I'm new to IntelliJ and need some help for some issue when I'm reformatting the code.
For example, let's say I have this code which is ,at first, written in other IDE(Eclipse).
public class TestService {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
If I reformat code(cmd+option+L)...
public class TestService {
____private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
IntelliJ somehow generates some silly empty spaces that make git to think something changed.
I'm currently using the most recent version of IntellJ on M1 Mac. I also did import Eclipse code style into IntelliJ. Is there any configuration to resolve this problem?
Probably your tab characters were auto-replaced by space characters because that is IntelliJ defaults.
Go to "Preferences | Editor | Code Style | Java" and click "Use tab character" to keep your tabs.
When creating a new test, I have issues importing mockito methods into the class.
The class looks like
#SpringBootTest(classes = MainSpringBootApplication.class)
class CoolServiceTest {
SomeService someService;
void testGetInstitutionsCache_ShouldNotSecondTime() {
assertEquals(someService.getName(), "bob");
verify(idsClientMock, times(1));
In the import menu of intellij I don't see the option to import org.mockito.Mockito which I know where the package resides.
Instead I get the option to add;
import static org.testcontainers.shaded.com.google.common.base.Verify.verify;
(obviously not what I want)
I can get around it by typing the full Mockito.verify and then adding an on-demand static import to tidy the code.
The package is definitely installed and available to use, but intellij won't pick it up automatically.
After recent JetBrains Intellij IDEA updates I found out that when I'm trying to implement method annotated with javax.annotation.Nonnull - IDE implements it with org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull instead.
If you have an interface:
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
interface User {
String getName();
it will be implemented as:
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
class Customer implements User {
public String getName() {
return null;
The question is how to configure IDE to implement methods with strict validation annotation?
Looks like a defect (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-253324) although there is a workaround exist:
Inspections > Java > Probable bugs > Nullability problems > #NotNull/#Nullable problems > Configure Annotations. Set javax.annotation.Nullable/javax.annotation.Nonnull as defaults and restart the IDE.
To add the library with annotations to a Gradle project, add the implementation org.jetbrains:annotations:23.0.0 dependency to the build.gradle file.
I have the following line in my class:
public class myClass {
private final String MY_VAR = "PY-PP";
But somehow whenever I inspect my code in debug, that variable is null, it is not being used anywhere except in 1 place to read, any ideas?
I have tried invalidating caches, rebuilding whole project and redeploying the server with no luck, this is a brand new intellij install as well.
I have defined a method like below:
public void mehtod(String clazz) {
clazz parameter is a FQDN name as: com.example.Hello, and I want intellij to autocomplete when i type "com.example.Hello".
Do I need to make some custom config in Intellij?
You can use "Class Name Completion" for this.
Ctrl-Option-Space on Mac, Ctrl-Alt-SPace on Windows
I agree with "JB Nizet", though: Use Hello.class.getName() is more reliable
I am learning eclipse plugin development and a great deal of learning can be done by looking at the implementation of an existing builtin plugin itself.
While I was looking for a shortcut to switch between tabs I found this --> Eclipse HotKey: how to switch between tabs?
However I am not able to search the command /key binding/ Handler class that actually implements the Ctrl+PageDown key binding.
Similarly, I was able to find the key binding and the command of of M3+PAGE_DOWN (ALT+PAGE_DOWN) in plugins/org.eclipse.ui_some_version.jar (org.eclipse.ui_3.103.0.v20120705-114351.jar in my case) but not the Handler.
How can I find these out? Which plugin should I refer to?
Those commands get handled programatically inside
Good tools for analysing the origin of elements are the "Plug-In Registry" View, the "Plug-In Spy" and Google.
You can find the handler in org.eclipse.ui.workbench (see class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorPart)
The handler is defined programmatically and not declaratively:
public abstract class MultiPageEditorPart extends EditorPart implements IPageChangeProvider {
private static final String COMMAND_NEXT_SUB_TAB = "org.eclipse.ui.navigate.nextSubTab"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private void initializeSubTabSwitching() {
IHandlerService service = (IHandlerService) getSite().getService(IHandlerService.class);
service.activateHandler(COMMAND_NEXT_SUB_TAB, new AbstractHandler() {
// ...