How to disable recycler view auto scrolling? - kotlin

I'm currently working on a kotlin mobile application. The problem I have met is if there are having 3 reviews or above, the recycler view will auto generate a scroll bar on the right side and the display will become not so good. May I know that is there anyway to disable scroll bar of the recycler view so that my layout can view all the reviews by just add a scrollview on the layout?


Scrolled to the bottom when ads (admob) loaded in recyclerview in android

I have a recyclerview with 7 items in it. In the bottom of the list, I insert a banner of admob. I have inserted successfully.However, when the ads (in the bottom of the list) loaded, it automatically scrolled my view to the bottom.
I have used "ScrollToPosition(0)" but it doesn't have any effects.
I want my list always in the top when the ads loaded. What should I do?
Many Thanks.

Expandable View with scroll view in react native issue

I created nested expandable view and when scrolling up or down user click on a view to expand it than that touch doesn't respond but once scroll gets it position. User can click and it will respond to expand it.
I can solved it by setting bounces property as false but i don't think it is a good way to handle this.

Next and Previous button for looping scrollView

I have a UIScroll view that scrolls between 4 different XIBs. I would like to disable the ability of scrolling by touching the scroll view. There are two buttons at the bottom of my app that I would like to scroll forward and back in a loop. The ViewController is forced to be in landscape orientation, and the scroll view dimensions are 568w x 217h.
Here is an image of the layout: Click Here
What you are tying to do is called "paging", and in my opinion a scroll view in not the best way to do so... here is a great project that looks like what you need:
Hope this helps

Shrink detail view controller animated when menu slides at UISplitViewController

I'm working with UISplitViewController on iPad and want to override it's behavior. When user taps on bar button, there are slides menu from the left side of screen. But it overlaps detail view controller. Can I make it so the detail view controller shrinks animated when the menu appears and expands when the menu disappears?
I don't think it's natively possible, so I think of 2 ways of doing this
1 - try and error: study the split delegate calls to see when you should shrink the content in your detail and tune it up until it looks smooth
2 - create your own "split" controller and do all the resizing/presenting by yourself

UIScrollView. How to use the scroll bar on the side?

I'm working with Xcode developing for iOS using a UIScrollView. I got the scrollview working just fine.
But my issue/question is dealing with how to use the scrollbar on the side of the scrollview:
For example, I have dynamically created 2000 buttons inside the scrollview, in the simulator. The buttons are lined up vertically, so I have to scroll down to see all of the buttons. I do not want to simulate scrolling 30 to 40 times in order to get to the 1500th button.
I have the code to go to the last button, and to scroll to top. But I was wondering if there is anyone that can give insights on whether I can use the scroll bar on the side of that scrollview in order to help me navigate the scrolling better.
That bad boy isn't a scroll bar. It's simply a visual indicator of the current location. There are ways to scroll programmatically, but I'm not sure that's really what you want to do.