Failed to add default service account in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Pub/Sub - gpc

Failed to add service account in Pub/Sub Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


Where to find Firebase server key, I have enabled Cloud Messaging API V1 but i can't find it

I'm having trouble finding the server key, I have set up a new project in firebase console, in my project settings I have enabled Cloud Messaging API V1, but cant see the server key my Cloud Messaging is showing disabled, where can I find it? Thanks
you have to enable the Cloud Messaging API from the by clicking on this link or in firebase console there are three dots and clicking on the "Manage API in Google Cloud Console"after enabling the API go back to firebase and refresh then you will get the FCM key for messaging

I can't get firebase cloud messaging legacy key

I can't find my Firebase Cloud Messaging legacy key. Here's the screenshot of Settings>Project settings>Cloud Messaging:

Can cloud recording save to a Google Cloud Storage bucket?

I have been able to use the REST APIs to enable cloud recording to an AWS S3 bucket as a test using your Unity SDK. For our project, we would like to store to Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
I don't see a vendor ID for GCS in the agora documentation (even though GCS is supposed to be compatible with the AWS APIs). Is GCS supported? If so, what's the vendor ID?
I see a similar question last year at Cloud and REST API based Recording and storing to Google bucket or AWS S3
It is supported now
Documentation reference:
#Updated Dec 2021
The Agora Cloud Recording Service does now support GCP.
As mentioned in the Cloud Recording documentation, the service supports:
0: Qiniu Cloud
1: Amazon S3
2: Alibaba Cloud
3: Tencent Cloud
4: Kingsoft Cloud
5: Microsoft Azure
6: Google Cloud
7: Huawei Cloud
8: Baidu AI Cloud
Documentation reference:

Google cloud - enable billing on project programactally

I have a web app deployed in a GCE instance since last year, but yesterday my access to this instance was suspended since my free credits ended so i need to enable billing on my project.
I forgot my email address to enter in my google cloud account, so i can't log in and enable billing on my project. I have valid credentials that i used to interact with Google Compute Engine, it's possible to enable billings on my project using some google cloud api?
I've searched here: but not found anything.
How can i enable billing on my project using the api?

Using Google Accounts for Authentication and Google APIs in Compute Engine

The Google App Engine standard environment allows easy integration with Google accounts for user authentication, Cloud Datastore and with APIs such as Gmail API, Google Calendar etc.
Are these same features available in Compute Engine also? I mean can I deploy a web application in a Tomcat container in a Compute Engine VM and use Google Accounts for authentication, Cloud Datastore for persistence and APIs such as Google Plus and Google Calendar for reading users' personal information?
I found this URL that says Cloud Datastore can be used from Compute Engine but could not find similar documentation about usage of Google Accounts for authentication and usage of APIs like Google Plus and Google Calendar.
Yes you can.
You can use all Google APIs (Gmail API, Google Calendar etc) from tomcat and from any other web container. You simply need to provide the credential to connect to the Google APIs. HERE how can you obtain the credential on a server side web application, please note that the documentation it's not referring to any specific web container.
Appengine provides out of the box a simpler way to authenticate Google user through the UserServiceFactory. This service it's not available outside the AppEngine Enviroment because it comes with the AppEngine SDK.
In order to use the Google Cloud Datastore from outside of the AppEngine environment you need to use the Remote API. With this api you will be able to access the Datastore service.