Using JIRA REST-API to update a custom field - api

I've been trying to set up a new custom webhook in Zapier, that automatically updates a custom field in JIRA, whenever a specific action occurs. I've followed some tutorials on how to do it, but when I sent the PUT request, it didn't work. I also tested a bunch in postman, but with similar results.
I used this URL:
Here is my input:
"update" : {
"customfield_10051" : "test"
This is what I got back:
"errorMessages": [
"Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of VALUE_STRING token\n at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream#498ac517; line: 3, column: 8] (through reference chain:[\"update\"])"
Anyone know where I messed up & how to do it right?
fyi here is the view in Zapier

There should be
"fields": {
"customfield_10051" : "test"


AWS Cognito Respond to New_Password_Required challenge returns "Cannot modify an already provided email"

An app that has been working successfully for a couple years has started throwing the following error whenever trying to respond to the NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED challenge with AWS Cognito:
{"__type":"NotAuthorizedException","message":"Cannot modify an already provided email"}
I'm sending the below, which all seems to match the docs.
"ClientId": <client_id>,
"ChallengeResponses": {
"": "",
"NEW_PASSWORD": "testP#55w0rd",
"USERNAME": "testfake"
"Session": <session_id>
Nothing has changed on the front end; is there a configuration change we might have done on the Cognito/AWS side that might cause this error?
I started getting the same error recently. I'm following Use case 23 Authenticate a user and set new password for a user. After some investigation, I found that it is the email attribute in userAttributes that's causing completeNewPasswordChallenge to throw the error. The userAttributes I get from authenticateUser used to be an empty object {}, but it now looks like this:
{ email_verified: 'true', email: '' }
I had to delete the email attribute (as well as the email_verified attribute as shown in the example code in Use case 23) before using the userAttribute for a completeNewPasswordChallenge. So my code is now like this:
cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {
newPasswordRequired: function(userAttributes, requiredAttributes) {
// the api doesn't accept this field back
delete userAttributes.email_verified;
delete; // <--- add this line
// store userAttributes on global variable
sessionUserAttributes = userAttributes;
// ... handle new password flow on your app
handleNewPassword(newPassword) {
cognitoUser.completeNewPasswordChallenge(newPassword, sessionUserAttributes);
I guess aws changed their api recently, but I haven't found any doc about this change. Even though the value of the email attribute is the same as the actual email of the user, it throws the Cannot modify an already provided email error if you include it in the request. Deleting it solves the issue.

How to use Atlassian Document Format in create issue rest api

I am trying to create an issue via Jira API -
// other fields is here
description: {
type: "doc",
version: 1,
content: [
type: "text",
text: summary
but I get an error - "Operation value must be a string".
so how can I create an issue correctly?
Most likely you're using API version 2 - which accepts text for this field.
However, you're providing value as json (Atlassian Document Format) which is for API version3

Is it possible to read google sheets *metadata* only with API key?

It is possible to read data from a sheet only with API key (without OAuth 2.0), but it seems that reading the developer metadata requires OAuth 2.0.
Is there some way to read the metadata from an app without asking the user to connect his google account?
You want to retrieve the developer metadata of the Spreadsheet using the API key.
You have already been able to get values from Spreadsheet using the API key.
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
Issue and workaround:
Unfortunately, "REST Resource: spreadsheets.developerMetadata" in Sheets API cannot be used with the API key. In this case, OAuth2 is required as mentioned in your question. The developer metadata can be also retrieved by the method of spreadsheets.get in Sheets API. The developer metadata can be retrieved by the API key. And in this method, all developer metadata is retrieved. So when you want to search the developer metadata, please search it from the retrieved all developer metadata.
In this case, please set the visibility of developer metadata to DOCUMENT. By this, the developer metadata can be retrieved by the API key. If the visibility is PROJECT, it cannot be retrieved with the API key. Please be careful this.
When you want to retrieve the developer metadata with the API key, please publicly share the Spreadsheet. By this, it can be retrieved with the API key. Please be careful this.
Sample situation 1:
As a sample situation, it supposes that it creates new Spreadsheet, and create new developer metadata to the Spreadsheet as the key of "sampleKey" and value of "sampleValue".
In this case, the sample request body of spreadsheets.batchUpdate is as follows.
"requests": [
"createDeveloperMetadata": {
"developerMetadata": {
"location": {
"spreadsheet": true
"metadataKey": "sampleKey",
"metadataValue": "sampleValue",
"visibility": "DOCUMENT"
Sample curl command:
When you retrieve the developer metadata from above sample Spreadsheet, please use the following curl command.
curl " spreadsheetId ###?key=### your API key ###&fields=developerMetadata"
In this case, fields=developerMetadata is used to make it easier to see the response value. Of course, you can also use * as fields.
In this case, when above endpoint is put to the browser, you can see the retrieved value, because of GET method.
"developerMetadata": [
"metadataId": 123456789,
"metadataKey": "sampleKey",
"metadataValue": "sampleValue",
"location": {
"locationType": "SPREADSHEET",
"spreadsheet": true
"visibility": "DOCUMENT"
Sample situation 2:
As other situation, it supposes that it creates new Spreadsheet, and create new developer metadata to the 1st column (column "A") as the key of "sampleKey" and value of "sampleValue".
In this case, the sample request body is as follows.
"requests": [
"createDeveloperMetadata": {
"developerMetadata": {
"location": {
"dimensionRange": {
"sheetId": 0,
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 1,
"dimension": "COLUMNS"
"metadataKey": "sampleKey",
"metadataValue": "sampleValue",
"visibility": "DOCUMENT"
Sample curl command:
When you retrieve the developer metadata from above sample Spreadsheet, please use the following curl command.
curl " spreadsheetId ###?key=### your API key ###&fields=sheets(data(columnMetadata(developerMetadata)))"
In this case, sheets(data(columnMetadata(developerMetadata))) is used to make it easier to see the response value. Of course, you can also use * as fields.
"sheets": [
"data": [
"columnMetadata": [
"developerMetadata": [
"metadataId": 123456789,
"metadataKey": "sampleKey",
"metadataValue": "sampleValue",
"location": {
"locationType": "COLUMN",
"dimensionRange": {
"dimension": "COLUMNS",
"startIndex": 0,
"endIndex": 1
"visibility": "DOCUMENT"
Method: spreadsheets.developerMetadata.get
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.


I want to use API to get the available OS list during OSReload.
I found the method SoftLayer_Account::getOperatingSystemReloadImages is mentioned.But cannot find the usage about this method.
Who can help me on this?
I was not able to find this method getOperatingSystemReloadImages. But I found a way to get OS reload options:
First, we need to know the package used to order the server. For example for Virtual Guests, the package used is 46. But if you want to confirm this, please execute the following Rest request:
Method: GET
Then, to get ”Reload options”, execute:
https://[username]:[apikey]{ "itemPrices": { "categories": { "categoryCode": { "operation": "os" } } } }&objectMask=mask[id,item[softwareDescription], categories[categoryCode]]
Method: GET
Now, in order to use ” SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::reloadOperatingSystem”, we need add some parameters in Json body configuration: “token” and “config” (Ref: SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::reloadOperatingSystem)
Below is a REST example:
Method: POST
"parameters": [
"itemPrices": [
"id": 45466
Where: 45466 is the new priceId of the OS
See this example to reload OS

Pushwoosh can not delete message created by API

EDIT: as noted in the answer below, this was a problem on the pushwoosh side, it has been fixed!
When I create a push message through the pushwoosh API (using /createTargetedMessage) I'm not able to delete the message through the API. Messages made with the pushwoosh interface can be deleted through the API, no prob...
These are the steps I took to produce this error:
1. Create push message with the following params
"auth":"AUTH TOKEN",
"send_date":"2015-09-22 15:07",
"devices_filter":"A(\"8A1EB-4E875\") * T(\"inholidaypark\", BETWEEN, [\"2015-09-22 00:00\",\"2015-09-22 23:59\"]) * T(\"Language\", IN, [\"nl\", \"en\"])"
2. This returns the following response; the messageCode is stored in our local DB for later use
3. Call /deleteMessage with following data
"auth":"AUTH TOKEN",
"message": "D3F6-60769243-68B30EA8"
4. API keeps returning:
"status_code": 210,
"status_message": "Message not found",
"response": null
But when I look at the push history the message is there (with the same messageCode and all). And it can be deleted through the pushwoosh interface, but not through the API.
On a side note: when the message is sent, we can obviously no longer delete it, then the API returns a more or less correct error:
"status_code": 210,
"status_message": "Forbidden",
"response": null
Just FYI for the rest of the readers, this issue has been identified and fixed on Pushwoosh side.
Move Along, Nothing to See Here. :)