Spartacus - breadcrumbs on checkout - spartacus-storefront

On MultiStepCheckoutSummaryPageTemplate (e.g. checkout page) breadcrumbs are disabled.
Even if we create a ContentPageMetaResolver and provide it in our custom checkout module, breadcrumbs are not resolved.
If I change name of page template, custom breadcrumbs are shown.
Is there any restrictions set to mentioned page template and how to disable them?


The custom layout isn't loading automatically

I have created a custom layout in Layout.hs. This is applied to a reporting page that has a different styling (CSS) and JS from the rest of the application.
The report page is accessed via link in the application.
The problem is that when landing on the report page the custom layout (CSS and JS) isn't applied automatically. It only kicks in after a manual refresh.
Any ideas how to fix this?

Is there a way to create tabs and mark selected tab based on page loaded in spartacus

I am using spartacus framework for storefront. I want to show tabs in my application and load pages based on selected tab. Is there any existing cms component or configuratio with which we can do or can i extent the cmscategorynavigation component and customize?
The CMSTabParagraphContainer is used on the product details page to display tabs. A CMSTabParagraphContainer can contain SimpleCMSComponents but not for example ContentPages. You would have to extend the CMSTabParagraphContainer on the backend to also accept ContentPages, ProductPages etc. and then extend the frontend components as well. To extend Spartacus components have a look at:
To be honest: This seems like a lot of work if you just want a visual change to the navigation

Shopify: How to make a custom template editable in the theme editor?

I am using the theme "Debut" and I've copied it to make a custom theme out of it.
Then, under "Edit code" I have create a new template for "blog".
Now, when I click on "Customize" button at my template, and the theme editor opens, I have a select box in the top bar where I can select the themes templates, and the pages I've created. But I can't find my custom blog template there, to edit it via the drag & drop editor.
How can I achieve this?
Any help is highly appreciated, thanks!
Once you add any custom template for a blog, product, or collection, they are not available directly into the backend customizer in Shopify.
In backend default templates are available, you need to assign the template to a page, product or blog and then navigate to the desired page, collection or product and blog page into backend using customizer window and then you able to edit the sections and blocks that are added to custom template code.

Shopify Liquid: Adding Sections to the Login Template

I have a client request to add manageable content to the login page. I assume this would work like managing any other page, simply create a section with the necessary schema and markup, then include that section ({% section 'section_name' %}) in the customers/login.liquid theme template. Problem is I don't see an option to select the login page in the page selection drop-down when customizing the theme. How do I allow my client to customize the login page via sections?
The actual login template cannot have manageable sections.
The closest workaround is to create a custom page template that includes a login form. The page can include manageable sections that are accessible when customizing the theme. The only issue is that all the automatically generated login url links will not go to this page, so any instances of those links need to be adjusted in the theme.
You can manually tell the customizer where to go by adding a hash(#) at the end of the url, followed by the shopify site path you want to visit/edit.
Once you enter this in the browser url bar, you'll need to hit enter twice to get the page to reload properly.
If you do this and find it keeps sending you back to the homepage, it means that accounts are disabled on the Shopify store. You can change this by going to:
Shopify Admin > Settings > Checkout > Customer accounts
Then selecting either: Accounts are optional // Account are required

How To Include Breadcrumb Module On A Component for Joomla 1.6

I have a custom component that requires the standard Joomla breadcrumb module. I tried using the following and it didn't do anything:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="position-2" />
Keep in mind this code came from the template index file and I am trying to integrate the module into a custom component
That is not how to do it. This is for use in Joomla templates to include the module position. You need to make the breadcrumbs programmatically from within your component. See this tutorial on how to do this:
NB: Once you have done this ensure that you have the breadcrumbs module published and the position is set correctly for your specific template.
This link will also be useful -
Try add this in your view.html.php for your component:
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$pathway = $app->getPathway();
$pathway->addItem('Google', '');
This will add a breadcrumb that says "Google" and when clicked will link to
In terms of creating your breadcrumbs you need to use your url to determine how far you are into you component e.g. "Home // Category // Weblinks" would have a url like:
cid = 2 tells us that we are at least in the category, so we can add a breadcrumb for this.
id = 54 tells us we are looking at a weblink so we can add a breadcrumb for the page before which is the list of weblinks within the category