found anything on how they are distributed to the data nodes.
Are they done automatically when pig script is invoked? If it makes any difference, I'd be writing UDF in Java.
Let me make it more clear. Whenever we wite a UDF and the pig is in hdfs mode. Then UDFs, which initially resides in the local or the client side, is carried to the cluster as per the internal architecture of hadoop. Now the UDFs task is performed by the task tracker and it becomes the duty of the job tracker to assign the the UDFs to task tracker, which is near to the data node where the input file resides.
Note: Its always the job tracker(component of name node), which actually decides which task tracker should perform the execution of the UDFs.
If the input file is in local file system(local mode), then the UFDs get executed in the local JVM.
The fact is apache pig works in two modes
1) local mode
2) hdfs mode
To answer you question, which belongs to pig running in hdfs mode, we only made sure that the input file that we are loading is present in the hdfs(data node). When the question comes for UDF, this is simply a function that is used to process the input file, just link pig latin language. We are writing UDFs, pig latin via the client side node and thus all the data related to this will be stored in the client side machine.
Above all, we have configure the pig so that client can interact with the hdfs to process the required result.
Hope this helps

Background jobs on amazon web services

I am new to AWS so I needed some advice on how to correctly create background jobs. I've got some data (about 30GB) that I need to:
a) download from some other server; it is a set of zip archives with links within an RSS feed
b) decompress into S3
c) process each file or sometime group of decompressed files, perform transformations of data, and store it into SimpleDB/S3
d) repeat forever depending on RSS updates
Can someone suggest a basic architecture for proper solution on AWS?
I think you should run an EC2 instance to perform all the tasks you need and shut it down when done. This way you will pay only for the time EC2 runs. Depending on your architecture however you might need to run it all the times, small instances are very cheap however.
download from some other server; it is a set of zip archives with links within an RSS feed
You can use wget
decompress into S3
Try to use s3-tools (
process each file or sometime group of decompressed files, perform transformations of data, and store it into SimpleDB/S3
Write your own bash script
repeat forever depending on RSS updates
One more bash script to check updates + run the script by Cron
First off, write some code that does a) through c). Test it, etc.
If you want to run the code periodically, it's a good candidate for using a background process workflow. Add the job to a queue; when it's deemed complete, remove it from the queue. Every hour or so add a new job to the queue meaning "go fetch the RSS updates and decompress them".
You can do it by hand using AWS Simple Queue Service or any other background job processing service / library. You'd set up a worker instance on EC2 or any other hosting solution that will poll the queue, execute the task, and poll again, forever.
It may be easier to use Amazon Simple Workflow Service, which seems to be intended for what you're trying to do (automated workflows). Note: I've never actually used it.
I think deploying your code on an Elasticbeanstalk Instance will do the job for you at scale. Because I see that you are processing a huge chunk of data here, and using a normal EC2 Instance might max out resources mostly memory. Also the AWS SQS idea of batching the processing will also work to optimize the process and effectively manage time outs on your server-side

Writing single Hadoop map reduce output into multiple S3 objects

I am implementing a Hadoop Map reduce job that needs to create output in multiple S3 objects.
Hadoop itself creates only a single output file (an S3 object) but I need to partition the output into multiple files.
How do I achieve this?
I did this by just writing the output directly from my reducer method to S3, using an S3 toolkit. Since I was running on EC2, this was quick and free.
In general, you want Hadoop to handle your input and output as much as possible, for cleaner mappers and reducers; and, of course, you want to write to S3 at the very end of your pipeline, to let Hadoop's code moving do it's job over HDFS.
In any case, I recommend doing all of your data partitioning, and writing entire output sets to S3 in a final reduce task, one set per S3 file. This puts as little writer logic in your code as possible. This paid off for me because I ended up with a minimal Hadoop S3 toolkit which I used for several task flows.
I needed to write to S3 in my reducer code because the S3/S3n filesystems weren't mature; they might work better now.
Do you also know the MultipleOutputFormat?
It's not related to S3, but in general it allows to write output to multiple files, implementing a given logic.