How does subscriptions work for premium accounts - pre-signed-url

I am trying to understand how premium subscription like Netflix and Amazon restrict access after the subscription ends. I understanding it's using Presigned url but my understanding is that max time limit is 15 mins.


rate limit in twitter api

I'm using twitter developer API for my project. I have created an account with my phone number and email address. As you know there are some rate limits in twitter API!
For using API I should create app and user tokens of that app.
My question is that if I create multiple apps for that single account and use them in my project, my rate limit is multiplied by number of apps or requests are aggregated so my rate limit doesn't change?
Yes. It is limited by account.
Rate limiting of the standard API is primarily on a per-user basis —
or more accurately described, per user access token. If a method
allows for 15 requests per rate limit window, then it allows 15
requests per window per access token.

YouTube API Quota - Multiple accounts

Version 3 of the YouTube Data API has concrete quota numbers listed in the Google API Console where you register for your API Key. You can use 30,000 units/second/user and 1,000,000 per day. Projects that had enabled the YouTube Data API before April 20, 2016, have a default quota of 50M/day.
This means that once we breach this numbers, we'll receive in the header that the rate limits have been exceeded.
My question is, can you create multiple accounts, which will in theory DOUBLE the quota?
Or is it also IP restricted too meaning /user1/ & /user2/ requests won't actually change the quota?
It is my understanding that the quota is PER PROJECT, not per account. You could create 3 projects and each project would have the default quota. Then in your application you could attempt to use all 3 combined in order to post to the API with a higher throughput.

Google Service Account Limit

We built a system where we can access all our clients google analytics. I use Google service accounts to do server calls to google Analytics API and grant access to that service account as a user. Some how there is a limitation where each service account reaches a limit to be added in user accounts. (we have more than 2000 clients).
As of now, I am creating multiple service accounts when ever the previous reaches its limit. What is the solution for this?
Thank You,
The Core Reporting API has a quota limit of of 10,000 requests per view (profile) per day.
I suspect what you are doing is trying to display your Google Analytics data to all of your customers. Which isnt really going to work because of the quoat limit. I recomend that you use your service account to download your data into your own system and then display the stored data to your users.
There is no way to increase this quota limit.

Instagram api limit in large, public app

We've a large open system which offers the possibility to host a large number of apps. Every app has roughly 100 to 500 active users. The backend has the option to add a photo album page and I'd like to add Instagram as a feature. The app admin only has to add the username of his/her instagram account to make the connection. But with this number of apps and end users we reach the api limit with our developer account rather quickly. Is there some sort of workaround for this?
From my understanding the API limit is 5000 requests per hour per access_token or client_id. Since every user on your system should have their own access_token, and as long as the requests from your application uses each individual access token, you should be fine since that limit is going to be a per user limit.
Refer to Instagram End Point > Limits
You are limited to 5000 requests per hour per access_token or client_id overall.
Practically, this means you should (when possible) authenticate users so that
limits are well outside the reach of a given user.

What is Courtesy limit for Google's API?

Any one can tell me what means "Courtesy limit", such as like 1000 queries / day, for Google's API?
If I am using some Google APIs in my app and give the app to users, does that "1000 requests / day Courtesy limit" apply to each user or to the overall?
I mean, if 10 users are using my app, so does each of the users can have 1000 requests / day, or each of them can have just 1000/10 = 100 requests / day?
The courtesy limit is against the account/API key you are using - as each use of your application uses your API key, this courtesy limit is your and you are sharing it with your users. This means the total limit is 1000, divided amongst all your users.
edit: There is a useful API Dashboard for paid APIs