Replacement for TYPO3\CMS\Extensionmanager\Utility\ConfigurationUtility in Typo3 > 8.7 - typo3-9.x

I am currently working on upgrading an existing Typo3 8.7 instance to Typo3 9.5, following along with the instructions in the official docs.
I have a problem though with a custom extension (written by not-me) that uses TYPO3\CMS\Extensionmanager\Utility\ConfigurationUtility to obtain various configuration values used in the extension.
Usage of the class is as follows:
public function getConfiguration(): array
$configuration = $this->baseConfigurationUtility->getCurrentConfiguration('sbb_oauth');
return array_column($configuration, 'value', 'name');
which is in turn used by this method:
public function getConfigurationOption(string $name)
$configuration = $this->getConfiguration();
return (isset($configuration[$name]) ? $configuration[$name] : null);
The other methods in the class all call getConfigurationOption(string $name) in order to get some specific value from the configuration fetched by ConfigurationUtility.
The problem now is that TYPO3\CMS\Extensionmanager\Utility\ConfigurationUtility is no longer present in Typo3 9.5, and I haven't been able to find any official instructions as to how to properly migrate code that uses it, neither by online search nor by looking through the API.
Since I am not a PHP programmer, and I don't have any experience with Typo3 and its extension system (I just inherited the system and am trying to upgrade it as cleanly as I can), I would appreciate any tips/hints, including "please look [link goes here]", in case I've managed to miss something utterly obvious - thanks in advance!


system_cpu_usage is Nan when compiled in native

In my quarkus application i'm using micrometer to retrieve metrics (like in this guide :
In JVM mode everything works fine, but in native mode system_cpu_usage is "Nan".
I tried bumping micrometer to 1.8.4 and adding :
"name":"", "allPublicMethods": true
to my reflect-config.json but no luck. I also tried generating the reflect-config (and other native configuration files) with the graalvm tracing agent but still no luck.
This may be a bug.
Micrometer is looking for a few known implementations of the MXBean:
private static final List<String> OPERATING_SYSTEM_BEAN_CLASS_NAMES = Arrays.asList(
"", // J9
"" // HotSpot
so that it can find the methods that it should be invoking...
this.operatingSystemBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();
this.operatingSystemBeanClass = getFirstClassFound(OPERATING_SYSTEM_BEAN_CLASS_NAMES);
Method getCpuLoad = detectMethod("getCpuLoad");
this.systemCpuUsage = getCpuLoad != null ? getCpuLoad : detectMethod("getSystemCpuLoad");
this.processCpuUsage = detectMethod("getProcessCpuLoad");
(Note specifically "getFirstClassFound", which is constrained against the first list).
Speculation on my part, but I suspect Graal is returning a different type, which is possible from here:
would take some digging to know which, but I would open an issue with Micrometer so we can sort it out.

FluentNHibernate's PersistenceConfiguration Cache method removed

new to Fluent/NHibernate and trying to upgrade code base to the latest FluentNHibernate from version The PersistenceConfiguration type used to have a Cache method (below) and no longer there. Is this done differently in subsequent releases? I couldn't find anything in their release notes of the changes.
public TThisConfiguration Cache(Action<CacheSettingsBuilder> cacheExpression)
return (TThisConfiguration) this;

Howto tell PowerBuilder to pass options to a JVM when starting?

What I want to do?
I want to create and consume java objects in PowerBuilder and call methods on it. This should happen with less overhead possible.
I do not want to consume java webservices!
So I've a working sample in which I can create a java object, call a method on this object and output the result from the called method.
Everything is working as expected. I'm using Java 1.8.0_31.
But now I want to attach my java IDE (IntelliJ) to the running JVM (started by PowerBuilder) to debug the java code which gets called by PowerBuilder.
And now my question.
How do I tell PowerBuilder to add special options when starting the JVM?
In special I want to add the following option(s) in some way:
The JVM is created like following:
LONG ll_result
inv_java = CREATE JavaVM
ll_result = inv_java.CreateJavaVM("C:\Development\tms java\pbJavaTest", FALSE)
CHOOSE CASE ll_result
MessageBox ( "", "jvm.dll was not found in the classpath.")
MessageBox ( "", "pbejbclient90.jar file was not found." )
MessageBox ( "", "Unknown result (" + String (ll_result ) +")" )
In the PowerBuilder help I found something about overriding the static registry classpath. There is something written about custom properties which sounds like what I'm looking for.
But there's no example on how to add JVM options to override default behavior.
Does anyone have a clue on how to tell PowerBuilder to use my options?
Or does anyone have any advice which could guide me in the right direction?
Update 1
I found an old post which solved my initial issue.
If someone else want to know how it works take a look at this post:
Hi, you need to set some windows registry entries.
Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sybase\Powerbuilder\9.0\Java, there
are two folders: PBIDEConfig and PBRTConfig. The first one is used when
you run your application from within the IDE, and the latter is used
when you run your compiled application. Those two folders can have
PBJVMconfig and PBJVMprops folders within them.
PBJVMconfig is for JVM configuration options such as -Xms. You have to
specify incremental key values starting from "0" by one, and one special
key "Count" to tell Powerbuilder how many options exists to enumerate.
PBJVMprops is for all -D options. You do not need to specify -D for
PBJVMProps, just the name of the property and its value, and as many
properties as you wish.
Let me give some examples:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Gokhan Demir
But now there's another issue...
PB isn't able to create EJB Proxies for my sample class which is really simple with java 1.8.0_31. They were created with the default version, which is 1.6.0_24.
public class Simple
public Simple()
public static String getValue()
return "blubber";
public int getInt32Value()
return 123456;
public double getDoubleVaue()
return 123.123;
public static void main(String[] args)
The error is the following. :D
---------- Deploy: Deploy of project p_genapp_ejbclientproxy (15:35:18)
Retrieving PowerBuilder Proxies from EJB...
Generation Errors: Error: class not found: (
Deployment Error: No files returned for package/component 'Simple'. Error code: Unknown. Proxy was not created.
---------- Finished Deploy of project p_genapp_ejbclientproxy (15:35:19)
So the whole way isn't a option because we do not want to change the JAVA settings in PB back and forth just to generate new EJB Proxies for changed JAVA objects in the future...
So one option to test will be creating COM wrappers for JAVA classes to use them in PB...

RavenDb UniqueConstraint doesn't work

I'm using RavenDb Server and Client 3.5.0 and I have tried to get UniqueConstraint work without success.
The simple case:
using Raven.Client.UniqueConstraints;
public class User {
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
The documentation says:
Drop the Raven.Bundles.UniqueContraints assembly in the Plugins
I did it by NuGet: Install-Package RavenDB.Bundles.UniqueConstraints -Version 3.5.0
and then paste the binary Raven.Bundles.UniqueConstraints.dll to folder Plugins that I created myself in Raven's root directory.
After save an User document I get this in Metadata:
"Ensure-Unique-Constraints": [
"Name": "Email",
"CaseInsensitive": false
All seems to work, but I still saving documents with the same email.
UniqueConstraintCheckResult<User> checkResult = session.CheckForUniqueConstraints(user);
// returns whether its constraints are available
if (checkResult.ConstraintsAreFree())
I check this link RavenDB UniqueConstraint doesn't seem to work and this one!searchin/ravendb/unique|sort:relevance/ravendb/KzO-eIf9vV0/NJyJ4DNniFUJ and many other that people have the same problem without solution. In some cases they said that are checking if the property already exist in database manualy as solution.
The documentation also says:
To activate unique constraints server-wide, simply add Unique
Constraints to Raven/ActiveBundles configuration in the global
configuration file, or setup a new database with the unique
constraints bundle turned on using API or the Studio
but with no clue how to do that. I did some search and find a possible how:
In Studio, select database, go to Settings -> Database settings, and I found this config:
"Id": "TestRaven",
"Settings": {
"Raven/DataDir": "~\\TestRaven"
"SecuredSettings": {},
"Disabled": false
and I tried add this config:
"Settings": {
"Raven/DataDir": "~\\TestRaven",
"Raven/ActiveBundles": "UniqueConstraints"
Then I get an error when trying save it. The message erros says something like "the database is already created and cant modify or add bundles" and make a sugestion to add this line "Raven-Temp-Allow-Bundles-Change": true and I was able to save de settings with UniqueConstraint bundle configuration.
So far I think I did all requirement that documentation describe. The last one is:
Any bundle which is not added to ActiveBundles list, will not be
active, even if the relevant assembly is in the Plugins directory.
The only place that I found a bundle list is creating a new database in Studio, but the list is not editable, just an information about what already has enabled.
The documentation says a lot of requirements but just dont tell us how to do it, super smart, and we have to try gess how. I could get to here so far, but gess what? It still not working!
My question is, UniqueConstraints realy work in RavenDb? Have someone get this working?
If yes, cloud please tell me how?
Thank you in advance!
I forgot to mention that I added the follow line:
store.Listeners.RegisterListener(new UniqueConstraintsStoreListener());
And also tried with version 3.5.1.
The issue is that the specified name of the bundle is incorrect so it won't be active on the server side. Please use "Unique Constraints" instead of "UniqueConstraints" in "Raven/ActiveBundles" settings option.

Sharepoint Feature Upgrades

I have the following in my feature.template.xml
<VersionRange BeginVersion="" EndVersion="">
<CustomUpgradeAction Name=""></CustomUpgradeAction>
<VersionRange BeginVersion="" EndVersion="">
<CustomUpgradeAction Name=""></CustomUpgradeAction>
My feature upgrade event is as follows:
public override void FeatureUpgrading(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties, string upgradeActionName, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, string> parameters)
using (SPSite site = (SPSite)properties.Feature.Parent)
using (SPWeb mySite = site.RootWeb)
switch (upgradeActionName)
case "":
//execute logicA
case "":
//execute logicB
Am I correct in saying that if the site is currently version, it will be upgraded to v 1.0.03, executing both logicA and logicB above. This means that sharepoint would call featureupgrading event for each version upgrade.Is this correct? Or do I need to do something different to achieve this?
I also have the following concerns:
What exactly do the the BeginVersion and EndVersion mean.
I especially do not understand the BeginVersion. What happens if instead of I set it to as well?
Any assistance would be greately appreciated, as I did not find any good relevant details online or on books.
When you add a new Feature to your VS SharePoint project, Visual studio initializes your Feature with version
In the properties window you can set a version number for your feature.
When you want to upgrade an existing feature you'll have to define the range of versions for which you want your upgrade actions (code, new manifest, ...) to happen.
E.g.: You deployed your feature without changing the version number. Your current deployed feature has version number
You want to upgrade your feature and set the version number to
If you define a versionrange as follows:
<VersionRange BeginVersion="" EndVersion="">
You'll notice nothing will happen when you call SPFeature.Upgrade() since is not in the defined versionrange.
If you use this versionrange
<VersionRange EndVersion="">
<VersionRange BeginVersion="" EndVersion="">
You'll notice your FeatureUpgrading eventreceiver or other upgrade actions will be triggered.
Your upgraded feature will now have version number
If you call SPFeature.Upgrade again nothing will happen again, because exceeds the defined versionrange. So BeginVersion is included, EndVersion not.
Every feature with a version number between [ - 1.x.x.x] will be upgraded if you use the latter versionranges.
I think you can also leave the BeginVersion and EndVersion attributes entirely out. Then you're upgradeactions will be triggered at every SPFeature.Upgrade() call. (To be verified)
For more information: Chris O'Brien wrote an interesting articles series about this topic, cfr.