I can't get firebase cloud messaging legacy key - firebase-cloud-messaging

I can't find my Firebase Cloud Messaging legacy key. Here's the screenshot of Settings>Project settings>Cloud Messaging:


React-Native GDrive API "Error-> [AbortError: Aborted]"

I'm using the #robinbobin/react-native-google-drive-api-wrapper for GDrive file access. I can sign in with the #react-native-google-signin/google-signin to get the access token. But when I try to access the google drive (tried gdrive.files.list({}) and gdrive.about.get('*')), I always get the "Error-> [AbortError: Aborted]" with the "LOG" tag due to timeout.
LOG Error-> [AbortError: Aborted]
I've also tried the RobinBobin/gdrivetest project from https://github.com/RobinBobin/gdrivetest. Still got the same "Error-> [AbortError: Aborted]" message.
Any help is appreciated!
Related Code:
// Signin configure
scopes: [
// GDrive access
const gdrive = new GDrive();
gdrive.accessToken = (await GoogleSignin.getTokens()).accessToken;
gdrive.fetchCoercesTypes = true
gdrive.fetchRejectsOnHttpErrors = true
gdrive.fetchTimeout = 30000
console.log(await gdrive.about.get('*'));
// Tried this as well
let data = await gdrive.files.list({
q: new ListQueryBuilder()
.e('folderId', '1cU1OKC9K20DivHcdMeIhwMWGThIudLEB')
.in('root', 'parents'),
Google Drive API Setup:
Enabled APIs:
Google Drive API
App Engine Admin API
BigQuery API
BigQuery Migration API
BigQuery Storage API
Cloud Datastore API
Cloud Debugger API
Cloud Logging API
Cloud Monitoring API
Cloud Pub/Sub API
Cloud Resource Manager API
Cloud Runtime Configuration API
Cloud SQL
Cloud Storage
Cloud Storage API
Cloud Testing API
Cloud Trace API
FCM Registration API
Firebase App Distribution API
Firebase Cloud Messaging API
Firebase Dynamic Links API
Firebase Hosting API
Firebase Installations API
Firebase Management API
Firebase Remote Config API
Firebase Rules API
Google Cloud APIs
Google Cloud Storage JSON API
Identity Toolkit API
Mobile Crash Reporting API
Service Management API
Service Usage API
Token Service API

Where to find Firebase server key, I have enabled Cloud Messaging API V1 but i can't find it

I'm having trouble finding the server key, I have set up a new project in firebase console, in my project settings I have enabled Cloud Messaging API V1, but cant see the server key my Cloud Messaging is showing disabled, where can I find it? Thanks
you have to enable the Cloud Messaging API from the console.cloud.google.com by clicking on this link or in firebase console there are three dots and clicking on the "Manage API in Google Cloud Console"after enabling the API go back to firebase and refresh then you will get the FCM key for messaging

Why Firebase Analytics SDK automatically gets added when installing Firebase Cloud Messaging?

I'm developing an iOS application in which I am using Firebase Cloud Messaging. When I'm installing the FCM SDK, in the Pod's section, the Firebase Analytics SDK automatically installed. Please anyone let me know.
Firebase Analytics is the core of Firebase and it "also integrates with a number of other Firebase features. For example, it automatically logs events that correspond to your Firebase Notifications and provides reporting on the impact of each campaign." If you don't want it, you can disable it (here)

Unable to create plateform for gcm on AWS

I have created plateform for ios app and it is created fine on aws server but when I have tried to create gcm plateform on sns section it is giving error. I have attached the image.
I got exactly same issue as yours. It seems google is migrating Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to Google Cloud Messaging, and the API Key created via Credentials in API Manager of Google Cloud Platform is not working.
And here is how I get it to work.
Go to Firebase Console and import Google Cloud Project.
Go to Project settings on Firebase Console and you should see the Web API
Key of your project.
Go back to your Google Cloud Platform, and go to Credentials of API Manager, you should see there are two API keys have been generated. Browser key (auto created by Google Service) and Server key (auto created by Google Service)
The Server key (auto created by Google Service) is what you need to
use on the Amazon SNS.
Hope it can resolve your problem, and hope it is only a temporary solution that after Google done the migration, we can directly use the API key created in API Manager.
You should check if you are using the correct server key. It should be something like AIzaSyZ-1u...0GBYzPu7Udno5aA.

Firebase Cloud messaging service key not working correctly

Is the Firebase cloud messaging key present at the following two places same?
1) Firebase Console -> Settings -> cloud messaging
2) google-services.json under api_key-> current_key
My project has different keys at both the places. I am unable to send any messages to my server post migration to FCM
The API-KEY for sending FCM messages is the key present in:
Firebase Console -> Settings -> cloud messaging
The apy_key written in google_services.json is not used for FCM.