declare/create class member of another class type in Python? - python-class

Is it possible to declare class member of another class type in Python like C?
for ex. struct transmit_message below has a member config of struct config_data type.
in C:
enum message_type
struct read_data
int gender;
unsigned int age;
struct write_data
bool flag;
char name[10];
struct config_data
write_data write_config;
read_data read_config;
struct transmit_message
message_type type;
config_data config;};
transmit_message message; // **how to create similar object in python?**


EXPECT_CALL not able to track the calls for methods called from the method under test

First of all, I'm new to Google test, so please forgive my ignorance, if any.
I'm writing unit tests using google test framework for the below class..
class MsgHandler
bool decode_data(unsigned char*, unsigned int,char *);
bool handle_req_state_data(char *, char *);
bool MsgHandler::handle_req_state_data(char *a, char *b)
printf("handle_req_state_data called\n");
return true;
bool MsgHandler::decode_data(unsigned char *a, unsigned int b,char *c)
printf("decode_data called\n");
handle_req_state_data(c, c);
return true;
As a first step, I have created the mock class as below
class MsgHandlerMock : public MsgHandler
virtual ~MsgHandlerMock() {}
MOCK_METHOD(bool, handle_req_state_data, (char *, char *), (const));
//MOCK_METHOD(int, decode_data, (unsigned char*, unsigned int ,char* ));
Below is the test function
TEST_F(TestClass, test01)
MsgHandlerMock mockObj;
//EXPECT_CALL(mockObj, decode_data(::testing::_,::testing::_,::testing::_)).Times(1);
EXPECT_CALL(mockObj, handle_req_state_data(::testing::_,::testing::_)).Times(1);
My intention of this test is to make sure 'handle_req_state_data' is called when I call 'decode_data' with a certain message. But my test fails with below error
decode_data called
handle_req_state_data called
Actual function call count doesn't match EXPECT_CALL(mockObj, handle_req_state_data(::testing::_,::testing::_))...
Expected: to be called once
Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active
[ FAILED ] TestClass.test01 (1 ms)
[----------] 1 test from TestClass (1 ms total)
Can someone help me on how to validate the inner method calls with EXPECT_CALL validators?
The function is not virtual, so can't be overridden by the mock, decode_data does not use dynamic dispatch and call the original method MsgHandler::handle_req_state_data.
virtual bool handle_req_state_data(char *, char *);
MOCK_METHOD(bool, handle_req_state_data, (char *, char *), (override));

Initialize C++/CLI array of structures

I wish to partially initialize an array of structures like in a C++ POD type. The String^ would normally be a char* but managed C++ doesn't allow that.
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
ref struct Field
String^ name;
int fences;
int length;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
array<Field^>^ farm =
{ "eenie", 10 },
{ "meenie", 20 },
{ "miny", 4 }
for each (Field^ field in farm)
field->length = field->fences * 22;
return 0;
This results in
1>arrayinit.cpp(18): error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'const char [6]' to 'Field ^'
1> Reason: cannot convert from 'const char *' to 'Field ^'
1> No user-defined-conversion operator available, or
1> Cannot convert an unmanaged type to a managed type
So I tried
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
ref struct Field
String^ name;
int fences;
int length;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
array<Field^>^ farm =
{ String("eenie"), 10 },
{ String("meenie"), 20 },
{ String("miny"), 4 }
for each (Field^ field in farm)
field->length = field->fences * 22;
return 0;
Now I get
1>arrayinit.cpp(18): error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'System::String' to 'Field ^'
1> No user-defined-conversion operator available, or
1> No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
1>arrayinit.cpp(18): error C2078: too many initializers
Almost every example I've looked at only tells how to initialize an array of strings or integers. I haven't found out a way of initializing an array of structures containing strings.
Is there a simple way of doing this or do I have to create a special constructor and gcnew every element?
I found that I can gcnew every element with a special constructor. Is there a simpler way of doing this similar to a POD initialization?
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
ref struct Field
String^ name;
int fences;
int length;
Field(String^ x, int in_fences)
name = x;
fences = in_fences;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
array<Field^>^ farm =
gcnew Field("eenie", 10 ),
gcnew Field("meenie", 20 ),
gcnew Field("miny", 4 )
for each (Field^ field in farm)
field->length = field->fences * 22;
return 0;
Alternatively, if Field is changed to a value instead of a reference,
#include "stdafx.h"
using namespace System;
value struct Field
String^ name;
int fences;
int length;
Field(String^ x, int in_fences)
name = x;
fences = in_fences;
void Init()
length = fences * 22;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
array<Field>^ farm =
Field("eenie", 10 ),
Field("meenie", 20 ),
Field("miny", 4 )
for each (Field% field in farm)
return 0;
This is slightly better than gcnewing every field.

Cant we use simple class object as key in std::map?

class abc
int main()
std::map<abc, int> m;
abc ob, ob1;
m.insert(std::make_pair(ob, 1));
m.insert(std::make_pair(ob1, 2));
Error coming is:
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-redhat-linux/4.7.2/../../../../include/c++/4.7.2/bits/stl_function.h:237:22: note: ‘const abc’ is not derived from ‘const std::multimap<_Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc>’
Does any addition function need be added in class so that it can be made hashable?
Got it. Since std::map sorts when entering a new key in map, so if key is a class object, we must overload class's "<" operator, then it would work fine.
class abc
bool operator< (const abc& userObj) const
return true;
int main()
std::map<abc, int> m;
abc ob;
abc ob1;
m.insert(std::make_pair(ob, 1));
m.insert(std::make_pair(ob1, 2));

Delaunay triangulation: vertex storing Point_handle instead of Point

I am storing points in a custom container and I would like to build the Delaunay triangulation on a subset of these points.
As the points already exist in the container I don't want the Delaunay triangulation to store copies of these points.
My point class is derived from Point_3 and contains several informations (booleans and ints).
In order to do that, I created a custom triangulation_vertex class :
template < typename GT, typename Pt, typename DSVb = Triangulation_ds_vertex_base_3<> >
class Convection_vertex : public DSVb
typedef typename DSVb::Cell_handle Cell_handle;
typedef GT Geom_traits;
typedef typename GT::Point_3 Point;
typedef typename Pt::Point_handle Point_handle;
template < typename TDS2 >
struct Rebind_TDS {
typedef typename DSVb::template Rebind_TDS<TDS2>::Other DSVb2;
typedef Convection_vertex<GT, Pt, DSVb2> Other;
static int rank_id;
int number_id;
bool discovered;
Point_handle _ph;
Convection_vertex() : DSVb(), number_id(rank_id++), discovered(false) {}
Convection_vertex(const Point_handle& p) : DSVb(), _ph(p), number_id(rank_id++), discovered(false) {}
Convection_vertex(const Point_handle& p, const Cell_handle& c) : DSVb(c), _ph(p), number_id(rank_id++), discovered(false) {}
Convection_vertex(const Cell_handle& c) : DSVb(c), number_id(rank_id++), discovered(false) {}
const Point& point() const
{ return (*_ph); }
Point& point()
{ return (*_ph); }
void set_point(const Point& p){ }
void set_point(const Point_handle& ph)
{ _ph = ph; }
void set_point_handle(Point_handle ph)
{ _ph = ph; }
const Point_handle& point_handle() const
{ return _ph; }
Point_handle& point_handle()
{ return _ph; }
To insert a point in the Delaunay triangulation I do:
DVertex_handle dvh = dt.insert(*p);
Where p is a point_handle (ie My_point*).
To delete a point in the Delaunay triangulation I do:
where dvh is a vertex_handle.
Inserting points in the triangulation is working fine, but I'm having issues removing points. Is my custom vertex class incorrect ?
Is there a better way to do that ?
dt is the Delaunay triangulation:
typedef CGAL::Convection_vertex<K,Point> Conv_Vb3d;
typedef CGAL::Convection_cell<K> Ce3d;
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_3<Conv_Vb3d,Ce3d > Tds3d;
typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_3<K,Tds3d > Dh;
Dh dt;
#sloriot: Is this a good start ?
template < typename CK, bool UseStaticFilters, typename Pt >
struct Convection_traits
: public Filtered_kernel_adaptor<
typename CK:: template Base< Convection_traits<CK, UseStaticFilters,Pt> >::Type,
Convection_traits<CK, UseStaticFilters,Pt> >,
UseStaticFilters >
typedef Pt Point_3;
[...] // functors
Here is what I have done to use my point_handle as point in the Delaunay_triangulation:
template < typename K_, typename Pt >
class My_traits
K_ K;
typedef Pt Point_3;
typedef My_traits<K_, Pt> Self;
//triangulation traits
typedef typename K_::Segment_3 Segment_3;
typedef typename K_::Tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron_3;
typedef typename K_::Triangle_3 Triangle_3;
typedef typename K_::Construct_segment_3 Construct_segment_3;
typedef typename K_::Construct_triangle_3 Construct_triangle_3;
typedef typename K_::Construct_tetrahedron_3 Construct_tetrahedron_3;
typedef typename K_::Compare_xyz_3 Compare_xyz_3;
typedef typename K_::Coplanar_orientation_3 Coplanar_orientation_3;
typedef typename K_::Orientation_3 Orientation_3;
Construct_tetrahedron_3 construct_tetrahedron_3_object () const{
return K.construct_tetrahedron_3_object ();
Construct_triangle_3 construct_triangle_3_object () const{
return K.construct_triangle_3_object ();
Construct_segment_3 construct_segment_3_object () const{
return K.construct_segment_3_object ();
Compare_xyz_3 compare_xyz_3_object () const{
return K.compare_xyz_3_object ();
Coplanar_orientation_3 coplanar_orientation_3_object () const{
return K.coplanar_orientation_3_object ();
Orientation_3 orientation_3_object () const{
return K.orientation_3_object ();
//delaunay triangulation traits
typedef typename K_::Line_3 Line_3;
typedef typename K_::Object_3 Object_3;
typedef typename K_::Ray_3 Ray_3;
typedef typename K_::Coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3 Coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3;
typedef typename K_::Side_of_oriented_sphere_3 Side_of_oriented_sphere_3;
typedef typename K_::Compare_distance_3 Compare_distance_3;
Coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3 coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3_object() const{
return K.coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3_object();
Side_of_oriented_sphere_3 side_of_oriented_sphere_3_object() const{
return K.side_of_oriented_sphere_3_object();
Compare_distance_3 compare_distance_3_object() const{
return K.compare_distance_3_object();

Mapping DataType from C (Unmanaged) to C# (Managed)

I need to get Data from a C DLL to a C# Application. Here is the error :
Cannot marshal field 'Counters' of type 'KnittingWago.Common.WAGO_DATA_TO_USER_T': Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Array fields must be paired with ByValArray or SafeArray).
Here is the DLL .h
unsigned int Counters[WAGO_NB_COUNTERS_C];
int Encoders[WAGO_NB_ENCODERS_C];
unsigned int Weight;
bool CalibrationValid;
bool LastCalibrationFailed;
Here is the C# Struct declaration :
const int WAGO_NB_COUNTERS_C = 80;
const int WAGO_NB_ENCODERS_C = 10;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4, SizeConst = GlobalConstant.WAGO_NB_COUNTERS_C)]
UInt32[] Counters;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4, SizeConst = GlobalConstant.WAGO_NB_ENCODERS_C)]
Int32[] Encoders;
UInt32 Weight;
Boolean CalibrationValid;
Boolean LastCalibrationFailed;
How do I declare the C# struct to get the rigth data without error ?
I've rewrite the Struct as :
internal struct WAGO_DATA_TO_USER_T
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = GlobalConstant.WAGO_NB_COUNTERS_C)]
UInt32[] Counters;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = GlobalConstant.WAGO_NB_ENCODERS_C)]
Int32[] Encoders;
UInt32 Weight;
Boolean CalibrationValid;
Boolean LastCalibrationFailed;
No more Error, but the Values are not as expected.
Should be like :
Counter[0] = ~ 5000
Counter[1] = ~ 30000
Counter[2-79] = 0
Really are :
Counter[0] = 40
Counter[1] = 1080228
Counter[2] = 82964616
Counter[3-79] = All have a non-zero value
The Marshalling was correct but the Device I was calling was not initialized by the external unmanaged dll. So I was reading uninitialisez memory that lead to that unvalid data