vue js append params to URL - vue.js

I am new to vuejs and I am making an app which should filters all the data from database and filter parameters should be passed in URL, so that it remain in the page even after page refresh.
Firstly, I want to push search params in URL
My current Url localhost:8080/product
I want my Url to be like below when user click checkboxes
localhost:8080/product?color=red&color=green&size=small (When user checks red, green and small options)
So far, I have done this and I am stuck how to get dynamic color in $this.router.push(), and append it to URL
<div class="products">
<h1>Filter By Color</h1>
<input #click="filterData" v-model="colortype" type="checkbox">Red color
<input #click="filterData" v-model="colortype" type="checkbox">Green color
<input #click="filterData" v-model="colortype" type="checkbox">Yellow color
<h1>Filter By Size</h1>
<input #click="filterData" v-model="size" type="radio">Big
<input #click="filterData" v-model="size" type="radio">Small
export default {
data() {
return {
filterData() {
this.$router.push({ path: "product", query: { color: "red" } });
Any suggestions, once I push params to URL, I want to do api request to endpoint in filterData method.

There is a pattern you can use for this:
Store the filter values on an object
Deeply watch the filter object and react to it by fetching data / updating url.
The following snippets demonstrate a dropdown where you can pick one value to filter on.
<select v-model="filter.color">
<option v-for="item in colors" :key="item.value" :value="item.value">
{{ }}
export default {
name: "MyComponent",
data: () => ({
filter: {
color: null,
colors: [{name: 'Black', value: 'black'}, {name: 'Red', value: 'red'}],
watch: {
'filter': {
deep: true,
handler(filter) {
query: {
color: filter.color.value,
// TODO: Convert `filter` to params
For the case where there a field accepts multiple values (e.g. using checkboxes) I'd suggest to put all values on the filter object and have each option mark its checked-ness with a flag. The following snippets demonstrate that technique:
<label v-for="size in sizes" :key="size.value">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="">
{{ }}
export default {
data: () => ({
filter: {
sizes: [{name: 'Small', value: 'small', active: false}],
watch: {
filter: {
deep: true,
handler() {
params: {
sizes: this.filter.sizes
.filter(size =>
.map(size => size.value)


How do have unique variables for each dynamically created buttons/text fields?

I'm trying to create buttons and vue element inputs for each item on the page. I'm iterating through the items and rendering them with v-for and so I decided to expand on that and do it for both the rest as well. The problem i'm having is that I need to to bind textInput as well as displayTextbox to each one and i'm not sure how to achieve that.
currently all the input text in the el-inputs are bound to the same variable, and clicking to display the inputs will display them all at once.
<div class="container">
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<icon #click="showTextbox"/>
<el-input v-if="displayTextbox" v-model="textInput" />
<el-button v-if="displayTextbox" type="primary" #click="confirm" />
<ItemDisplay :data-id="" />
import ItemDisplay from '#/components/ItemDisplay';
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
components: {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
displayTextbox = false,
textInput = '',
methods: {
confirm() {
// todo send request here
this.displayTextbox = false;
showTextbox() {
this.displayTextbox = true;
EDIT: with the help of #kissu here's the updated and working version
<div class="container">
<div v-for="(item, index) in itemDataList" :key="">
<icon #click="showTextbox("/>
<El-Input v-if="item.displayTextbox" v-model="item.textInput" />
<El-Button v-if="item.displayTextbox" type="primary" #click="confirm(" />
<ItemDisplay :data-id="item.item.uuid" />
import ItemDisplay from '#/components/ItemDisplay';
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
components: {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
itemDataList = [],
methods: {
confirm(id) {
const selected = this.itemDataList.find(
(item) => === id,
selected.displayTextbox = false;
// todo send request here
showTextbox(id) {
(item) => === id,
).displayTextbox = true;
populateItemData() {
this.items.forEach((item, index) => {
id: item.uuid + index,
displayTextbox: false,
textInput: '',
item: item,
created() {
// items prop is obtained from parent component vuex
// generate itemDataList before DOM is rendered so we can render it correctly
[assuming you're using Vue2]
If you want to interact with multiple displayTextbox + textInput state, you will need to have an array of objects with a specific key tied to each one of them like in this example.
As of right now, you do have only 1 state for them all, meaning that as you can see: you can toggle it for all or none only.
You'll need to refactor it with an object as in my above example to allow a case-per-case iteration on each state individually.
PS: :key="index" is not a valid solution, you should never use the index of a v-for as explained here.
PS2: please follow the conventions in terms of component naming in your template.
Also, I'm not sure how deep you were planning to go with your components since we don't know the internals of <ItemDisplay :data-id="" />.
But if you also want to manage the labels for each of your inputs, you can do that with nanoid, that way you will be able to have unique UUIDs for each one of your inputs, quite useful.
Use an array to store the values, like this:
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<el-input v-model="textInputs[index]" />
export default {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
textInputs: []

Vue: Update part of an html string from data v-for loop with v-model input

Using Vue2 I have an array of objects in data which have an html string rendered in a v-for loop. Part of each string is a prop, which renders correctly initially. However, when the prop value is updated with v-model the data in the v-for loop is not updated.
jsfiddle: When the input is changed from "Bob" to "Sally" all instances should change, but those in the for-loop do not.
<div id="app">
<li v-for="statement in statements" v-html="statement.text"></li>
<input v-model="name" placeholder="edit name">
<p>Name is: {{ name }}</p>
<p class="italic">Outside loop: <b>{{name}}</b> likes dogs.</p>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: function() {
return {
statements: [
id: 'food',
text: '<b>'+ + '</b> likes to eat ice cream.',
id: 'fun',
text: 'Running is the favorite activity of <b>'+ + '</b>',
props: {
name: {
type: String,
default: 'Bob',
The code has been simplified - the actual HTML strings have ~3 variables each that need to update, and are at different locations in each string, so I can't think of another way to replace the values when they are updated, while preserving the html tags. This is intended to be a single-page vue application, but is using Laravel and blade for some general page formatting.
name should be in data, not in props (it's not coming from a parent, it's just reactive data, which needs to be tracked for changes internally - inside this component).
statements should be in computed, because you want Vue to update it whenever its reactive references (e.g: change. Besides, this is not what you think it is inside the data function.
See it working:
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: () => ({
name: 'Bob'
computed: {
statements() {
return [
id: 'food',
text: '<b>'+ + '</b> likes to eat ice cream.',
id: 'fun',
text: 'Runing is the favorite activity of <b>'+ + '</b>',
body {
background: #20262E;
padding: 20px;
font-family: Helvetica;
#app {
background: #fff;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 20px;
li {
margin: 8px 0;
h2 {
font-weight: bold;
margin-bottom: 15px;
p.italic {
font-style: italic;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<li v-for="(statement, key) in statements" v-html="statement.text" :key="key"></li>
<input v-model="name" placeholder="edit name">
<p>Name is: {{ name }}</p>
<p class="italic">Outside loop: <b>{{name}}</b> likes dogs.</p>
If you're trying to create a reusable component which takes in a person (with some values) and creates the statements based on those values and also allows editing the person's values, here's how to do it:
Vue.component('person-editor', {
template: '#person-editor-tpl',
props: {
person: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
data: () => ({
details: [
{ name: 'name', placeholder: 'Name' },
{ name: 'fun', placeholder: 'Running', label: 'Favorite activity' },
{ name: 'food', placeholder: 'pizza', label: 'Favorite food'}
methods: {
update(payload) {
this.$emit('update:person', { ...this.person, ...payload })
getDetailLabel(d) {
return d.label || ([0].toUpperCase() +
Vue.component('person-details', {
template: '#person-details-tpl',
props: {
person: {
type: Object,
default: () => ({})
data: () => ({
statements: [
{ id: 'food', text: p => `<b>${}</b> likes to eat ${}.` },
{ id: 'fun', text: p => `${} is the favorite activity of <b>${}</b>` }
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: () => ({
persons: [
{ name: 'Jane', food: 'apples', fun: 'Hiking' },
{ name: 'Jack', food: 'pizza', fun: 'Sleeping' }
methods: {
updatePerson(key, value) {
this.persons.splice(key, 1, value);
label {
display: flex;
label > span {
width: 150px;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<template v-for="(person, key) in persons">
<hr v-if="key" :key="`hr-${key}`">
<person-details :person="person"
<person-editor :person.sync="person"
#update:person="updatePerson(key, person)"></person-editor>
<template id="person-editor-tpl">
<template v-for="detail in details">
<label :key="">
<span v-text="getDetailLabel(detail)"></span>
<input :value="person[]"
#input="e => update({ []: })">
<template id="person-details-tpl">
<li v-for="(statement, key) in statements" v-html="statement.text(person)"></li>
I separated the editor and the display in two separate components.
Because I had to define the components on the Vue instance it's a bit crammed in this example, but it looks a lot more elegant when using sfcs (and each component is a standalone .vue file).

How can I get a specifc selection in select vue.js?

How are you?
I'm studying Vue and I'm stuck on the current task not knowing where to go.
I have a select that when I click I need to show on screen only what corresponds to that selection. For example, when placing the "to do" option in the select, only the tasks with a concluded=false should appear on the screen. I've only gotten this far and I need help to continue. Can you help me? Thanks
This is my App.vue
<div id="app">
<h1>Lista de Tarefas</h1>
<List :data="list" #remove="handleRemove"/>
<Form #add="addNewTask" #onChange="handleN"/>
import List from "./components/List.vue";
import Form from "./components/Form.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
list: [],
methods: {
addNewTask(newTask) {
handleRemove(item) {
const index = this.list.findIndex(i => ===
this.list[index].excluded = true
handleN(item) {
const index = this.list.findIndex(i => ===
this.list[index].concluded = true
This is my List.vue
<select v-model="selected" #change="onChange($event)">
<option disabled value="">Escolha a visualização</option>
<option v-for="option in options" :key="option.text">
{{ option.text }}
<li v-for="item in itens" :key="">
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" v-model="item.concluded" />
<label for="checkbox"> {{ item.description }} </label>
<button #click="() => $emit('remove', item)">Excluir</button>
export default {
props: {
data: {
type: Array,
default: () => {},
data() {
return {
selected: "",
options: [
{ text: "Todos", value: "1" },
{ text: "A fazer", value: "2" },
{ text: "Concluído", value: "3" },
{ text: "Deletado", value: "4" },
computed: {
itens() {
return => item.excluded === false);
methods: {
onChange(event) {
return => item.concluded === false);
This is my Form.vue
<form #submit.prevent="handleNewTask">
<input type="text" v-model="newTask" placeholder="Insira a tarefa"/>
<input type="submit" value="Adicionar"/>
import Task from '../types/Task.js'
export default {
data() {
return {
newTask: "",
methods: {
handleNewTask() {
this.$emit('add', new Task(this.newTask))
this.newTask = ''
And this is my Task.js
export default class {
constructor(description) {
this.description = description, = Math.random(),
this.concluded = false,
this.excluded = false
I watch some tutorials, read the documentation and some StackOverflow questions but I really can't get out of here
Thanks in advance for the help
Based on how you have structured your app, our only concern should be with the List.vue file.
Your goal is to filter the results based on the selection (selected property). However, your issue is that you are not even using that anywhere.
I know you are hard coding the filter on the onChange method but that is, first of all wrong because you aren't really changing anything (you are returning an array), and secondly it's inefficient.
A better way to do it is to update the computed itens function like so:
itens() {
return => {
if (this.selected === '1'){
return item.concluded === false
} else if (this.selected === '2'){
// filter another way
} else if (... // so on and so forth
Also, I would filter out the excluded items before sending them to the component. If you aren't going to use it, don't send it.
Remove the onChange event on the <select> and the associated method since they are now unused.

Update child component value on axios response using v-model

Vue 3
I am trying to update the value of the data variable from the Axios response. If I print the value in the parent component it's getting printed and updates on the response but the variable's value is not updating in the child component.
What I am able to figure out is my child component is not receiving the updated values. But I don't know why is this happening.
input-field is a global component.
Vue 3
Parent Component
<input-field title="First Name" :validation="true" v-model="firstName.value" :validationMessage="firstName.validationMessage"></input-field>
export default {
data() {
return {
id: 0,
firstName: {
value: '',
validationMessage: '',
created() { = this.$;
this.$http.get('/users/' + => {
this.firstName.value =;
}).catch(error => {
Child Component
<div class="form-group">
<label :for="identifier">{{ title }}
<span class="text-danger" v-if="validation">*</span>
<input :id="identifier" :type="type" class="form-control" :class="validationMessageClass" :placeholder="title" v-model="inputValue">
<div class="invalid-feedback" v-if="validationMessage">{{ validationMessage }}</div>
export default {
props: {
title: {
type: String,
required: true,
validation: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false,
type: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: 'text',
validationMessage: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: '',
modelValue: {
required: false,
default: '',
emits: [
data() {
return {
inputValue: this.modelValue,
computed: {
identifier() {
return this.title.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-').replace(/[^\w-]+/g, '');
validationMessageClass() {
if (this.validationMessage) {
return 'is-invalid';
return false;
watch: {
inputValue() {
this.$emit('update:modelValue', this.inputValue);
The reason your child will never receive an update from your parent is because even if you change the firstName.value your child-component will not re-mount and realize that change.
It's bound to a property that it internally creates (inputValue) and keeps watching that and not the modelValue that's been passed from the parent.
Here's an example using your code and it does exactly what it's supposed to and how you would expect it to work.
It receives a value once (firstName.value), creates another property (inputValue) and emits that value when there's a change.
No matter how many times the parent changes the firstName.value property, the child doesn't care, it's not the property that the input v-model of the child looks at.
You can do this instead
<div class="form-group">
<label :for="identifier"
>{{ title }}
<span class="text-danger" v-if="validation">*</span>
v-model="localValue" // here we bind localValue as v-model to the input
<div class="invalid-feedback" v-if="validationMessage">
{{ validationMessage }}
export default {
... // your code
computed: {
localValue: {
get() {
return this.modelValue;
set(value) {
this.$emit("update:modelValue", value);
We remove the watchers and instead utilize a computed property which will return the modelValue in it's getter (so whenever the parent passes a new value we actually use that and not the localValue) and a setter that emits the update event to the parent.
Here's another codesandbox example illustrating the above solution.

How to fire on change event of select while setting v-model?

I have Dropdown.vue and Sprint.vue use Dropdown.vue
Dropdown.vue code
#input="$emit('input', $"
v-for="(option, idx) in options"
{{ option.text }}
export default {
name: 'Dropdown',
props: {
options: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
value: {
required: false,
computed: {
selected: {
get() {
return this.value;
set(newValue) {},
methods: {
emitChangeEvent() {
this.$emit('change', this.selected);
In Sprint.vue
{{ sprint }}
<button #click="change">
Change Sprint
<script lang="ts">
import {
Component, Prop, Vue, Emit,
} from 'vue-property-decorator';
import Dropdown from '#/components/Dropdown.vue';
components: {
export default class Sprint extends Vue {
private sprint = {};
private sprints = [
{ text: 'Sprint A', value: 'A' },
{ text: 'Sprint B', value: 'B' },
{ text: 'Sprint C', value: 'C' },
change() {
this.sprint = 'B';
sprintChanged(value: any) {
console.log(`value=${value}, sprint=${this.sprint}`);
When we select an option, an event was fired. But when I click on the button to set selected option by programming, there is no event of select is fired.
What am I missing?
As far as I can see, there are two main problems in your Dropdown.vue component.
1) You are binding the v-model of the element to the computed property selected, and emitting selected in your emitChangeEvent
2) and the selected computed properties doesn't have a setter so nothing happens when the value change.
To check if this is the only problem, a quick solution is to change your emitChangeEvent to this:
emitChangeEvent(event) {
Emitting directly the value from event will skip any problem in the definition of the computed property.