How to round up to the 16th decimal place in sqlite - sql

I would like to know how to extend to the 16th decimal place in SQLite e.g
SELECT 799.9/150.0 --Answer rounded up to the 16th decimal place.

SQLite has a function called round which can be used to round floating point numbers to a specified precision:
SQLite round() function rounds a floating-point value t up to a number of digits to the right of the decimal point. If the 2nd argument (rounded digits) is omitted, it is assumed to be 0.
To round a number up to the 16th decimal place, you'd have to modify your query to look like this:
SELECT round(799.9/150.0, 16)
This outputs the number 5.332666666666667.
If you want no decimals at all, you can omit the second parameter:
SELECT round(799.9/150.0)
This will return 5.0


I want my data upto 6 decimal places in impala

I have a double type column in impala
while I am trying to cut it upto some decimal places
I got this error
ERROR: AnalysisException: No matching function with signature: truncate(DOUBLE, TINYINT).
e.g select truncate(cast(0.4893617021276596 as double),7);
any workaround will be welcome
You can use round():
select round(col, 6)
If you actually want a truncate, then subtract 0.0000005:
select round(col - 0.0000005, 6)
Using the DECIMAL type, it is possible to represent numbers with greater precision than the FLOAT or DOUBLE types can represent.
The maximum allowed precision and scale of the DECIMAL type are both 38.
Precision is the total number of digits, regardless of the location of the decimal point.
Scale is the number of digits after the decimal place.
To represent the number 8.54 without a loss of precision, you would need a
DECIMAL type with precision of at least 3, and scale of at least 2.
Note that the DECIMAL(17,16) type means there is a total of 17 digits, with 16 of them after the decimal point.
DECIMAL(17,16) 3.1415926535897932
You could ALTER your table with DECIMAL type as follow:
ALTER TABLE my_table CHANGE field field DECIMAL(precision, scale);
or as suggest #Gordon Linoff, you could use round() function.

Remove zeros after two decimal places

I would like to remove zeros after two decimal places in DB2. I have more than 1000 rows for this column
For example
3.6900 needs to be converted to 3.69
I used cast in the query after my research and it gave me the correct result but I would like to understand what is DECIMAL(12,2) and how does this work ? Is there any better way to eliminate zeros?
Please let me know.
what is DECIMAL(12,2) and how does this work?
The DECIMAL data type represents numbers with a specified decimal precision. You can read a description of the numeric data types:
A DECIMAL number is a packed decimal number with an implicit decimal point. The position of the decimal point is determined by the precision and the scale of the number. The scale, which is the number of digits in the fractional part of the number, cannot be negative or greater than the precision. The maximum precision is 31 digits.

Round a value to two decimal places in SQL

I am trying to round a value in SQL, here is the code that I have:
select round(600.000,2)
How do I get the value 600.00?
Instead of round() convert to a decimal:
select cast(600.000 + 0.5 as decimal(10, 2) )
round() changes the value but it might not change the type of the result. Hence, you might still see extra decimal points (depending on the database and the application). Converting to a decimal with two digits of precision converts both the value and the type.

sql server round

select round((cast(56/3 AS DECIMAL (4,2))),1)
is showing 18 output instead of 19 , where as actual value is 18.66.
My Round function is not working
please help.
The problem is 56/3 is an integer calculation which means no floating point numbers.
You need to use floating point numbers in the initial calculation e.g. 56.0/3. Also, if you want to round to 19 then you need to round to the nearest whole number, ROUND(x, 1) will round to the first decimal place - you need to pass 0 to round up to 19.
Alternatively, you could switch ROUND for CEILING
select CEILING(CAST(56.0/3 AS DECIMAL(4,2)))
Your section of the code:
First evaluates the 56/3 which returns 18. This is then cast to decimal, giving 18.0.
You need to cast either the numerator or denominator before the division occurs.
The round function is working fine -- it's just not using the input you think it is.
Convert one of your integer values before you divide the numbers:
select round(56/convert(DECIMAL (4,2),3),0);
If you do not so you divide integers which results in 18 not 18.66

how decimal digits before and after decimal point fixed in sql?

I have a variable of type decimal(26,16) and i want to save a value with 12 digits before decimal point and 14 digits after it, but it raises an "Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric". when i define a variable of this type, what does it really mean? it means it can only store values with 10 digits before and 16 digits after decimal point respectively or something else?
The highest number you can have in a decimal(26,16) is 9999999999.9999999999999999.
So when you try to store a 12 digit number it will to overflow
Try a decimal(28,16) instead
The maximum total number of decimal digits that can be stored, both to the left and to the right of the decimal point. The precision must be a value from 1 through the maximum precision of 38. The default precision is 18.
precision means the maximum number of digit you can use.
scale means the maximum number of digit you can use after decimal(.)
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