JMS options in Apache hop - activemq

In order to satisfy a certain criterium, there is a need to publish a message to an existing ActiveMQ instance. Currently we use different software and a JMS-based connection to publish and read messages.
I did find about the additional plugins where MQTT is listed. We don't prefer to use that protocol if not required.
I could not find any plugins for Apache Hop that deal with receiving/sending over JMS, so is that an option?

I will unfortunately have to disappoint you in this case.
As far as I know no one has written a plugin to support ActiveMQ yet.
You can create a ticket on our jira to request a community member to create such a transform(s). Or we can support you through our mailing-list if you have specific questions when writing a plugin to support it.


How do I use ActiveMQ in Apache Flink?

I am getting my data through ActiveMQ which I want to process in real time with Apache Flink DataStreams. There is support for many messaging services like RabbitMQ and Kafka but I can't see any support for ActiveMQ. How can I use it?
Since there is not support for ActiveMQ, I would recommend implement a custom source.
You basically have to implement the SourceFunction interface.
If you want to have exactly-once semantics, you can base your implementation on the MultipleIdsMessageAcknowledgingSourceBase class.
I would recommend you to start with implementing a SourceFunction
Found a JMS connector for Flink:

Is there a way to configure MDBs programatically?

I am currently working on a EJB 3.1 based project running on GlassFish that uses a custom built framework to configure the functionality of any SessionBeans. Using this we can enable, disable and re-configure most of the services at run-time. Unfortunately we can't extend this to support conifguration of MDBs. I would like to set the selector a MDB is using based upon the configuration information and re-configure this if the settings change.
Unfortunately I could only come up with a SessionBean that creates MessageConsumers natively on the JMS Sessions based upon the configuration and to have the JMS messages handleb by MessageListeners, but I was told this way we would be loosing concurrency and the transaction handling of the EJB system, as we would no longer be using MDBs this way.
So is there any way to do what I'm looking for using MDBs? Someone told me there are some planned extensions in new EJB and JMS spec drafts, but I couln't find a pointer to that particular topic.
No, MDBs are configured by the Deployer at deploy-time.
Similar question answered here: Configuring MappedName annotation in Message Driven Bean dynamically

ActiveMQ support for ebXML as message broker

Currently I am researching open source message broker technology that can provide support for ebXML I would like to use Apache ActiveMQ.
I will be looking at supporting Oasis ebXML AS4 specification.
My question is, does Apache ActiveMQ as a JMS broker offer adequate support for ebXML, in particular ebXML 3 AS4?
Are there any alternative open source message broker technology more suited to ebXML?
Lastly is there a .NET interface library to support ebXML support via ActiveMQ?
Thanks in advance,
What do you mean by "support"?
Apache ActiveMQ is a messaging component. It does not really care about the content in the messages, but should merly be seen as a transport channel.
Apache Camel comes bundle with ActiveMQ do support XML (parsing, transforming), but not ebXML explicitly.
Typically, explicit support for these industry standard EDI formats are rarely implemented in open source middleware. There might be some old java library open source out there ( ebXml OpenSource java implementation ), but nothing very active, unfortunately.

Understanding Rabbitmq permissions

I'm attempting to set up a pub/sub system. My technical director has suggested using Rabbitmq and STOMP for the project I've been assigned.
In this system I want exchanges to be created on the server side and passed to the user to subscribe to. I want a user to subscribe to an exchange and receive information as it becomes available. I do not want the client to have the ability to subscribe to arbitrary exchanges (or routing keys for topic exchanges, I'm not sure what system I want to use yet).
For example, if someone works for a company widgetInk, when they logged in to our website they would receive a connection to the widgetInk.whatever exchange and AllUsers.whatever exchange, but that's it. if the Client side attempted to subscribe to something else they'd get an error.
I've gone through all of the RabbitMQ tutorials and I've looked through their how to section. I found this basic article on access control, but having read it three times now I still don't know if rabbitmq is a good fit for my requirements.
Can Rabbitmq be configured for my requirements? What resources can I use to learn about Rabbitmq's permission system? Has anyone build or used a system like this? Would it be in my best interest to switch to ZeroMQ or ActiveMQ?
I'd like to mention another platform you might use: Autobahn (Open-Source) or WebMQ (based on Autobahn).
WebMQ provides these features (besides a lot of other out of the box):
PubSub over WebSocket (WAMP)
Authentication of client sessions (WAMP-CRA)
fine-grained configurable authorization for topics
If you want to go the Open-source/build-your-own road, here are some tutorials. If you want an integrated, commercially supported product with Web UI for configuration/administration, please get in contact.
Disclaimer: I am creator of Autobahn/WAMP and work for Tavendo.

What is the best alternative way of monitoring apache Active MQ other than using JMX API

I have tried and tested the JMX API and it is pretty simple to use and provides a vast number of statistics required for monitoring ActiveMQ.
But the problem is, i dont want to monitor my ActiveMQ remotely and also i dont want to use another API.To be more precise, i want to use the JMS API itself to get statistics related to various destinations and the broker itself.
Advisory messages seem to be an alternative but they provide limited Amount of Administrative Messages to monitor.
Any input is highly appreciated...
There is no built-in support for this. But you can implement a JMS topic which publishes the monitoring data every few seconds. Make the connection non-persistent so that it doesn't pile up when there are no listeners or when they loose connection.
Now you can write a client that connects to this topic and it will receive updates.
AMQ-2379 resulted in a broker plugin for grabbing statistics from destinations by sending a simple JMS message. Check out the docs that show how to use it here:
The statistics plugin is available in the 5.3 release.
You can checkout this, it will be avaiable in upcoming 5.3.0 release
There's a blog post queued up to go on - will post it in a couple of days or so