Bold Text in Dialog Box - DXL [closed] - formatting

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I'm trying to make an program in DXL whos asks the user some data. For this reason, I would like show the instruction to user with an Dialog Box. How can I do put a bold strings in the Dialog Box? (I'm new in this language).
Although the question is already answered, I update the question so that future readers can understand it better:
I know how dialog boxes are created and displayed in DXL, as follows:
DB dialog = create("My DB box.", styleCentered | styleFixed);
label(dialog, "ALL");
show dialogue
But what I want to do is add bold text inside it.

This depends on where you need the bold text. As far as I know it is e.g. not possible to make a label of a field bold, but you could perhaps create a DBE of type richField (or richText) on your dialog box and fill it with richtext, like in
void doSomething (DBE x) {ack "boo!"}
DB dialog = create("hi there")
richField (dialog, "", "Remember to {\\b save your module} before calling this function", 60, true)
button (dialog, "Do something", doSomething)
show dialog
For more complex texts you might want to look at drawing text on a DBE canvas


Back and Exit button not enabling in screen program [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am trying to enable back and exit buttons on application tool bar. I created pf-status choosing dialog box. I am not able to figure out which function code should be assigned to back and exit button. I need to have option where the output can be displayed in either popup dialog box or normal screen. Can anyone please explain how to achieve this?
It doesn't really matter what function code you assign to those buttons, because you have to implement the PAI module which handles the reactions to those buttons yourself anyway. There doesn't seem to be a convention either: SAP standard programs all use different function codes for those buttons.
Here is an example for such a handler. In this case the GUI-Status assigns "BACK", "EXIT" and "CANCEL" to the green, yellow and red button respectively:
MODULE handle_navigation INPUT.
CASE sy-ucomm.
WHEN 'BACK'. " Green button
WHEN 'EXIT'. " Yellow button
text_question = 'Would you like to save before quitting?'
answer = lv_answer.
IF lv_answer = '1'. " Yes, save and then quit
PERFORM write_data_to_db.
ELSEIF lv_answer = '2'. " No, quit without saving
" User canceled the popup - do nothing
WHEN 'CANCEL'. " Red button

Taskbar in [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Sorry for my English, but i'm studying it.
My question is this: is possible to create a taskbar like Windows 10 taskbar in I'm developing a OS and i need a taskbar. I would like it to work in such a way as to show an icon for each application (project forms) that are opened by the OS. I've tried using pictureboxes and user controls, but the problem is that I do not know how to add the click event to controls added dynamically to the program.
Thanks to those who will answer, even if you will not be helpful :)
If you mean you want to make OS using VB.Net, I should tell you that is impossible in VB.Net, If you mean you want to make something emulate the OS as Launcher, You can use this codes to get all opened process and other codes to get that's thumbnails
Dim pro() = Process.GetProcesses()
For Each pr As Process In pro
'Your codes goes here
Then you can add processes name with that's thumbnail in database and Refresh it using Background Worker, Then Display it in List View Docked at the bottom, that will emulate the Windows 10 Task bar.

Non-Latin characters in VBA InputBox() [closed]

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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I am using VBA code to get data from user by using InputBox function. I want a user to write in Arabic.
But, when I run it, I found strange characters although I can write in Arabic normally in Excel sheets.
Can anyone help?
Make a custom form, that works as InputBox.
There you would be able to write in any other language than English.
Otherwise you would be getting the ?????????????????????
Simply add a label element for the input and button elements for Ok and Cancel.
In general, this is much better than InputBox, because you can control the TextAlign property, which is different in Arabic than in English.

How to obtain data from one form to another? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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User clicks select colour in Form1, it opens Form2- they click red and click the button "Choose". Form2 closes, and the colour is set as a variable in Form1. How do I do this? Any code samples?
Yes, this is possible. You can do something called passing variables between forms.
You can do this by making a textbox/combobox a public property from the modifiers menu in design view
Look here for information on passing variables between forms.
Also P.S - Show some of your working first, before posting just for code!

How to set NStextfield displayed as **** return character when checkbox in cocoa [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm a newbiwe. I building a mac app, i want to set type input in password textfield displayed as **. And then user check on Checkbox, text in password textfield displayed normal. I created NStextfield and Checkbox programmitically. Thanks for your help.
Take a look at KSPasswordField...
From the page:
Shows the password in plain text on-demand
On the basis that password visibility is likely being toggled for editing, makes the field the first responder
Automatically cleans up likely unwanted whitespace when pasting or dragging in passwords
To make it work:
Add KSPasswordField.h and KSPasswordField.m to your project.
In Interface Builder, create a regular NSSecureTextField and then set
its custom class to be KSPasswordField.
(Or, in your case, programatically create a KSPasswordField instead of an NSTextField)
Hook up a checkbox (NSButton) to the toggleTextShown: action of your KSPasswordField. In your case, do this:
[myCheckbox setTarget:myPasswordField];
[myCheckbox setAction:#selector(toggleTextShown:)];