How to give from and to date as filename foe csv file usong ag-grid angular - angular8

This is what am trying
fromdate:any = moment.utc.format(yyyy mm dd hh mm )
FileName: '{{fromdate}}'
And same as to date , how could i achieve fromadate and todate as filename.Thanks in advance

method exportDataAsCsv accept a lot of params, one of these is: fileName.
you can apply any name.
List of all properties here:
function getParams() {
return {
fileName: `from: ${new Date()}, to: ${new Date()}`,
function onBtnExport() {


Add dynamic date format to Momen.js in Vue

I need to display the date format depending on saved settings. I call axios to check saved date format:
.then(response => (this.date_format =
Then I added filters:
filters: {
moment: function (date) {
return moment(date).format(this.date_format);
And display it in HTML:
<p class="card-title"> Date of Birth:
<span[[dob | moment]]</span>
If I display [[data_format]] it shows correctly "DD/MM/YYYY". But when I try to console.log(this.date_format) console shows Undefined.
How to replace FormatNeeded in return moment(date).format(FormatNeeded); with this.date_format?
I finally found out how to solve the problem. When I call API, I set date_format to a global variable (probably not the correct term):
.then(response => (this.date_format =
.then(response => (window.date_format = this.date_format))
Then in filters, I use window.date_format not this.date_format:
filters: {
moment(date) {
var format_elem = window.date_format;
return moment(date).format(format_elem);

how to pass date variable to graphQL call in svelte?

I have a graphql file with a date in ISO format. I would like to pass a variable instead of hardcoding the date. I would like to use Date.toISOstring() or some get current date method.
let today = Date.toISOString() //or DateNow()
query guide {
tv {
guide(date: "2022-08-10T00:00:00Z <-replace--${today}") {
entries {
channel {
Is this possible?
Use a GraphQL variable and pass it to your query. Here are the adjustment you have to make to the query. I am guessing the name of the date scalar here (DateTime), it might as well simply be String. Check the documentation of the API to get the correct name.
query guide($date: DateTime!) {
tv {
guide(date: $date) {
entries {
channel {
If you use Svelte Apollo for example, you can pass the variables like this:
const guide = query(GUIDE_QUERY, {
variables: { date: new Date().toIsoString() },

Disable date if selected first time in vuejs

data() {
return {
datePickerOptions: {
disabledDate(date) {
// console.log(form.installation_date); // undefined form
return date < this.form.ins_date ? this.form.ins_date : new Date();
This is saying form undefined i can understand can't initiaize form input inside data return how can i achieve this. disable other date if greater than first input date
please guide
As I said in my comment, you can't have a function returning something in your data so you have to shift your logic somewhere else. You can put that function in your methods:
data() {
return {
datePickerOptions: {
disabledDate: this.isDateDisabled
// rest of data
methods: {
isDateDisabled(date) {
return date < new Date(this.ruleForm.date1);

Vue.filter is not calling while HTML rendering

I am new to Vue.js
While rendering the html, I am invoking a Vue.filter. It should show a date in another format.
Below is my js file :
var details = new Vue({
el: '#ajax-article-detail',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue.js!'
methods: {
showName: function() {
console.log('Calling showName...');
return 'Im Event';
Vue.filter('parseDate', function(date, format) {
if (date) {
return moment(String(date)).format(format);
and in html, I am calling like {{${start_date} | parseDate('ddd, Do MMM YYYY')}}
and as a response, I am getting same statement.
means, I am getting {{${start_date} | parseDate('ddd, Do MMM YYYY')}} as it is in html.
Can anyone please suggest what I did wrong ?
Thank you.
I have changed your code by adding the filter property within the Vue component creation.
var details = new Vue({
el: '#ajax-article-detail',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue.js!'
methods: {
showName: function() {
console.log('Calling showName...');
return 'Im Event';
filters: {
parseDate: function(date, format) {
console.log('value passed: ' + date); //check the browser console if it is passed
if (date) {
return moment(String(date)).format(format);
Then use the filter like this-
{{2018-12-19 16:46:00 | parseDate('<your_date_format>') }}
However, you need to check if you are passing the value correctly. Try passing some hard coded string value first and check the console window.

My Dijit DateTimeCombo widget doesn't send selected value on form submission

i need to create a Dojo widget that lets users specify date & time. i found a sample implementation attached to an entry in the Dojo bug tracker. It looks nice and mostly works, but when i submit the form, the value sent by the client is not the user-selected value but the value sent from the server.
What changes do i need to make to get the widget to submit the date & time value?
Sample usage is to render a JSP with basic HTML tags (form & input), then
dojo.addOnLoad a function which selects the basic elements by ID, adds dojoType
attribute, and dojo.parser.parse()-es the page.
Thanks in advance.
The widget is implemented in two files. The application uses Dojo 1.3.
File 1: DateTimeCombo.js
baseClass: "dojoxformDateTimeCombo dijitTextBox",
popupClass: "dojox.form._DateTimeCombo",
pickerPostOpen: "pickerPostOpen_fn",
_selector: 'date',
constructor: function (argv) {},
postMixInProperties: function()
dojo.mixin(this.constraints, {
datePattern: 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss',
timePattern: 'HH:mm:ss',
datePattern: 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm',
timePattern: 'HH:mm',
_open: function ()
if (this._picker!==null && (this.pickerPostOpen!==null && this.pickerPostOpen!==""))
if (this._picker.pickerPostOpen_fn!==null)
File 2: _DateTimeCombo.js
[dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated],
// invoked only if time picker is empty
defaultTime: function () {
var res= new Date();
return res;
// id of this table below is the same as
" <table class=\"dojoxDateTimeCombo\" waiRole=\"presentation\">\
<tr class=\"dojoxTDComboCalendarContainer\">\
<center><input dojoAttachPoint=\"calendar\" dojoType=\"dijit._Calendar\"></input></center>\
<tr class=\"dojoxTDComboTimeTextBoxContainer\">\
<center><input dojoAttachPoint=\"timePicker\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.TimeTextBox\"></input></center>\
<tr><td><center><button dojoAttachPoint=\"ctButton\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\">Ok</button></center></td></tr>\
widgetsInTemplate: true,
constructor: function(arg) {},
postMixInProperties: function() {
postCreate: function() {
this.connect(this.ctButton, "onClick", "_onValueSelected");
// initialize pickers to calendar value
pickerPostOpen_fn: function (parent_inst) {
var parent_value = parent_inst.attr('value');
if (parent_value !== null) {
// expects a valid date object
setValue: function(value) {
if (value!==null) {
this.calendar.attr('value', value);
this.timePicker.attr('value', value);
// return a Date constructed date in calendar & time in time picker.
getValue: function() {
var value = this.calendar.attr('value');
var result=value;
if (this.timePicker.value !== null) {
if ((this.timePicker.value instanceof Date) === true) {
return result;
} else {
var defTime=this.defaultTime();
return result;
_onValueSelected: function() {
var value = this.getValue();
onValueSelected: function(value) {}
It sounds like you want to use getValue. The convention now is to use _getValueAttr and then call attr("value") but I think that started in Dojo 1.4 and this code would need to be ported to use those new patterns.
Noe that value should be a Javascript Date object which would best be sent to the server using
This began to work fine after i added a "serialize" method to DateTimeCombo.js which builds exactly the output format i want.
This seems odd to me, since there is already a serialize implementation in _DateTimeTextBox.js that should output the value in the required ISO format.