Avoid chaining critical requests in nuxt vuetify - vue.js

I analyzed my site in GT Matrix and had a problem loading vueitfy fonts. How can I solve this problem?


Website freezing but only for certain users - unsure where to start

I'm trying to build a Vue web app and a friend was using it when it froze. Refreshing the page or opening a new tab and going to the page didn't fix it, and it would just keep loading until chrome said the page was unresponsive.
I thought it might be a network issue on their side but it works fine on their phone. Then I thought maybe there was a localStorage or cookie corruption issue, but then it was still broken on a different browser(chrome & edge).
This site doesn't seem to show any HTML and upon reload, nothing pops up in the network tab.
The site uses vue3, vuex, fullcalendar, fontawesome, lzutf8(compression algorithm package). It's hosted on netlify.
Honestly, I don't even know where to start debugging this since I can't reproduce the issue on my computer and it makes it worse than I don't physically have the laptop in front of me. Here are some issues I think it may be:
There is some corrupt data between chrome and edge that's causing the site to freeze
I'm using a compression algorithm package to compress the vue store into a copy/pastable string. It's possible this is causing the site to slow when vuex tries to load the getter for the compressed store, but if the localstorage is empty all it has to compress is empty arrays so I don't see how compression would cause an issue.
A firewall on the device could be blocking the website
Maybe there's a chance Netlify could be blocking the site?
Potentially there's some issue with vue or vuex that I don't know about?
Here's the github repo: https://github.com/ZombiMigz/cpp-scheduler-webapp
and the website is deployed here: https://cppscheduler.com/
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated

Will integrating nuxt.js into our vue.js application require much overhaul?

I'm considering integrating nuxt.js into our vue.js application. I'm trying to figure out if it's feasible. By feasible, I mean how much of an overhaul would it require.
I understand that nuxt.js is more than just a pluggin. If it were a plugging, it would be super easy. You would just npm install and Vue.use(nuxt) and that's it. But as a framework, I understand that nuxt.js expects certain structures to be in place. For example, I know from https://hiswe.github.io/2018/12-vue-with-nuxt/ that nuxt expects a certain folder structure (/static, /page, /layouts...), but can these live side-by-side with the standard vue.js folders (/assets, /components, /views...) or do they have to be replaced? If side-by-side, then no overhauling of existing code (just add new folders). Otherwise, there could be quite a bit of work to overhaul the structure.
And if they can live side-by-side, would the nuxt folder supersede the vue.js folders (ex. would it no longer look for components in /components or /views and instead expect them to be in /pages)?
I also understand that nuxt router depends only on the folder/file structure in /pages rather than the router.js file that vue.js depends on. Does this mean router.js will no longer be used? Or will router.js still be used until we tell it not to (by removing certain routes from it, for example).
You don't need to answer the above questions (although it would be super useful if you did). I just provide them to give an example of the things I need to consider. The main question is: how much work is involved in overhauling a vue.js application when nuxt.js is being integrated.
To give some perspective of the size/complexity of our application, you can see it here:
The source code is just under 600MB (compared to a startup vue.js application which is usually < 100MB). It includes a backend API that connects to a postgres database. We host it on AWS Lambda. We'd like to take advantage of the SSR abilities of nuxt.js but as I understand it, that requires a node.js server (not sure how easily that integrates with our Lambda instance).
^ Those are the specs. Just looking for a rough idea. Easy? Difficult? Thanks for any feedback.

fls.doubleclick.net download slow only in IE11

When I connect the website, only IE 11 opened very slow because of fls.doubleclick.net,
not in safari, chrome.
I applied some solution in internet such as changing internet options about checking webpage
revocation, but it didn't`work.
Is there anyone who experienced about this?
And any solution about this?
Try to use F12 developer Network tools to check the website resource loading time, we can see that it will spend too much time to load the JavaScript file and CSS style.
To improve the website performance, you could try to use the following methods:
Improve the JavaScript script performance.
Use Specific CSS and Script files
Using large CSS files that are used for the entire site in multiple pages will increase the loading time of the page thus leading to a performance hit. It can be split and stored in different files thus loading only what is required for each page. It will minimize the loading time of the pages.
User CDN reference.
Minify Resources (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).
More detail information about Improve Web Application Performance, please refer the following links:
Tips And Best Practices To Improve ASP.NET Web Application Performance
Tips to Improve the Performance of an ASP.Net Application
Minify Resources (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript)

Vue PWA Precache manifest versus HTML prefetch link

I'm wondering, when building a Vue PWA app using the CLI and letting all config at default values, my built app is:
prefetching all chunks on initial load using the HTML prefetch links
precaching all chunks using Workbox's PWA mechanism
How do these two mechanisms interact and should I disable one of both?
Prefetch mechanism in index.html <HEAD>:
Precache manifest in service-worker.js:
They clash. The browser downloads them multiple times.
What happens most likely is this (I'm saying most likely because the prefetch link is a hint to the browser and different browsers might implement its use in varying ways and priorities):
Browser fetches the HTML
Browser sees the prefetch links
At some point, browser starts to download the links for later use
When Service Worker is registered, it precaches all the same assets
At later visits/reloads of the page, all of the assets come from the SW's cache and nothing is downloaded again
The double donwload happens because the SW's precache thing uses cache busting and tries to download assets like /realname.hash.js?bla=hash_in_the_manifest_file so even though your files already have the hash values in their names, the precache mechanic is not satisfied with it.
Actually, if you look at the documentation of the Workbox precache plugin you see that they suggest you to drop the revision (hash) checking if you already use hash values in the filenames.

optimize build size vuejs

When I build the production build, the size of the css+js is going up to 3.8MB.
The only thing I could see is bootstrap which is taking half of the size amongst 3.8MB.
The app contains CRUD functionality in admin module where I have used bootstrap mostly and the other module is a list of static pages wherein I have used only grid of bootstrap.
Kindly guide on How can I make improvement in optimizing this further?
This is expected and using bootstrap and there's nothing you can do. If you had, instead, used bootstrap-vue you could import only the specific parts of the modules that you need (javascript) and that would significantly reduce the size of your bundle.
With that said, there's nothing wrong here. The gzip size of these is 252kb at maximum and that's quite cheap.
If you serve your site using http2 and the browser supports it, your request will be multiplexed and will use TCP pipelines to load the assets. This has huge gains and improvements over HTTP1 in that:
the connection to your server is opened through a TCP socket
the TCP socket then balances the requests by using Frames (which are asynchronous) vs http1 which is synchronous and could only manage 2 synchronous HTTPD threads at a time
the pipeline does not wait for assets and continues to cascade requests for assets, which improves the page load vastly.
So to summarize - serve your assets gzipped and make sure your web server uses http2 and your issue is trivial at this time.
Consider using purgecss plugin to get rid of all unused bootstrap classes: https://www.purgecss.com/guides/vue