Add custom data to google calendar attachment using Calendly - calendly

I am embedding Calendly into my application via react-calendly npm module. However, I stumbled upon a problem. I want to add some custom fields to the calendar event attachment section. For example, standard Google Calendar event created via Calendly will have the following information:
Event Name: Some Service
Need to make changes to this event?
And I want to be able to attach some custom information to the attachment section like
Need to make changes to this event?
customerAddress: <address_here>,
customerAge: <age>
However, I want this information only in our company Calendar and not customer calendar.
Can't find any useful information about how this problem can be solved. Any help or direction is appreciated.

Related custom event count not increasing for quick links

I have created a quick link from When the user opens the link and tries to register the account on our website, a custom event is triggered from server side (Java) using the branch http API.
I can see that event in the Liveview section of dashboard. But, when I go to the quicks section, the count for my custom event column is always showing as 0.
Is there any specific Branch related parameter that I need to send from client side (browser) to server side while submitting the form, to let Branch know that the custom event should be linked to a specific link, so I can see the custom event count increasing for that link in quick links section.
Your custom event will not be attributed to your link click if you trigger the event on the server side.
You should trigger the custom event from the client side post registration. You can put this in the callback of your registration method. If you navigate away from the initial redirect to your webpage, make sure that page has the Branch Web SDK initialized, and that you have the _branch_match_id(found in the address bar of your redirect) appended to your web url. This _branch_match_id is what Branch uses to attribute the custom event to your link click.

How to remove sign-in restriction from Google Form programmatically?

I am creating Google Forms programmatically with a Google Script project.
DriveApp is used to grant view access to anyone with a link.
var form = FormApp.create("Test form");
var formFile = DriveApp.getFileById(form.getId());
formFile.setSharing(DriveApp.Access.ANYONE_WITH_LINK, DriveApp.Permission.VIEW);
However the Form still requires "anyone" to sign-in and it's restricted to my G Suite domain users. I've tried to find how to disable this but I don't know how the feature is even called in Google Scripts.
See the attached image with a checked box:
Note: I can disable the sign-in requirement manually. But Forms are delivered to respondents automatically and there's no time to do this manual step.
I haven't had to do this, so I'm not sure if it's what you need, but have you tried using the setRequireLogin(requireLogin) method when creating your forms?

Google calendar API move event

Heres the deal,
On googles developer website they have at the bottom of each api function description a tool to try out the api, specifically I am using the calendar api (where it says " Use the APIs Explorer bellow to ...):
This call returns an event when you enter a calendar ID and an eventID. After switching the little OAuth2.0 switch on and entering my calandarID and an event ID of mine it returns a nice 200 ok response with the event details.
Heres the problem:
I go over to the move function in the calendar api:
And fill in once again my calendar ID containing the event I want to move, the event ID (same as before) and the destination calendar ID (my other gmail account). but on executing this I get a red box with "the resource was not found" and the response is a 404.
Weird thing is I have been able to do this via the actual google calendar website by going into edit event -> drop down: calendar -> change owner, I get a box to fill in new calendar ID and it successfully went to my other gmail. Both calendars where not public when I tried via the GUI and are not public now when using the API. Preferably I want them to stay that way.
Any ideas why the api for moving a calendar event is not working for me?
To move an event using events.move, you should have write access to both the calendars. I tried to move to different gmail account but it gave 404 error. But when I tried with moving to secondary calendar, it worked for me.
I was getting a 404 error, and I assumed it was a credentials problem since that's what other people online wrote about.
Currently, when I browse the Google Calendar website for each of my calendars and visit Share This Calendar, I see the email address of my service account listed with credentials to "Make changes to events". That's on both the origin calendar and the destination calendar.
So I couldn't figure out how to set up my credentials differently.
It turned out not to be a problem with credentials at all.
I had been using the "eid" from the URL of the Google Calendar event webpage and assumed it was the Event ID. It's not.
When I use a valid Event ID, the "move" command worked as documented here.

Is it possible to exclude links from tracking

I am building an app which is utilizing Sendgrid Marketing Email API, with the purpose of sending newsletters. It has a number of links to articles, but also banner ads and other service links. We would obviously like to keep tracking of article links, but exclude other links from affecting the click rate. Is it possible in any way to mark links which we don't wish to add to tracking?
Minor thread necromancy to let anyone who gets here via google know that they added an attribute to disable link tracking.
Click tracking can be turned off for individual links by including the clicktracking=off attribute inside the anchor of an HTML link before the href. For example, <a clicktracking=off href="">link text</a> would not be tracked.
The current click tracking application for SendGrid overwrites all links and there isn't, at this time, a way to customise this so only certain links are tracked.
One alternative would be to turn off the Click Tracking app in your SendGrid dashboard, but switch on the Google Analytics app (under Apps > Show Disabled Apps > Google Analytics).
With this app switched on, you can then build out custom links that you want to track using the Google Analytics URL Builder.
This would stop SendGrid rewriting all the URLs, and allow you to specify URLs that you want to track. However it would mean you will lose click event data in your SendGrid analytics, and via the Event Webhook, but the important data that you want to track for your campaigns would still be stored in Google Analytics.
You can also disable Sendgrid's tracking using the api. To do this you set some email headers.
Example X-SMTPAPI header value:
"filters" : {
"clicktrack" : {
"settings" : {
"enable" : 0,
"enable_text" : false
This works for plain text emails.
1.To disable tracking for a specific link add clicktracking=off before href
eg: <a clicktracking=off href="">text</a>
2.To disable sendgrid link tracking for all mails
Goto Settings -> Tracking -> Click Tracking -> turn off link tracking

Handling an adding new item event in Sitefinity dynamic module

I'm working with Sitefinity CMS. I've created new dynamic module with Module Builder (for example Products). I would like to do some actions when I add new item to content Products. Is it possible to handle that event?
I will be very grateful to someone who will help with suggestions.
the most recent release of sitefinity contains some event hooks to which you can subscribe to do exactly this.
I'm still exploring this topic and some new docs should be out soon but in the meantime you want to be looking at the Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.EventHub.Subscribe(handler) where T is the type of event you want to subscribe to (Inheriting from IEvent), and handler is your event handler containing the code you wish to execute.
like I said more info is coming soon, but hopefully this will point you in the right direction in the meantime!
hope this is helpful!