Is there a way to configure MDBs programatically? - glassfish

I am currently working on a EJB 3.1 based project running on GlassFish that uses a custom built framework to configure the functionality of any SessionBeans. Using this we can enable, disable and re-configure most of the services at run-time. Unfortunately we can't extend this to support conifguration of MDBs. I would like to set the selector a MDB is using based upon the configuration information and re-configure this if the settings change.
Unfortunately I could only come up with a SessionBean that creates MessageConsumers natively on the JMS Sessions based upon the configuration and to have the JMS messages handleb by MessageListeners, but I was told this way we would be loosing concurrency and the transaction handling of the EJB system, as we would no longer be using MDBs this way.
So is there any way to do what I'm looking for using MDBs? Someone told me there are some planned extensions in new EJB and JMS spec drafts, but I couln't find a pointer to that particular topic.

No, MDBs are configured by the Deployer at deploy-time.
Similar question answered here: Configuring MappedName annotation in Message Driven Bean dynamically


JMS options in Apache hop

In order to satisfy a certain criterium, there is a need to publish a message to an existing ActiveMQ instance. Currently we use different software and a JMS-based connection to publish and read messages.
I did find about the additional plugins where MQTT is listed. We don't prefer to use that protocol if not required.
I could not find any plugins for Apache Hop that deal with receiving/sending over JMS, so is that an option?
I will unfortunately have to disappoint you in this case.
As far as I know no one has written a plugin to support ActiveMQ yet.
You can create a ticket on our jira to request a community member to create such a transform(s). Or we can support you through our mailing-list if you have specific questions when writing a plugin to support it.

How do i migrate my application from WebSphere to JBOSS EAP 6.2.0.GA?

I have my web application currently hosted on WebSphere Application Server
Now i want to migrate my application to JBOSS EAP 6.2.0. GA.
Has anyone done it before? I need help on below issues.
I want to create following equivalent components in JBOSS.
1) Oracle data source
--> To create Oracle Data Source, we first definitely need to create Oracle JDBC Provider. So also need to know how to create equivalent to this in JBOSS.
2) Queue
3) Activation Specification
4) Shared library to contain configuration file and third party jars.
How to deploy applications on JBOSS knowldge would be an added advantage.
Yeah, have done some googling and found below links,
But the links doesnt have any practicle knowledge.
I have tried migrating from websphere to JBOSS\WildFly 10.
Not sure about the other versions of JBoss but wildfly 10 has a configuration xml which you can use to configure your server.
I configured the database, queues, queue factories, namespace bindings using this configuration xml which is available as part of the server installation itself.
The file is present in this location
There are multiple configurations that are possible and you can customize them as per your need as well. You can refer the below documentation for customization.

Glassfish - How to broadcast JMS message to all instances in a cluster?

I am using Glassfish 3.1.2, and I set up a cluster with one node and two instances.
I have an message driven bean in my application that subscribes to a topic, which I deployed to the cluster.
When I publish a message to the topic I want both instances to receive the message.
However, in practice I am finding that only one instance receives the message.
I believe I am running into a feature called "shared subscriptions"
The feature (which is enabled by default) says that beans in the cluster with the same client id are shared, and are effectively only one subscription.
It says that by default the client id of an MDB is its name, which means that both my instances are using the same client id.
So other than completely disabling this feature, I would like to know if it is possible to setup an MDB so that each instance subscribes with a different client ID? This seems a bit tricky since both instances are using the same WAR file. I think you can set the client ID in an annotation, but I'm not sure if that can be changed at runtime...
I'm not sure why you would completly disable this feature. In the link you provided, it states clearly that you configure this per ActivationSpec/MDB. So as far as I understand it, it would affect only the MDB you have at hand.
For an MDB, set the ActivationSpec property useSharedSubscriptionInClusteredContainer to false. Do this in exactly
the same way as with other ActivationSpec properties, using
annotations in the MDB itself or in the deployment descriptor
ejb-jar.xml or glassfish-ejb-jar.xml.
But you can of course set the client ID on a connection dynamically during runtime. Please note that you probably would have to handle the JMS connection yourself a bit more than relying on the features managed by the container.

DOSGI Support in Glassfish

I am using OSGI with Glassfish 3.0.1.We use Jersey REST as the resource layer. We have lots of osgi services. we are planning to decouple them & deploy it in a cloud. One way we do this is by doing a http REST call. But we would like to do service to service call at the api level. One way to do this is by using DOSGI. But Glassfish 3.0.1 doesn't seem to support DOSGI. Any other suggestions?
I believe that Glassfish contains Apache Felix, which is a fully compliant OSGi Framework. Therefore you do not need explicit support from Glassfish in order to use a set of bundles that provide Remote Services (the name "DOSGI" is now deprecated). Indeed, this is kind of the point of OSGi!
Anyway the next obvious question is which Remote Services implementation to choose. I would advise you NOT to use CXF since it is too buggy and unmaintained. That leaves Eclipse ECF or Paremus RSA.
(Disclaimer: the Paremus implementation is commercial and I work for Paremus).

How to connect to ActiveMQ on startup with WCF and IIS

What is the best way to combine a single instance WCF service that uses ActiveMQ and runs within IIS/AppFabric?
Our Services need to support both HTTP transports and ActiveMQ (listening and sending messages). We've elected not to use MSMQ, and will use Spring.Net.NMS. The fundamental issue I have now is that ActiveMQ needs to connect to the queue(s) at startup and remain connected, but WAS is getting in the way with it's message-activation feature. If the service is not activated until a message arrives (HTTP/MSMQ, etc) then there is no trigger to have the connection to AMQ occur.
I know I can disable the recycling behavior, and I know I can do self-hosting with a Windows Service. But I want to take advantage of the monitoring and other features in AppFabric. I've already been down the route with IServiceBehavior and will use that for other nice things. But that interface is not called until a (non-AMQ) message arrives. So it won't work for this. What I was hoping for was something along the line of how ServletContextListeners work in Java, where you get both the start up and shutdown events. But it seems no such thing exists in WAS... it is driven only by messages arriving.
I've scoured every inch of web info for 3 days and the only thing I came across was to use a static class construction (C#) trick as the trigger. That's a hack, but i can live with it. It still leaves the issue of cleanly shutting down, which I can figure out later.
Anyone have a solid solution to this?
The direct WCF support for ActiveMQ that Ladislav mentions is still being supported. There just hasn't been an official release for the module in a while. However, you can still get the latest version of it from the 1.5.x branch or trunk and compile it yourself.
1.5.x branch for use with Apache.NMS 1.5.0:
Check out instructions:
There was direct WCF support for ActiveMQ but I guess it is not developed anymore. Your problem actually is the IIS / WAS (provides hosting for non-http protocols) hosting architecture. Services in WAS are always activated when message arrives - there is no global startup. The reason for this is that WAS hosting expects that there is separate process (windows service) running the listener all the time and this process has adapter which calls WAS and uses message level activation. I guess you don't have such process for ActiveMQ and because of that you will have trouble to use ActiveMQ endpoint hosted in WAS. Developing such listener can be challenging task (example for UDP).
Creating custom listener can be probably avoided by using IIS 7.5 / AppFabric auto start feature. There is also not very well documented way to run the code when the application starts.