Chronicling America query data with year range - api

From their brief API docs I can't find a way to filter the result by start/end_year. It should be year1, year2
Here is an example query I try.
Changing the years, modify the result, but not as expected, there are still papers with dates outside this range.
Is it possible to filter the result with time range ?


Power pivot ytd calculation

Ok, I have watched many videos and read all sorts and I think I am nearly there, but must be missing something. In the data model I am trying to add the ytd calc to my product_table. I don't have unique dates in the product_table in column a and also they are weekly dates. I have all data for 2018 for each week of this year in set rows of 20, incrementing by one week every 20 rows. E.g. rows 1-20 are 01/01/2018, rows 21-40 are 07/01/2018, and so on.
Whilst I say they are in set rows of 20, this is an example. Some weeks there are more or less than 20 so I can't use the row count function-
Between columns c and h I have a bunch of other categories such as customer age, country etc. so there isn't a unique identifier. Do I need one for this to work? Column i is the sales column with the numbers. What I would like is a new column which gives me a ytd number for each row of data which all has unique criteria between a and h. Week 1 ytd is not going to be any different. For the next 20 rows I want it to add week1 sales to week2 sales, effectively giving me the ytd.
I could sumproduct this easily in the data set but I don't want do that. I want to use dax to save space etc..
I have a date_table which does have unique dates in the main_date column. All my date columns are formatted as date in the data model.
I have tried:
This simply replicates the numbers in the sales column, not giving me an ytd as required. I also tried
=calculate(sum(products[sales]) ,datesytd(date_table[main_date]))
I don't know if what I am trying to do is possible. All the youtube clips don't seem to have the same issues I am having but I think they have unique dates in their data sets.
Id love to upload the data but its work stuff on a work computer so cant really. Hope I've painted the picture quite clearly.
Resolved, after googling sumif dax, mike honey had a response that i have adapted to get what i need. I needed to add the filter and earlier functions to my equarion and it ended up like this
Calculate (sum(products[sales]),
filter (sales, sales[we_date] <=earlier(sales[we_date]),
filter (sales, sales[year] =earlier(sales[year]),
filter (sales, sales[customer] =earlier(sales[customer]))
There are three other filter sections i had to add, but this now gives me the ytd i needed.
Hope this helps anyone else

Need NetSuite search formula to display employee time records by projects (in rows) and day of week (in columns)

I'm trying to create a NetSuite Time search that emulates the chart style display on an employee's weekly time record, with projects listed in rows and days of the week listed in columns, with totals by day and by project. The goal is to have a search auto filtered by "Last Week" that can be used with a drop down selector filter for employees. I know there are better ways, but this is a very specific demand from someone above who believes the NS time record is a "query" and wants it to act like one.
I'm good with NS searches but know almost next to nothing about coding. I tried some basic sum formulas using CASE WHEN but am having 2 issues:
1) Can't figure out how to get CASE WHEN to sort by the weekday output from DAY of the {date} and subsequently total the hours.
2) Not sure how to total hh:mm formatted time in searches, and can't figure out what the system name of the "Duration (Decimal)" field is.
Just need one line of a sum formula to total time data from one day of the week, and a way to solve the hh:mm issue and I am good to go from there.
CASE WHEN to_char({date}, 'D') LIKE 1 THEN {durationdecimal} ELSE 0 END
SUN = 1, MON = 2, etc.

querying for "workweek" in Access SQL

I have a formula from MS Excel 2007 which returns the workweek of a certain date within a certain month.
where A1 = 11/2012 and B1 = 1/7/2012
I'd like to use this formula in MS Access and will return the same value. I'd tried to formulate a query but it won't work.
The field name of column A1 is [rdate] and column B1's field name is [we_date].
Don't calculate, query. See:
Why should I consider using an auxiliary calendar table?
A calendar table can make it much
easier to develop solutions around any
business model which involves dates.
Last I checked, this encompasses
pretty much any business model you can
think of, to some degree. Constant
problems that end up requiring
verbose, complicated and inefficient
methods include the following
How many business days between x and y?
What are all of the dates between the second Tuesday of March and the first Friday in April? 
On what date should I expect this shipment to arrive? 
What were the dates of all the Fridays in this quarter? 

Pentaho CDF - MDX query: Showing data between months (parameters)

I have two parameters: 'from month' and 'to month'. I would like to show data between those months. This is my situation:
with member [Measures].[Ordercount Y-1] as '([Year].PrevMember, [Measures].[Ordercount])'
member [Measures].[Growth] as IIF([Measures].[Ordercount Y-1] >0,
[Measures].[Ordercount]/[Measures].[Ordercount Y-1] *100,0)
select {[Measures].[Growth]} ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY {[Year].[" +year+ "]} ON ROWS
from [Ordercube]
Its a dialchart, I want to show the % of sales compared to last year in combination with a range between months.
In SQL it would be easy: Where month >= frommonth and month <= tomonth.
Since you can only slice once in a MDX query I don't know what to do.
I hope someone can help me.
Thanks in advance
Actually, you'd find that SQL wouldn't be quite as easy if the months weren't both in the same year :)
Either way, what you're looking for is something like this:
select NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Quantity]} ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY [Markets].Children ON ROWS
from [SteelWheelsSales]
where {([Time].[2003].[QTR1] : [Time].[2004].[QTR2])}
This query was written against pentaho's data warehouse. I haven't the faintest clue what your data wharehouse looks like so I don't know what to use in the time dimension for your query, but it's the ([Time].[2003].[QTR1] : [Time].[2004].[QTR2]) syntax you're looking for, I think.
(disclaimer: I'm one of the CDF core developers, but my MDX sucks)
EDIT: In this particular case (Range Operator Reference) the reference site isn't particularly explicit, but the MSDN reference site for MDX is pretty good, so here's the general MDX Reference Site.

Sql Queries for finding the sales trend

Suppose ,I have a table which has all the billing records. Now I want to see the sales trend for a user given time duration group by each 3 days ...what should be the sql query regarding this?
please help,Otherwise I am gone ...
I can only give a vague suggestion as per the question, however you may want to have a derived column with a standardised date (as per MS date format, just a number per day) that you could then use a modulus (3) on so that days are equal per 3 day period. You can then group and aggregate over this column to get the values for a 3 day period. Obviously to display the date nicely you would have to multiply back and convert your column as well.
Again I'm not sure of the specifics, but I think this general idea could be achieved to get a result (may well not be the best way so it would help to add more to the question...)