Is it possible to embed rviz in pyqt5? - pyqt5

I am trying to plot in real time point cloud data in matplotlib but it seems not possbile. Is it possible to embed or view rviz inside a pyqt5?


Matplotlib Create Animation From Array of Frames

I am currently working in Jupyter Notebooks and I have an array of matplotlib scatter plots that I would like to animate and create a gif or video of.
Is this possible? Or would I need to save each of the 16+ plots as images and work from there?
Thank you!

Update and Display a Coordinate Axis being Rotating and Translated in Real Time in Matplotlib?

I'm currently trying to recreate this: video, and I could not find how to recreate the 3D visualization step, where coordinate axis are translated and rotated around, in matplotlib. Does anyone know how to do in matplotlib's animation, updating the results in real time?

Removing background on a 3d plot Julia

I am having some real trouble trying to plot nice things with Julia.
I first used PyPlot which I was happy with but I had to be able to change the angle on a 3D plots (in that case using surface) so I now use Plots directly with the camera speficication. I would like to remove the background on a 3D plot.
using PyPlot, the following command :
ax=gca(); ax:set_axis_off
works fine.
When using Plots, I tried the following :
using Plots; pyplot(grid=false)
and then my code for the surface, and it does not change the output.
I also tried the first example on this page : and grid specification does not work (grids are the same on every area of the layout).
I tried after updating every package and it still does not work.
Does anyone have an idea about what would the problem be please?
Thank you in advance !

How can I output a matplotlib figure to a shapefile?

I want to create a contour plot with matlibplot and generate a shapefile from it so that I can use it in QGIS to display it.
Though it is possible to plot a map with matplotlib and then overlay with my contour plot, the choices of map sources are limited. It would be easier to export the contour plot in a shapefile and loaded in QGIS with a customized map.
There is a contour plugin available in QGIS, and it is based on the contouring functions of matplotlib. It's still a little bit buggy but hopefully that will be corrected in the future.

ScatterPlot doesn't let me tap plot points or move graph

I'm trying to use a scatter plot from Core Plot in my iOS application. I set up Core Plot as the Core Plot wiki says, and then I copy PlotItem.h/m, PlotGallery.h/m and SimpleScatterPlot.h/m from the included Plot Gallery project into my project. The code
CPTTheme *theme = [CPTTheme themeNamed:kCPTDarkGradientTheme];
SimpleScatterPlot *scatterPlot = [[SimpleScatterPlot alloc]init];
[scatterPlot generateData];
[scatterPlot renderInLayer:hostView withTheme:theme];
runs, and the graph view is shown in my app. But I cannot move the graph view around or tap the plot points as in the Plot Gallery project. How do I set this up right?
The Plot Gallery is a poor starting point for a simple Core Plot demonstration. It has a lot of extra "stuff" to support generating a table view with thumbnails of all the different plots. The -renderInView:withTheme: method is used to make the thumbnail images for the table view. It renders the graph as an image which is why you lose interactivity. Unless you need the flexibility to quickly add new plots to your app and easily support both MacOS and iOS, I would recommend using one of the other examples as a starting point. The architecture is much simpler and easier to understand.
You need to have a CPTGraphHostingView in the visible view hierarchy. Set your graph as its hostedGraph. Look at any of the other example apps to see how to set up the hosting view. The graph setup and datasource code in the Plot Gallery plots (e.g., SimpleScatterPlot) is fine and should work anywhere.