Error message when I try to start megasync desktop app - kde-plasma

I used for more than 2 years Megasync desktop app without any issue.
Since today megasync can't start.
My OS is Debian 10, 64 bit and I use KDE as desktop environment.
When I type megasync in a terminal I receive:
malloc_consolidate(): invalid chunk size
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = megasync path = /usr/bin pid = 14379
KCrash: Arguments:
Alarm clock
I also tried to reinstall it, but I get the same error message when I launch the app.
The only way to launch the app is using sudo. Why I can't anymore launch it as simple user?


NGROK failed to start the tunnel

I have been trying to run the shopify app in my local machine, but this error keeps popping up.
"Ngrok failed to start the tunnel"
Ngrok is successfully installed in my system, and env variable is also set to correct location.
Try using a different version of #shopify/app and #shopify/cli. I had the same problem with version 3.14.0 and I used 3.21.0. This solved my problem.
"#shopify/app": "3.21.0",
"#shopify/cli": "3.21.0",

WSLTTY/MINTTY Fails on Launch

After a machine restart last night my WSLTTY/MINTTY terminal crashes when I attempt to launch it. It displays an error message briefly before it crashes that reads:
note: backend error output: Assertion failed: connectRet == 0 (nix-sock.c: nix_local_connect: 67)
I'm on Windows 10, using WSL1, not WSL 2. I uninstalled WSLTTY and re-installed the most recent version, 3.5.1. The issue remained. I then uninstalled Ubuntu and re-installed the most recent version, 20.04.03 LTS. The issue still remains. I also tried installing an older version of WSLTTY/MINTTY (1.7.9) and received a slightly different error:
/bin/wslbridge: Exit 1 wslbridge error: failed to start backend process note: backend error output: int{anonymous}:: connectsocket(int const string &): Assertion 'connectRet==0' failed
So it seems the issue may have something to do with something called the wslbridge? Looks like there is an original version and a second version. wslbridge2.exe and wslbridge2-backend both live in wsltty/bin/ (with the newest version of WSLTTY/MINTTY).
I had WSLTTY/MINTTY configured pretty heavily and really enjoyed the way I had it set up. I'm really hoping I can get it working again and don't have to switch to a different terminal emulator or use the Windows one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Libmtp in windows (msys/mingw): Run problems

Hi i need a windows port of libmtp (github_link). So i compiled libmtp under Msys/MingW Environment.
The build is successful and i have no error on build, but in runtime i have error. When function (LIBMTP_Get_Connecte_Devices) is called, the return value of this function is (LIBMTP_ERROR_CONNECTING).
LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t* device_list;
LIBMTP_error_number_t x = LIBMTP_GET_CONNECTED_Device(&device_list);
Can anyone can solve my problem?
In addition, where can i found prebuild versions of libmtp (libmtp-9.dll) for windows?
I think it is because libmtp needs libusb to connect to your device.
There are builds on the OpenSUSE Build Service

You can't open the application "AppceleratorStudio" because it is not responding

I was unable to open my AppceleratorStudio.
When I click on AppceleratorStudio icon in mac system, I am getting below message
"You can't open the application AppceleratorStudio because it is not responding."
Can any one help me out how to resolve it?
Here is my environments:
Operating System = Mac OS X 10.11
Node.js Version = 0.12.7
npm Version = 2.11.3
Titanium CLI Version = 5.0.5
Titanium Version = 5.1.1.GA
Error Image:
% killall Dock
% killall Finder
% sudo killall launchservicesd
This will help you.
I just fixed a case of another app “not responding” by killing a stuck/dead process.
I opened the Terminal app from Applications/Utilities. I ran
ps uaxww | grep <name of process>
Two or three processes appeared in the results.
I noted the process ID of each one.
After I ran
kill <process ID>
for each process, the app opened properly.

XOpenDisplay(NULL) fails to connect to X

I was given a fairly large program to compile and run with extremely vague instructions on how to properly configure my system and install the program. I was told to use a Windows, install Cygwin, navigate to the program's base directory, and type "make". I installed Cygwin on a 64-bit Windows 7 in C:\cygwin64 as the main user (I also installed all of the default packages, plus a few extras) and then ran the makefile included with the program (this worked with no problems). When trying to run the executable with a required file argument, I was simply given the error message "cannot connect to X server." Upon examination of the code, it appears that this error was caused by a line setting display=XOpenDisplay(NULL) and then exiting when this resulted in display == NULL. Earlier, "display" had been declared as a variable of type Display. Is there any way I can get the program to connect to the X server? I have been assured that the installation of the program is extremely easy, but I'm not so sure... Thanks in advance.