Get Kotlin class from string a call a method in it - kotlin

I have 2 simple classes in kotlin
package com.sample.repo
class SampleClassA() {
fun test(): String {
return "Do things A way"
package com.sample.repo
class SampleClassB() {
fun test(): String {
return "Do things B way"
Now i have a configuration file that tells me which class to use.
Let's say i have a string
val className = "SampleClassA" // assuming all classes are in same package
I want obtain this class and invoke the test function in it
I was able to do below
fun `some random test`() {
val className = "SampleClassA"
val packageName = "com.sample.repo"
val kClass = Class.forName("$packageName.$className").kotlin
val method = kClass.members.find { == "test" }
// How do i call this method ??

You should create an object of the class and then call method on it.
//...code from your example
val method = kClass.members.find { == "test" }!!
val obj = kClass.primaryConstructor?.call()
val result =

I wouldn't do it that way. Instead, I'd require that the classes you're choosing between implement some common interface, which you can then refer to directly. For example:
interface Testable {
fun test(): String
package com.sample.repo
class SampleClassA() : Testable {
override fun test() = "Do things A way"
package com.sample.repo
class SampleClassB() : Testable {
override fun test() = "Do things B way"
fun `some random test`() {
val className = "SampleClassA"
val packageName = "com.sample.repo"
val testable = Class.forName("$packageName.$className").kotlin
.createInstance() as Testable
I don't know if this applies to OP, but judging from some of the questions asked here on StackOverflow, many people are coming to Kotlin from weakly-typed languages where it's common to use ‘string typing’ to fudge the lines between types, to assume that developers can always be trusted, and that it's fine to discover problems only at runtime. Of course, it's only natural to try to apply the patterns and techniques you're familiar with when learning a new language.
But while that style of programming is possible in Kotlin (using reflection), it's rarely a good fit. If you'll excuse one of my standard rants, reflection is slow, ugly, fragile, insecure, and hard to maintain; it's easy to get wrong, and forces you to handle most errors at runtime. Don't get me wrong: reflection is a very valuable tool, and there are situations where it's vital, such as writing frameworks, plug-ins, some forms of dependency injection, build tools, and similar. But reflection should be a tool of last resort — for general application coding, there's almost always a better approach, usually one that's more concise, easier to read, performs better, spots more problems at compile-time, can be autocompleted in your IDE, and works with the language and its type system, not against it.
Kotlin is a strongly-typed language; it has a fairly sophisticated type system (and type inference, so you don't need to keep repeating yourself), which is safer and smarter, turns many errors into compile-time errors, allows many optimisations, and is effectively self-documenting (making more explicit the contract between called code and its callers). It's better to try to work with the type system when you can, rather than subvert if (which is what reflection does).
The example above uses reflection to create an instance of a class which is assumed to implement the Testable interface (and will give ugly errors at runtime if the class isn't available, doesn't implement that interface, or doesn't have a public constructor with no required params), but after that uses normal, typed code which is much safer.
(In fact, depending how your test code is structured, you might find a way to configure it with Testable instances rather than String classnames, and avoid reflection altogether. That would be simpler and safer still.)


Kotlin static factory method with generics

Found something similar with what I want to achieve for java - java generics and static methods also implementing factory pattern with generics in java from baeldung.
In my case, I also want to have the factory as a static method, but not sure how to achieve it in Kotlin, or maybe the whole concept is wrong.
Shortly, there are certain types of Notifiers, each should handle a certain NotificationInput type. Basically they are also some kind of builders as they build up the Notification object from the input.
Considering the setup below, I get Type mismatch. Required: Notifier<T> Found: DebugNotifier (same for the other Notifier implementations).
interface Notifier<T> {
fun issue(p: NotificationInput<T>): Notification
companion object {
fun <T> getNotifier(p: NotifierParameter): Notifier<T> = when(p.type){
"0" -> DebugNotifier()
"1" -> InfoNotifier()
"2" -> ErrorNotifier()
class DebugNotifier: Notifier<Debug>{
override fun issue(p: NotificationInput<Debug>): Notification{
return Notification(
somField = p.someDebugFieldValue
data class NotificationInput<T>(
val data: T
This is how I plan to call it: Notifier.getNotifier<Debug>(notifierParameter).issue(notificationInput)
How can this be achieved, or what would be a better configuration?
As #broot already explained, the caller has control over 2 things here: the type argument T and the NotifierParameter argument, so the API is kinda broken because the caller could do:
What would you expect to happen here?
There are too many degrees of freedom in the inputs of getNotifier(), so the compiler cannot allow you to return ErrorNotifier() when you receive "2", because someone could pass <Debug> as type argument.
You cannot compare this kind of API with Java, because Java's generics are broken and allow things that don't make sense.

Kotlin Polymorphism Confusion

I was following a tutorial for learning kotlin and ran into this example.
open class AquariumPlant(val color: String, private val size: Int)
class GreenLeafyPlant(size: Int) : AquariumPlant("green", size)
fun AquariumPlant.print() = println("AquariumPlant")
fun GreenLeafyPlant.print() = println("GreenLeafyPlant")
val plant = GreenLeafyPlant(size = 10)
val aquariumPlant: AquariumPlant = plant
aquariumPlant.print() // what will it print?
Well this apparently prints "Aquarium Plant" instead of "GreenLeafyPlant". I was a bit confused by this so I tested this out with this little snippet of code.
open class Aquarium {
open fun printSize() {
class TowerTank: Aquarium() {
override fun printSize() {
fun main() {
towerTank = TowerTank()
(towerTank as Aquarium).printSize()
So this prints "rawr" and not "hello". My question is why doesn't it print "hello"? Aren't these two examples contradicting themselves? How does the function extensions create this difference in behaviour? Sorry if this may seem like a dumb question, I'm new to Kotlin as you can probably tell.
To understand this we need to understand how extensions work. Extensions don't magically add new members to existing classes. This is technically impossible both in Java and Kotlin. Instead, they work as good old static utility functions in Java. Accessing them as members is just a syntactic sugar.
First example is really similar to these functions:
fun print(plant: AquariumPlant) = println("AquariumPlant")
fun print(plant: GreenLeafyPlant) = println("GreenLeafyPlant")
To make it even more clear, we can rename these functions:
fun printAquariumPlant(plant: AquariumPlant) = println("AquariumPlant")
fun printGreenLeafyPlant(plant: GreenLeafyPlant) = println("GreenLeafyPlant")
Now, it is pretty clear that if we have object like this:
val aquariumPlant: AquariumPlant = GreenLeafyPlant(size = 10)
Then we can only invoke printAquariumPlant() function with it and it will print AquariumPlant, not GreenLeafyPlant. Despite the fact aquariumPlant is actually a GreenLeafyPlant object.
If we move one step back and rename them again to just print, nothing will really change. aquariumPlant variable is of type AquariumPlant (even if it contains GreenLeafyPlant object), so the compiler chooses print(AquariumPlant) function.
This is why we say extensions are resolved statically. Compiler decides which function to call at compile time. Virtual functions are resolved at runtime, taking into consideration the real type of the object.

Use extension function from different context in Kotlin

Here is an example of what I'd like to achieve:
open class A {
open fun {
object B: A() {
val number = 5;
override fun {
print("overriden foo");
// I want to call the A.(
}; //outputs: "foooverriden foo"
First of all, does anything like this exist? Can I somehow assume number to be in the context of class A in its override method? How would I write this?
The more I think about it the more it twists my mind. Of course, you cannot call because super for number is kotlin.Number. You cannot cast it to A because Int has nothing to do with A. The only way I can think about solving this to somehow import the extension function itself and rename it with as, but I cannot do that here since it is inside a class, so I cannot just import it. Any suggestions?
My use case for this is that I have a class where I manipulate some data, then in special cases, I want to manipulate it differently, but fall back to the original code as the last option. I could use normal functions instead of extension functions of course, but in my case, it comes natural to use extension functions, so I wanted to see if this could be achieved somehow.
It looks like this is impossible so far, I'm afraid.
There's an open issue for this on JetBrains' issue-tracking system: KT-11488.  There's a Kotlin work-around there, though that needs tweaks to the class designs.
(Also discussed on the JetBrains discussion board.  That mentions another workaround requiring a Java class.)
override fun {
print("overriden foo")
with (A()) {
Of course this is a bit of a hack and will get worse if A has some state which foo() depends on, which you'll then need to set manually.

Why can't make to methods with same name but with different generics?

I'm pretty new in Kotlin language, but I have just encountered some strange behavior that didn't have in other languages, so I wanted to ask why I can't do something like this:
fun <T> methodName()
// whatev~
fun <T, K> methodName()
// whatev~
This code throws an error of "Conflicting overloads".
In other languages, for example C# I can do this and it's a pretty neat trick to have only one method that work for one or multiple types at the same time.
The only workaround I've found it's adding in each new method that I do an optional parameter that I'll never use, like:
fun <T> methodName()
fun <T, K> methodName(crappyParam: String = "")
The two methods would have the same signature in JVM type system (which doesn't support generics), which isn't allowed.
A JVM language could "mangle" such methods, e.g. giving them different names in bytecode. A JVM implementation of C# would have to.
But Kotlin doesn't. And doing so would hurt interoperability with Java, which is one of Kotlin's major requirements.

Should we avoid naming a function same as an existing class in Kotlin? Why?

Kotlin allows to name a function same as an existing class, e.g. HashSet with initializer function could be implemented like this:
fun <T> HashSet(n : Int, fn: (Int) -> T) = HashSet<T>(n).apply {
repeat(n) {
When used, it looks like a normal HashSet constructor:
var real = HashSet<String>()
var fake = HashSet(5) { "Element $it" }
Should this be avoided or encouraged and why?
In the updated coding conventions, there's a section on this topic:
Factory functions
If you declare a factory function for a class, avoid giving it the same name as the class itself. Prefer using a distinct name making it clear why the behavior of the factory function is special. Only if there is really no special semantics, you can use the same name as the class.
class Point(val x: Double, val y: Double) {
companion object {
fun fromPolar(angle: Double, radius: Double) = Point(...)
The motivation I described below, though, seems to still hold.
As said in documentation about the naming style:
If in doubt default to the Java Coding Conventions such as:
methods and properties start with lower case
One strong reason to avoid naming a function same to a class is that it might confuse a developer who will use it later, because, contrary to their expectations:
the function won't be available for super constructor call (if the class is open)
it won't be visible as a constructor through reflection
it won't be usable as a constructor in Java code (new HashSet(n, it -> "Element " + it) is an error)
if you want to change the implementation later and return some subclass instance instead, it will get even more confusing that HashSet(n) { "Element $it" } will construct not a HashSet but, for example, a LinkedHashSet
It's better to show it explicitly that it's a factory function, not a constructor, to avoid this confusion.
Naming a function same to a class is generally avoided in stdlib, too. Given SomeClass, in stdlib a preferred naming style for factory functions is someClassOf, someClassBy or whatever explains the semantics of the function best. The examples:
generateSequence { ... } and sequenceOf(...)
lazy { ... } and lazyOf(...)
compareBy { ... }
listOf(...), setOf(...), mapOf(...)
So, one should definitely have strong reason to have a function mimic a constructor.
Instead, a function's name might tell a user more (even everything) about its usage.
I agree with +hotkey. It's probably best to avoid confusion in this case.
If it's only used internally and all the other devs (if any) are okay with it, though, I'd say to go for it. Python acknowledges that idea and I love it. Heck, they go both ways, being okay with you naming a class in function case, too, if it feels more like it's acting like a function. But, Python doesn't have to deal with Java interop, so definitely don't do it for public code.