Which eclipse plugin implements Ctrl+PageDown or M1+PageDown - eclipse-plugin

I am learning eclipse plugin development and a great deal of learning can be done by looking at the implementation of an existing builtin plugin itself.
While I was looking for a shortcut to switch between tabs I found this --> Eclipse HotKey: how to switch between tabs?
However I am not able to search the command /key binding/ Handler class that actually implements the Ctrl+PageDown key binding.
Similarly, I was able to find the key binding and the command of of M3+PAGE_DOWN (ALT+PAGE_DOWN) in plugins/org.eclipse.ui_some_version.jar (org.eclipse.ui_3.103.0.v20120705-114351.jar in my case) but not the Handler.
How can I find these out? Which plugin should I refer to?

Those commands get handled programatically inside
Good tools for analysing the origin of elements are the "Plug-In Registry" View, the "Plug-In Spy" and Google.

You can find the handler in org.eclipse.ui.workbench (see class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorPart)
The handler is defined programmatically and not declaratively:
public abstract class MultiPageEditorPart extends EditorPart implements IPageChangeProvider {
private static final String COMMAND_NEXT_SUB_TAB = "org.eclipse.ui.navigate.nextSubTab"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private void initializeSubTabSwitching() {
IHandlerService service = (IHandlerService) getSite().getService(IHandlerService.class);
service.activateHandler(COMMAND_NEXT_SUB_TAB, new AbstractHandler() {
// ...


Can we access spring bean in Karate feature?

I have a class like below, can I access the myServer object or call handleOperation() method (which can use the injected bean) in Karate Feature file? If yes then may I know how?
#SpringBootTest(classes = {MyApiApp.class}, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {AcceptanceTestConfiguration.class})
#KarateOptions(features = "classpath:acceptanceTest/api/myapi.feature", tags = "#myapi")
public class MyAtddTest {
private MyServer myServer;
public void handleOperation() throws Exception {
There is no direct support for spring or the annotations. And not sure if you can mix the test annotations.
But take a look at the Spring MVC Dispatcher example here: https://github.com/intuit/karate/tree/master/karate-mock-servlet#mocking-your-servlet
Specifically how using Java interop you can do anything you want. I recommend getting the spring context using first-principles. For e.g:
ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AcceptanceTestConfiguration.class);
And then getting beans out of it. Setting a test profile via System.setProperty() should be simple, search for it. You can do all this in even the karate-config.js and then it should be easy to use from all Scenario-s.
EDIT - also refer: https://github.com/Sdaas/hello-karate

How to get access from ToolWindowFactory based class to current source code

Ian writing a inspection Plugin for IntelliJ. For this Plugin I need access from ToolWindowFactory based class to current source code (cursor position etc.). Theres a way across the PSIManager, but only in AnAction derived classes, not for ToolWindowFactory derived classes. There are any Ideas?
Perhaps a com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.CaretListener would work? You can register it as follows to receive events for all open editors.
CaretListener listener = new CaretAdapter() {
public void caretPositionChanged(CaretEvent e) {

JavaFX Wrap an Existing Object with Simple Properties

I am writing a new app and I have chosen to use Java for flexibility. It is a GUI app so I will use JavaFX. This is my first time using Java but I have experience with C#.
I am getting familiar with JavaFX Properties, they look like a great way of bi-directional binding between front-end and back-end.
My code uses classes from an open-source API, and I would like to convert the members of these classes to JavaFX Properties (String => StringProperty, etc). I believe this would be transparent to any objects that refer to these members.
Is it ok to do this?
Is it the suggested way of dealing with existing classes?
What do I do about Enum types? E.g. an enum member has it's value changed, how should I connect the enum member to the front-end?
Thank you :)
In general, as long as you don't change the public API of the class - in other words you don't remove any public methods, modify their parameter types or return types, or change their functionality - you should not break any code that uses them.
So, e.g. a change from
public class Foo {
private String bar ;
public String getBar() {
return bar ;
public void setBar(String bar) {
this.bar = bar ;
public class Foo {
private final StringProperty bar = new SimpleStringProperty();
public StringProperty barProperty() {
return bar ;
public String getBar() {
return barProperty().get();
public void setBar(String bar) {
should not break any clients of the class Foo. The only possible problem is that classes that have subclassed Foo and overridden getBar() and/or setBar(...) might get unexpected behavior if their superclass is replaced with the new implementation (specifically, if getBar() and setBar(...) are not final, you have no way to enforce that getBar()==barProperty().get(), which is desirable).
For enums (and other objects) you can use an ObjectProperty<>:
Then you can do
public class Foo {
private final ObjectProperty<Option> option = new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
public ObjectProperty<Option> optionProperty() {
return option ;
public Option getOption() {
return optionProperty().get();
public void setOption(Option choice) {
One caveat to all this is that you do introduce a dependency on the JavaFX API that wasn't previously present in these classes. JavaFX ships with the Oracle JDK, but it is not a full part of the JSE (e.g. it is not included in OpenJDK by default, and not included in some other JSE implementations). So in practice, you're highly unlikely to be able to persuade the developers of the open source library to accept your changes to the classes in the library. Since it's open source, you can of course maintain your own fork of the library with JavaFX properties, but then it will get tricky if you want to incorporate new versions of that library (you will need to merge two different sets of changes, essentially).
Another option is to use bound properties in the classes, and wrap them using a Java Bean Property Adapter. This is described in this question.

Guice Names.bindProperties(binder(), properties) on output of a module?

I use an external service to provide properties, but want to make those properties available as #Named(..) vars. Trying to do this in a configure method fails with npe:
Names.bindProperties(binder(), myPropRetriever.getProperties());
is failing because the myPropRetriever isn't appearing until guice has done it's work. I can see why this makes sense - anyone know of any funky hacks that might work around though? Would be handy in this instance..
Thanks to durron597 for the pointer to the related question which gave me enough to figure out. The answer is to use a child injector to take action on the previous injectors output. Example below:
Injector propInjector = Guice.createInjector(new PropertiesModule());
PropertiesService propService = propInjector.getInstance(PropertiesService.class);
Injector injector = propInjector.createChildInjector(new MyModule(Objects.firstNonNull(propService.getProperties(), new Properties())));
Injector is now your injector for the remainder of the app.
And then in MyModule you can take action on the created objects:
public class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
private final Properties properties;
public MyModule(Properties properties){
protected void configure() {
// export all the properties as bindings
Names.bindProperties(binder(), properties);
// move on to bindings
// bind(..);
In case it helps anyone else..!

wicket and AtUnit

I've started playing with Wicket and I've chosen Guice as dependency injection framework. Now I'm trying to learn how to write a unit test for a WebPage object.
I googled a bit and I've found this post but it mentioned AtUnit so I decided to give it a try.
My WebPage class looks like this
public class MyWebPage extends WebPage
#Inject MyService service;
public MyWebPage()
//here I build my components and use injected object.
I created mock to replace any production MyServiceImpl with it and I guess that Guice in hand with AtUnit should inject it.
Now the problems are:
AtUnit expects that I mark target object with #Unit - that is all right as I can pass already created object to WicketTester
#Unit MyWebPage page = new MyWebPage();
but usually I would call startPage with class name.
I think AtUnit expects as well that a target object is market with #Inject so AtUnit can create and manage it - but I get an org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: There is no application attached to current thread main. Can I instruct AtUnit to use application from wicketTester?
Because I don't use #Inject at MyWebPage (I think) all object that should be injected by Guice are null (in my example the service reference is null)
I really can't find anything about AtUnit inside Wicket environment. Am I doing something wrong, am I missing something?
I don't know AtUnit but I use wicket with guice and TestNG. I imagine that AtUnit should work the same way. The important point is the creation of the web application with the use of guice.
Here how I bind all this stuff together for my tests.
I have an abstract base class for all my tests:
public abstract class TesterWicket<T extends Component> {
public void buildMockedTester() {
injector = Guice.createInjector(buildModules());
CoachWebApplicationFactory instance =
WebApplication application = instance.buildWebApplication();
tester = new WicketTester(application);
protected abstract List<Module> buildModules();
The initialization is done for every test class. The subclass defines the necessary modules for the test in the buildModules method.
In my IWebApplicationFactory I add the GuiceComponentInjector. That way, after all component instantiation, the fields annotated with #Inject are filled by Guice:
public class CoachWebApplicationFactory implements IWebApplicationFactory {
private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CoachWebApplicationFactory.class);
private final Injector injector;
public CoachWebApplicationFactory(Injector injector) {
this.injector = injector;
public WebApplication createApplication(WicketFilter filter) {
WebApplication app = injector.getInstance(WebApplication.class);
app.addComponentInstantiationListener(new GuiceComponentInjector(app, injector));
return app;