PostgreSQL setup chunk (RMarkdown) - sql

I have been looking around for a while, for example in The RMarkdwon Definitive Guide or elsewhere, but found no satisfactory and clear description nor very clear example to connect to a PostgreSQL database. The way the information in that definitive guide reads to me seems kind of meaningless to me for some reason, such that I do not understand it.
The main piece of information I found is this (with {r setup} above it according to the information):
db = dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "sql.sqlite")
knitr::opts_chunk$set(connection = "db")
The library(DBI) part of course I get, but not the rest, except that knitr is a pack used for certain purposes, and some things here and there). Basically, I do not know how to set this up for PostgreSQL.
So what would be a good example for a first PostgreSQL setup chunk?
(As a sidenote, because I thought I wasted too much time, I just used RPostgres whenever I wanted. But because I thought that using SQL chunks would have greater advantages, I checked again. Maybe, in the end, I would be better off without the direct SQL chunks, but if I get to understand it sufficiently, maybe that would pay off, for example in having to type less or in having a nicer looking document or so.)

The dbConnect line is about connecting to your database; in the example, it's an in-memory SQLite database, but you'll need to modify it to connect to your PostgreSQL instance.
There's an example at Read/write Postgres large objects with DBI & RPostgres,
con <- dbConnect(
dbname = "postgres",
host = "localhost",
port = 5433,
user = "postgres",
password = "mysecretpassword"
(change the details to match your database)
The knitr::opts_chunk part is setting an option to knitr, so that you don't need to specify connection = "db" in every code chunk.


How to use this weird .sql file?

I have a very strange 'reload.sql' file that I need to use to build a database.
It references about 200 XXX.dat files with straight-up readable data (although useless without explanations regarding the meaning of the fields).
I have tried msssql server, mysql workbench (on a server local-hosted on wamp), and directly accessing it through DBeaver and IBConsole, but I cannot manage to execute/build it.
It uses a weird syntax. There are elements like
that hinted me towards T-SQL, but using sqlcmd on it gave me thousands upon thousands of errors regarding keywords.
Specifically, the very first batch of executable lines says
SET OPTION date_order = 'YMD'
SET OPTION PUBLIC.preserve_source_format = 'OFF'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION tsql_outer_joins = 'ON'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION st_geometry_describe_type = 'binary'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION st_geometry_on_invalid = 'Ignore'
SET TEMPORARY OPTION non_keywords = 'attach,compressed,detach,kerberos,nchar,nvarchar,refresh,varbit'
which generates about 150 errors 'Incorrect syntax near OPTION keyword' on its own, and according to google is part of a 'rexx' procedure but 'date_order' should then be 'DATFMT', right?
Another track is that of SyBase, but I cannot for the life of me get it to work (through my trials I did manage to build a .db file, that, well, is useless to me since I can't build it either..).
I've tried accessing it through ODBC pilots as well but none worked (the paradox ODBC did not crash, but said there was an error with a FROM clause, which are generated automatically...).
I need to know a way to build a database from this file or directly access the data it references, which I can't really post since it contains private medical data.
Also what madman came up with this.
The very first google link (for me anyway) against 'st-geometry-describe-option' shows this is a SAP SQL Anywhere database i.e.
So I would suggest starting from the SQL Anywhere documentation and you will need to install the database software beforehand.

Invoking a large set of SQL from a Rails 4 application

I have a Rails 4 application that I use in conjunction with sidekiq to run asynchronous jobs. One of the jobs I normally run outside of my Rails application is a large set of complex SQL queries that cannot really be modeled by ActiveRecord. The connection this set of SQL queries has with my Rails app is that it should be executed anytime one of my controller actions is invoked.
Ideally, I'd queue a job from my Rails application within the controller for Sidekiq to go ahead and run the queries. Right now they're stored in an external file, and I'm not entirely sure what the best way is to have Rails run the said SQL.
Any solutions are appreciated.
I agree with Sharagoz, if you just need to run a specific query, the best way is to send the query string directly into the connection, like:
If the query is not static and you have to compose it, I would use Arel, it's already present in Rails 4.x:
You didn't say what database you are using, so I'm going to assume MySQL.
You could shell out to the mysql binary to do the work:
result = `mysql -u #{user} --password #{password} #{database} < #{huge_sql_filename}`
Or use ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("huge.sql")), but it won't work out of the box if you have multiple SQL statements in your SQL file.
In order to run multiple statements you will need to create an initializer that monkey patches the ActiveRecord::Base.mysql2_connection to allow setting MySQL's CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS and CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS flags.
Create a new initializer config/initializers/mysql2.rb
module ActiveRecord
class Base
# Overriding ActiveRecord::Base.mysql2_connection
# method to allow passing options from database.yml
# Example of database.yml
# login: &login
# socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
# adapter: mysql2
# host: localhost
# encoding: utf8
# flags: 131072
# #param [Hash] config hash that you define in your
# database.yml
# #return [Mysql2Adapter] new MySQL adapter object
def self.mysql2_connection(config)
config[:username] = 'root' if config[:username].nil?
if Mysql2::Client.const_defined? :FOUND_ROWS
config[:flags] = config[:flags] ? config[:flags] | Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS : Mysql2::Client::FOUND_ROWS
client =
options = [config[:host], config[:username], config[:password], config[:database], config[:port], config[:socket], 0], logger, options, config)
Then update config/database.yml to add flags:
adapter: mysql2
database: app_development
username: user
password: password
flags: <%= 65536 | 131072 %>
I just tested this on Rails 4.1 and it works great.
Executing one query is - as outlined by other people - quite simply done through
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users")
You are talking about a 20.000 line sql script of multiple queries. Assuming you have the file somewhat under control, you can extract the individual queries from it.
script = Rails.root.join("lib").join("script.sql").read # ah, Pathnames
# this needs to match the delimiter of your queries
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
script.split(STATEMENT_SEPARATOR).each do |stmt|
If you're lucky, then the query delimiter could be ";\n\n", but this depends of course on your script. We had in another example "\x0" as delimiter. The point is that you split the script into queries to send them to the database. I wrapped it in a transaction, to let the database know that there is coming more than one statement. The block commits when no exception is raised while sending the script-queries.
If you do not have the script-file under control, start talking to those who control it to get a reliable delimiter. If it's not under your control and you cannot talk to the one who controls it, you wouldn't execute it, I guess :-).
This is a generic way to solve this. For PostgreSQL, you don't need to split the statements manually. You can just send them all at once via execute. For MySQL, there seem to be solutions to get the adapter into a CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS mode.
If you want to execute raw SQL through active record you can use this API:
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users")
If you are running big SQL every time, i suggest you to create a sql view for it. It be boost the execution time. The other thing is, if possible try to split all those SQL query in such a way that it will be executed parallely instead of sequentially and then push it to sidekiq queue.
You have to use ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute or ModelClass.find_by_sql to run custom SQL.
Also, put an eye on ROLLBACK transactions, you will find many places where you dont need such ROLLBACK feature. If you avoid that, the query will run faster but it is dangerous.
Thanks all i can suggest.
use available database tools to handle the complex queries, such as views, stored procedures etc and call them as other people already suggested (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute and ModelClass.find_by_sql for example)- it might very well cut down significantly on query preparation time in the DB and make your code easier to handle
abstract your query input parameters into a hash so you can pass it on to sidekiq, don't send SQL strings as this will probably degrade performance (due to query preparation time) and make your life more complicated due to funny SQL driver parsing bugs
run your complex queries in a dedicated named queue and set concurrency to such a value that will prevent your database of getting overwhelmed by the queries as they smell like they could be pretty db heavy
have a look at Squeel, its a great addition to AR, it might be able to pull some of the things you are doing
I'll assume you use MySQL for now, but your mileage will vary depending on the DB type that you use. For example, Oracle has some good gems for handling stored procedures, views etc, for example
Let me know if some of this stuff doesn't fit your use case and I'll expand
I see this post is kind of old. But I would like to add my solution to it. I was in a similar situation; I also needed a way to force feed "PRAGMA foreign_keys = on;" into my sqlite connection (I could not find a previous post that spelled it out how to do it.) Anywho, this worked like a charm for me. It allowed me to write "pretty" sql and still get it executed. Blank lines are ignored by the if statement.
conn = ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter:'sqlite3',database:DB_NAME)
sqls =';')
sqls.each {|sql| conn.connection.execute(sql<<';') unless sql.strip.size == 0 }
conn.connection.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = on;')
I had the same problem with a set of sql statements that I needed to execute all in one call to the server. What worked for me was to set up an initializer for Mysql2 adapter (as explained in infused answer) but also do some extra work to process multiple results. A direct call to ActiveRecord::Base.connection.executewould only retrieve the first result and issue an Internal Error.
My solution was to get the Mysql2 adapter and work directly with it:
client = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection
Then, as explained here, execute the query and loop through the results:
while client.next_result
result = client.store_result
# do something with it ...

What is the fastest way to write to a db table from R?

I have a data table in R with 1.5M rows. I want to export this to a MS SQL db table.
I know I can do it this way:
dbWriteTable(conn,"benefit_custom.Trial_set",trial_set )
But its very slow.
The other option I've tried is to write to a flat file and then create an SSIS pkg to transfer it to the db. This is not a problem, but the issue is that I have string and numeric data in my data table, and when R writes to the file, everything is varchar and is enclosed within quotes.
FileLocation <-"\\Benefit_Analysis_Input.dat"
FileName<- paste( bcpWorkspace,FileLocation,sep = "")
write.table(trial_set,file =FileName,append = FALSE, sep = "\t",col.names = T, row.names = F)
The 1st method preserves the data types like I want to, but the performance is very bad. Does anyone have anything else I can try?
So I guess the data types cant be preserved if I'm writing to a flat file, so I have to go with choosing the data types when I'm importing the flat file into the db
Answering your question: the fastest seems to be rsqlserver
As of now I know about:
rsqlserver: Using System.Data.SqlClient drivers, only on win OS
RSQLServer: Using java drivers to SQLserver from any OS using RJDBC
RODBC: using ODBC drivers, easy setup only on win OS
Still microsoft sql server looks to be quite poorly supported from the R session perspective.
Here is interesting benchmark by rsqlserver project:
Also important to note related to rsqlserver: A linux version using mono is planned.
Finally, my recent presentation on Data Warehousing with R covers DBI, RJDBC, RODBC examples.
I think #rhealitycheck is on the right track - I would use the SQL Import and Export Data wizard to generate an SSIS package. I would save it and customize it later, for example adding an upstream Execute Process Task to call R and write the text file out.
The performance and flexibility of this solution is hard to beat.

All of a Sudden , Sql Server Timeout

We got a legacy applicaction that was working for years
But all of a sudden it stops working yesterday and gives sql server timeout
Most part of application gives time out error , one part for example is below code :
command2 = New SqlCommand("select * from Acc order by AccDate,AccNo,AccSeq", SBSConnection2)
reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader()
If reader2.HasRows() Then
While reader2.Read()
If IndiAccNo <> reader2("AccNo") Then
CAccNo = CAccNo + 1
CAccSeq = 10001
IndiAccNo = reader2("AccNo")
CAccSeq = CAccSeq + 1
End If
command3 = New SqlCommand("update Acc Set AccNo=#NewAccNo,AccSeq=#NewAccSeq where AccNo=#AccNo and AccSeq=#AccSeq", SBSConnection3)
command3.Parameters.Add("#AccNo", SqlDbType.Int).Value = reader2("AccNo")
command3.Parameters.Add("#AccSeq", SqlDbType.Int).Value = reader2("AccSeq")
command3.Parameters.Add("#NewAccNo", SqlDbType.Int).Value = CAccNo
command3.Parameters.Add("#NewAccSeq", SqlDbType.Int).Value = CAccSeq
End While
End If
It was working and now gives time out in command3.ExecuteNonQuery()
Any ideas ?
Some information :
There isnt anything that has been changed on network and the app uses local database
The main issue is that even in development environment it donest work anymore
I'll state the obvious - something changed. It could be an upgrade that isn't having the desired effect - it could be a network component going south - it could be a flakey disk - it could be many things - but something in the access path has changed. What other problem indications are you seeing, including problems not directly related to this application? Where is the database stored (local disk, network storage box, written by angels on the head of a pin, other)? Has your system administrator "helped" or "improved" things somehow? The code has not worn out - something else has happened.
Is it possible that this query has been getting slower over time and is now just exceeded the default timeout?
How many records would be in the acc table and are there indexes on AccNo and AccSeq?
Also what version of SQL are you using?
How long since you updated statistics and rebuilt indexes?
How much has your data grown? Queries that work fine for small datasets can be bad for large ones.
Are you getting locking issues? [AMJ] Have you checked activity monitor to see if there are locks when the timeout occurs?
Have you run profiler to grab the query that is timing out and then run it directly onthe server? Is it faster then? Could also be network issues in moving the information from the database server to the application. That would at least tell you if it s SQl Server issue or a network issue.
And like Bob Jarvis said, what has recently changed on the server? Has something changed in the database structure itself? Has someone added a trigger?
I would suggest that there is a lock on one of the records that you are trying to update, or there are transactions that haven't been completed.
I know this is not part of your question, but after seeing your sample code i have to make this comment: is there any chance you could change your method of executing sql on your database? It is bad on so many levels.
Perhaps should you set the CommandTimeout property to a higher delay?
Doing so will allow your command to wait a little longer for the underlying database to respond. As I see it, perhaps are you not letting time enough for your database engine to perform all what is required before creating another command to perform your update.
Know that the SqlDataReader continues to "SELECT" while feeding the in-memory objects. Then, while reading, you require your code to update some other table, which your DBE just can't handle, by the time your SqlCommand requires, than times out.
any chances of a "quotes" as part of the strings you are passing to queries?
any chances of date dependent queries where a special condition is not working anymore?
Have you tested the obvious?
Have you run the "update Acc Set AccNo=#NewAccNo,AccSeq=#NewAccSeq where AccNo=#AccNo and AccSeq=#AccSeq" query directly on your SQL Server Management Studio? (Please replace the variables with some hard coded values)
Have you run the same test on another colleague's PC?
Can we make sure that the SQLConnection is working fine. It could be the case that SQL login criteria is changed and connection is getting a timeout. It will be probably more helpful if you post the error message here.
You can rewrite the update as a single query. This will run much faster than the original query.
UPDATE subquery
SET AccNo = NewAccNo, AccSeq = NewAccSeq
(SELECT AccNo, AccSeq,
+ 10000 NewAccSeq
FROM Acc) subquery
After HLGEM's suggestions, I would check the data and make sure it is okay. In cases like this, 95% of the time it is the data.
Make sure disk is defragged. Yes, I know, but it does make a difference. Not the built-in defragger. One that defrags and optimizes like PerfectDisk.
This may be a bit of a long shot, but if your entire application has stopped working, have you run out of space for the transaction log in your database? Either it's been specified to an absolute size, and that has been reached, or your disk is just full.
May be your tables include more information, and defined SqlConnection.ConnectionTimeout property value in config file with little value. And this value isn't necessary to execute your queries.
you can trying optimize your queries, and also rebuilt indexes.

Managing and debugging SQL queries in MS Access

MS Access has limited capabilities to manage raw SQL queries: the editor is quite bad, no syntax highlighting, it reformats your raw SQL into a long string and you can't insert comments.
Debugging complex SQL queries is a pain as well: either you have to split it into many smaller queries that become difficult to manage when your schema changes or you end-up with a giant query that is a nightmare to debug and update.
How do you manage your complex SQL queries in MS Access and how do you debug them?
At the moment, I'm mostly just using Notepad++ for some syntax colouring and SQL Pretty Printer for reformatting sensibly the raw SQL from Access.
Using an external repository is useful but keeping there's always the risk of getting the two versions out of sync and you still have to remove comments before trying the query in Access...
For debugging, I edit them in a separate text editor that lets me format them sensibly. When I find I need to make changes, I edit the version in the text editor, and paste it back to Access, never editing the version in Access.
Still a major PITA.
I have a few tips that are specific to SQL in VBA.
Put your SQL code with a string variable. I used to do this:
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("SELECT ...")
That is hard to manage. Do this instead:
strSQL = "SELECT ..."
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Often you can't fix a query unless you see just what's being run. To do that, dump your SQL to the Immediate Window just before execution:
strSQL = "SELECT ..."
Debug.Print strSQL
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Paste the result into Access' standard query builder (you must use SQL view). Now you can test the final version, including code-handled variables.
When you are preparing a long query as a string, break up your code:
strSQL = "SELECT wazzle FROM bamsploot" _
& vbCrLf & "WHERE plumsnooker = 0"
I first learned to use vbCrLf when I wanted to prettify long messages to the user. Later I found it makes SQL more readable while coding, and it improves the output from Debug.Print. (Tiny other benefit: no space needed at end of each line. The new line syntax builds that in.)
(NOTE: You might think this will let you add add comments to the right of the SQL lines. Prepare for disappointment.)
As said elsewhere here, trips to a text editor are a time-saver. Some text editors provide better syntax highlighting than the official VBA editor. (Heck, StackOverflow does better.) It's also efficient for deleting Access cruft like superfluous table references and piles of parentheses in the WHERE clause.
Work flow for serious trouble shooting:
VBA Debug.Print > (capture query during code operation)
query builder > (testing lab to find issues)
Notepad++ > (text editor for clean-up and review)
query builder > (checking, troubleshooting)
Of course, trouble shooting is usually a matter of reducing the complexity of a query until you're able to isolate the problem (or at least make it disappear!). Then you can build it back up to the masterpiece you wanted. Because it can take several cycles to solve a sticky problem, you are likely to use this work flow repeatedly.
I wrote Access SQL Editor-- an Add-In for Microsoft Access-- because I write quite a lot of pass-through queries, and more complex SQL within Access. This add-in has the advantage of being able to store formatted SQL (with comments!) within your Access application itself. When queries are copied to a new Access application, formatting is retained. When the built-in editor clobbers your formatting, the tool will show your original query and notify you of the difference.
It currently does not debug; if there was enough interest, I would pursue this-- but for the time being the feature set is intentionally kept small.
It is not free for the time being, but purchasing a license is very cheap. If you can't afford it, you can contact me. There is a free 14-day trial here.
Once it's installed, you can access it through your Add-Ins menu (In Access 2010 it's Database Tools->Add Ins).
Debugging is more of a challenge. If a single column is off, that's usually pretty easy to fix. But I'm assuming you have more complex debugging tasks that you need to perform.
When flummoxed, I typically start debugging with the FROM clause. I trace back to all the tables and sub-queries that comprise the larger query, and make sure that the joins are properly defined.
Then I check my WHERE clause. I run lots of simple queries on the tables, and on the sub-queries that I've already checked or that I already trust, and make sure that when I run the larger query, I'm getting what I expect with the WHERE conditions in place. I double-check the JOIN conditions at the same time.
I double-check my column definitions to make sure I'm retrieving what I really want to see, especially if the formulas involved are complicated. If you have something complicated like a coordinated subquery in a column definition
Then I check to see if I'm grouping data properly, making sure that "DISTINCT"'s and "UNION"'s without UNION ALL don't remove necessary duplicates.
I don't think I've ever encountered a SQL query that couldn't be broken down this way. I'm not always as methodical as this, but it's a good way to start breaking down a real stumper.
One thing I could recommend when you write your queries is this: Never use SELECT * in production code. Selecting all columns this way is a maintenance nightmare, and it leads to big problems when your underlying schemas change. You should always write out each and every column if you're writing SQL code that you'll be maintaining in the future. I saved myself a lot of time and worry just by getting rid of "SELECT *"'s in my projects.
The downside to this is that those extra columns won't appear automatically in queries that refer to "SELECT *" queries. But you should be aware of how your queries are related to each other, anyway, and if you need the extra columns, you can go back and add them.
There is some hassle involved in maintaining a code repository, but if you have versioning software, the hassle is more than worth it. I've heard of ways of versioning SQL code written in Access databases, but unfortunately, I've never used them.
If you're doing really complex queries in MS Access, I would consider keeping a repository of those queries somewhere outside of the Access database itself... for instance, in a .sql file that you can then edit in an editor like Intype that will provide syntax highlighting. It'll require you to update queries in both places, but you may end up finding it handy to have an "official" spot for it that is formatted and highlighted correctly.
Or, if at all possible, switch to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, which is also free and will provide you the features you desire through the SQL Management Studio (also free).
Expanding on this suggestion from Smandoli:
NO: DoCmd.RunSQL ("SELECT ...")
YES: strSQL = "SELECT ..."
DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL)
If you want to keep the SQL code in an external file, for editing with your favorite text editor (with syntax coloring and all that), you could do something like this pseudo-code:
// On initialization:
global strSQL
f = open("strSQL.sql")
strSQL = read_all(f)
// To to the select:
This may be a bit clunky -- maybe a lot clunky -- but it avoids the consistency issues of edit-copy-paste.
Obviously this doesn't directly address debugging SQL, but managing code in a readable way is a part of the problem.
Similar to recursive, I use an external editor to write my queries. I use Notepad++ with the Light Explorer extension for maintaining several scripts at a time, and Notepad2 for one-off scripts. (I'm kind of partial to Scintilla-based editors.)
Another option is to use the free SQL Server Management Studio Express, which comes with SQL Server Express. (EDIT: Sorry, EdgarVerona, I didn't notice you mentioned this already!) I normally use it to write SQL queries instead of using Access, because I typically use ODBC to link to a SQL Server back end anyway. Beware that the differences in the syntax of T-SQL, used by SQL Server, and Jet SQL, used by Access MDB's, are sometimes substantial.
Are you talking here about what MS-Access calls 'queries' and SQL call 'views' or about the 'MS-Access pass-through' queries which are SQL queries? Someone could get easily lost! My solution is the following
free SQL Server Management
Studio Express, where I will
elaborate and test my queries
a query table on the client
side, with one field for the query
name (id_Query) and another one
(queryText, memo type) for the
query itself.
I then have a small function getSQLQuery in my VBA code to be used when I need to execute a query (either returning a recordset or not):
Dim myQuery as string, _
rsADO as ADODB.recorset
rsADO = new ADODB.recordset
myQuery = getSQLQuery(myId_Query)
'if my query retunrs a recordset'
set rsADO = myADOConnection.Execute myQuery
'or, if no recordset is to be returned'
myADOConnection.Execute myQuery
For views, it is even possible to keep them on the server side and to refer to them from the client side
set rsADO = myADOConnection.execute "dbo.myViewName"
Well to my knowledge there are 2 options:
Notepad++ with Poor man's t-sql formatter plugin ..i know there is already a mention for SQL Pretty Printer but i haven't used my workflow is ..i create the query in Access..i copy paste it to Notepad++ ...i format it..i work on it ...back to Access..only pads in some cases spaces in this case : [Forms]![AForm].[Ctrl] and they become [Forms] ! [AForm].[Ctrl] but i am used to and it doesn't bother me..
SoftTree SQL Assistant ( bring just about everything you wanted on a SQL editor...i have worked a bit in the past(trial) but its price tag is a bit stiff