how to set onClickListener on words of string in a textField in compose UI - kotlin

Actually I'm developing an social-media app where I want that my user can mention more than one user in between of their compliment string just like in Instagram comment section...
on which if someOne tap of their username... it'll lead them to the particular user's profile
desired result example
I'm well aware of the use of buildAnnotationString{} where we can play with textStyle but is there anyway to set onClickListener

you have to create ClickableText not simple Text.
ClickableText(text = AnnotatedString("ClickableText"),
onClick = {
// perform here your action


How to change toast message's default icon in jetpack compose?

I have a toast message in my code and it shows when user enter empty dictionary name but there is a problem for me toast shows message with a default android icon and I don't want this. How can I change this icon or remove in jetpack compose kotlin ?
here is screen shot.
Hear is my code
fun updateDictionary(context: Context, dictionaryName: String): Boolean {
if (dictionaryName.isEmpty()) {
Toast.makeText(context, "Please Enter The Dictionary Name !", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
return false
val dictionary = OwnDicEntity(dictionaryName, dicCreationTime ?: "", dicId)
return true
if I want to update dictionary , I go to the update screen and this function is triggered and I have to write update dictionary name if I enter empty dictionary name. it shows toast message as I wrote above.
I'm returning a boolean value, true and false, so that it doesn't update when I enter a empty value.
Starting with Android 12 you don't get any control over how Toasts look - you get two lines of text and your application icon, so the user knows where the Toast came from. (Android 11 still allows for a custom view, but only for apps in the foreground.)
If you want to change the icon, you need to add a new one for your app - the one you're seeing is the default ic_launcher drawable for a new project. Some info about that here.
If you want to remove the icon, you can't! Since you seem to be displaying this as a popup in your own app, you might want to consider a Snackbar instead, or setting the error hint on a text field, or maybe create an area of your UI dedicated to displaying any errors (e.g. if there are multiple components you need to validate, and you want the error state in one place).

Kotlin button listener

I want to increase the value of i every time the button is clicked
I've tried this code but it's not working.
val textview = findViewById<TextView>(
var i = 10
bookbutton.setOnClickListener {
textview.text = "$i"
You have to set the text inside the listener:
bookbutton.setOnClickListener {
textview.text = "$i"
Your listener is updating the value of i — but that's not having any visible effect because by then it's too late: the text shown in your textview has already been set.
Let's review the order of events:
Your code runs. That creates a text view and a variable, sets a listener on the button, and sets the text in the text view.
At some later point(s), the user might click on the button. That calls the listener, which updates the variable.
So while your code sets the listener, the listener does not run until later. It might not run at all, or it might run many times, depending on what the user does, but it won't run before you set the text in the text view.
So you need some way to update the text when you update the variable. The simplest way is to do explicitly it in the listener, e.g.:
bookbutton.setOnClickListener {
textview.text = "${++i}"
(There are other ways — for example, some UI frameworks provide ways to ‘bind’ variables to screen fields so that this sort of update happens automatically. But they tend to be a lot more complex; there's nothing wrong with the simple solution.)

Dynamically setting passwordMask in Titanium

Since Titanium doesn't allow you to manually change the hintText colour of a textfield, I have to set hintText manually. Because of this, I have to dynamically change the passwordMask setting on one of fields I'm using.
However, I'm getting weird behaviour and I can't tell if I'm doing something wrong, or if it's a bug in Titanium.
So, here's my markup:
<TextField id="password" onFocus="passwordFocusEvent" onReturn="passwordReturnEvent" onBlur="passwordBlurEvent" value="password"></TextField>
And some of my controller code:
function passwordFocusEvent(e) {
if (e.value === 'password') {
e.source.value = '';
function passwordBlurEvent(e) {
if (!e.value) {
e.source.value = 'password';
function passwordReturnEvent(e) {
What happens is bizarre. When I focus on the password field, it remains plain text. I enter some text, then click off to another field, stays as plain text.
I click back to the password field, it's STILL plain text.
Now here's the weirdness. Up to this point, I would just assume it's not working. However, when I click off this second time, the passwordMask is set.
Major WTF.
I even tried targeting the field directly using $.password.passwordMask = true; but same thing.
Unfortunately, you cant do this. According to the docs on Ti.UI.TextField in the fine print;
Note: on iOS, passwordMask must be specified when this text field is created.
Its not all bad news though, there are a couple ways you can approach this, one option is to make the password mask yourself, by listening to the change event:
var theStoredPassword = '';
$.password.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
var newpass = e.source.value;
if(newpass.length < theStoredPassword.length) {
// Character deleted from end
theStoredPassword = theStoredPassword.substring(0, theStoredPassword.length-1);
} else {
// Character added to end
theStoredPassword += newpass.substring(newpass.length-1);
// Mask the text with unicode ● BLACK CIRCLE, 25CF
$.password.value = new Array(newpass.length + 1).join('●');
Another option, would be to have two text fields and swap them out whenever the user focuses the password field, the top one would have the custom hinttext, the bottom one would be passwordMasked. In fact thats probably way easier than what I just coded up. :-)

Removing the BackStack Entry in MetroStyle Application

How can I implement removing the backStack Entry in Metro style applications?
will clear the navigation history for you.
I found this answer useful:
How to clear Backstack of the frame and start afresh
Write your own NavigationService and store the navigationstate in the constructor.
string state;
public NavigationService(Frame mainFrame)
state = mainFrame.GetNavigationState();
_mainFrame = mainFrame;
_mainFrame.Navigating += _mainFrame_Navigating;
Then implement this method on the service and call it when needed:
public void ClearBackstack()
It doesn't seem to be possible. If you want to clear the back stack entirely (e.g. if you have a "home" button), you can use the code supplied in the LayoutAwarePage.cs file in the grid sample app.
if (this.Frame != null)
while (this.Frame.CanGoBack) this.Frame.GoBack();
While this doesn't actually clear the stack, it does take you back to the program's start location and there will be no further back-direction entries in the list. If you want to back out of a dead-end page by pressing a button, you could modify this behaviour to step back a number of pages and effectively remove the back entries.

How can I group functions together

I have created an image map with flash, I have separate button functions that display rollover and onpress functions for each region ie -
nw_btn.onRollOver = function() {
areaName_txt.text = "This Site (NWPHO)";
nw_btn.onPress = function() {
This is repeated 15 times to cover each area button - I wondered whether there was a way to apply the same function call (displayOverlay) and apply area name text on rollover via one piece of code rather than repeating for each button?
I guess there must be a mistake with your tag, because what you describe look more like an AS2 structure.
But if you really are in AS3, here is what you can do : connect everything to a same function with addEventListener. In this function, test which button is at the source of the event, then put the code to be executed for each button.