Telegram bot. Private messages to group members - telegram-bot

There is a public telegram chat. I want to make it so that when a user joins a chat group, the bot will send that user a private message.
I checked the technical capabilities and realized that this cannot be done, but I could be wrong. To implement this feature, the user must run this bot, then such an opportunity will appear.
Question. How to make it so that before joining a chat group, a person has to launch a bot?

First, you can get an array new_chat_members of new users in the chat from Message. Then you can send a Message with button (InlineKeyboardButton). This button has a switch_inline_query_current_chat field. That's what you need.


How does telethon judge whether the chat is a group or a user? for bot

What I need is the type of this chat message, whether it is a personal conversation or a group conversation, not the interlocutor (I don't know if I say this, can you understand what I mean
async for dialog in client.iter_dialogs():
if dialog.is_channel:
I looked through the documentation to find this, and after using it, it shows "telethon.errors.rpcerrorlist.BotMethodInvalidError: The API access for bot users is restricted. The method you tried to invoke cannot be executed as a bot (caused by GetDialogsRequest)
Is there any other way?
iter_dialogs method is only for user clients not for bot clients and you can use
await client.get_entity(<id or username here>) which gives your info about whether the id belongs to user or a chat or a bot.

How can I find telegram user by id

I'm using telegram bot and can get user id from incoming message.
Sometimes I want to find users who communicate with telegram bot and write them message by myself.
I have only user id and have not some additional information about the user.
Can I somehow find users by id or anonimity with only id available is by design?
At least what I've been using...
Program your bot to send you a message with link to that user.
This can be done by using link in your message (must be used as message entity or inline keyboard button):
Or in case you are using MarkdownV2 for formatting
[inline mention of a user](tg://user?id=<user_id>)
Then, by clicking on that link, you will open a user profile, where you can message your target.
Note, user can change his privacy settings, and disable mentions. In this case these links will not work.

Telegram Bots: Can I now start a chat or not? clearly says:
Bots can't initiate conversations with users. A user must either add them to a group or send them a message first.
But if I visit it says
Telegram bots are a powerful communication tool, but until today they couldn't start a conversation. Even if you wanted them to reach out to you, you had to chat them up first.
With the new login widget, moving from interacting with a website to a conversation on Telegram becomes completely frictionless.
So it is somehow possible to start a conversation via the login widget. But how do I do it?
I get a user id. Is there an api endpoint to initiate a chat with the user?
The only way to begin conversing with a Telegram bot is to start the conversation with them yourself. There's no way for the bot to start a conversation with a user themselves.
As you said, telegram clearly says there is no way for bot to start a conversation, the only thing bots can do is sending messages to an old conversation (I mean a user have to start the conversation).

Telegram Bot messages

Is it possible that bots send messages in chats only to specific members, and the messages aren't visible for other members of the chat?
For example:
There is a chat with 200 members and the bot is one of them. Somebody sends a command /help and bot responds only to him and others don't see the response
You can't do this at this time, but there are deleteMessage method you might interested.
And there are inline keyboard can ask users to START your bot, just put as URL value.

How to get authenticated by Telegram bot in Group chats?

Please kindly someone explain me how can the Telegram bot could understand who is sending the command in group chats and respond it with the the unique answer which is just for that user.
Surely in this case security issues should be considered and a user must not send command as another user.
I guess I can use username to send along with command.
Any suggestions...
The Message Object contains two objects apart from other objects:
Chat, message['chat'] which represents the Chat from which the message is coming. In your case the group.
User, message['from'] which represents the user that sent the message/command.
So it's easy to differentiate which user sent the message. And in case of Private chats, both the Chat object and the User Object are same.