How to add value indicators (circle dots) in Radar chart Data sets using MpAndoidChart Lib? - mpandroidchart

LineDataSet class contains API setCircleRadius() but I need similar functionality in RadarDataSet class. Can some one help ?


Programmatically Draw With Measurement Widget

I'm using an ArcGIS scene with an AreaMeasurement3D widget to allow users to draw a region to provides some parameters for a db query. I would also like them to be able to type in coordinates and have the widget produce a measurement for them. I see there's a newMeasurement method available but it doesn't seem to support this. Is there some other way to programmatically draw a region with this widget?
It's not clear to me whether you want to reuse the AreaMeasurement3D widget to retrieve the actual measurements or use it to visualize the area. At this point the measurement tools do not support this.
I would suggest to use geometryEngine.geodesicArea() or geometryEngine.planarArea() to calculate a measurement from given coordinates.
Using a GraphicsLayer you could then visualize the area as shown in the Add Graphics sample.

shinobi charts - adding symbols and a legend

I have been using shinobi charts in iOS and I have a line graph in my app - I would now like to add some symbols to the data points and a legend to explain what the symbols mean - If someone could point me to some sample code that would be very helpful.
There is a datasource method which you can use to provide a UIImage for each of the data points:
- (UIImage *)sChartTextureForPoint:(ShinobiChart *)chart
If you implement this then you can provide the symbols as you wish.
The legend is a little more difficult. A legend is usually designed to allow identification of distinct series, however in this instance you would like to identify specific points. This isn't functionality currently supported by Shinobi, and although it would be possible to implement it using the SChartLegend class, I think you would be better off creating your own subclass of UIView as a legend.

iOS SDK : How to draw Line Chart with marker using Google Chart API

I am trying to draw Line chart with Google Chart API on iPad like the one shown below :
I am able to draw a simple chart with following URL :,y&chs=600x400&cht=lc&chd=t:22,3,89,54,65,45&chg=25,50&chls=0.75,-1,-1%7C2,4,1&chm=o,FF9900,1,-2,8%7Cb,3399CC44,0,1,0
Now I need to show marker like the one shown in the figure below where X and Y intersects.
How can I implement the same thing?
Finally I am able to do the same. Posting the link for reference.
For symbolic notation :,s,CCFFCC&cht=lc&chs=600x400&chxt=x,y&chxl=0:%7CTimeJan%7CFeb%7CMarch%7CApril%7CMay%7CJune%7CJuly%7C1:%7C0%7C10%7C20%7C30%7C40%7C50%7C60%7C70%7C80%7C90%7C100%7CScore&chd=t:20,50,70,90,45,50,80&chg=18,20&chdl=Score&chm=o,000000,0,-1,10.0
For Numeric Value refer the below one :,s,CCFFCC&cht=lc&chs=600x400&chxt=x,y&chxl=0:%7CTimeJan%7CFeb%7CMarch%7CApril%7CMay%7CJune%7CJuly%7C1:%7C0%7C10%7C20%7C30%7C40%7C50%7C60%7C70%7C80%7C90%7C100%7CScore&chd=t:20,50,70,90,45,50,80&chg=18,20&chdl=Score&chm=N,000000,0,-1,10.0

How to put y axis number in Core Plot?

I would like my Scatter graph I am making with Core Plot library to show Y value near every point relative to X data.
I looked at CPTTestApp project from Core Plot examples, but I simply don't get it. First I thought the secret lies in
-(CPTPlotSymbol *)symbolForScatterPlot:(CPTScatterPlot *)plot recordIndex:(NSUInteger)index
method and I have implemented it in my project. Yes, I got points drawn, which is nice, but I found out this probably has nothing to do with values being shown near points....
This suspicion was confirmed when I opened Candlestick demo from Plot_Galley_Mac demo. There is no method from above and it shows numbers nicely!
If anyone can, please, help me. Otherwise, I would like to thank developers for sharing this library with us. Beside over usage of NSDecimal structure and a bit thin manual and reference data, this is fabulous project.
You're looking for "data labels". CPTPlot has a number of properties that control the built-in labeling functions:
labelOffset: distance between the point and the label
labelRotation: rotation angle
labelTextStyle: text style used to draw the labels
labelFormatter: number (or date) formatter used to format the labels
labelShadow: shadow properties applied to the labels
If the built-in labels don't meet your needs, you can create your own. Implement the -dataLabelForPlot:recordIndex: datasource method and return the desired label for each point. Custom labels can be any CPTLayer so you can make anything you want—text, images, or any custom layer that you create.

Draw Graph in Blackberry

i want to create one app which draw different charts like pie chart, line chart, mixed chart etc.
Is the any API available to do so.If yes then please give me link.
And of no then is there any alternative for that.
AFAIK, there is no such chart drawing BB APIs right out of the box. So you should create your own custom ChartField by extending Field. Override Field.paint(Graphics graphics) to draw whatever you need. Graphics API offers a lot of drawing methods, so it is definitely doable.
RIM have a knowledge base article about drawing graph fields:
This shows how to create different tyes of graphs such as pie, line, bar.