Merge url with parameters into 1 in Splunk - splunk

I am creating a dashboard for our service. And I want to create metrics for url requests.
Lets say have a similar url like this one:
And I have following query in Splunk
| stats avg(timeTaken) as avg_latency, p99(timeTaken) as "p99(ms)", perc75(timeTaken) as "p75(ms)", count as total_requests, count(eval(responseStatus=500)) as failed_requests by url
| eval "success_rate"=round((total_requests - failed_requests)/total_requests*100,2)
| eval avg = round(avg)
| sort success_rate
All I want is to have a table with one common url showing all the metrics. But instead, I get a table with a list of all urls with different parameters.

You want to create a field which is the URL minus the UserId part, And therefore the stats will be grouped by which url is called.
You can do this by using split(url,"/") to make a mv field of the url, and take out the UserId by one of two ways depending on the URLs.
Mvfilter: Eg: mvfilter(eval(x!=userId))
Or created a new mvfield with the userId removed by it's index in the mvfield using this: Add/Edit/Delete mvfield
Instead of removing you could also choose to replace the UserId with "{userId}", so long as you do the same for all Urls.
And then you can rejoin the url using mvjoin(url,"/")
I hope I understood your question correctly and this helps you!

You could try doing a replace() on your URL field with eval before calling stats:
| eval url=replace(url,"\/\d+\/settings","/settings")
If it turns out the userid is important to hold onto, pull it into its own field prior to running replace():
| rex field=url "\/(?<userid>\d+)\/settings"
expansion for comment
For multiple possible endings of your URL, try something like this:
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp URL IN("*/api/v1/users/*/settings","*/api/v1/users/*/logout","*/api/v1/users/*/profile")
| rex field=url "\/(?<url_type>\w+)$"
| eval url=replace(url,"\/\d+\/\w+$","")
| stats avg(timeTaken) as avg_latency, p99(timeTaken) as "p99(ms)", perc75(timeTaken) as "p75(ms)", count as total_requests, count(eval(responseStatus=500)) as failed_requests by url type
| eval "success_rate"=round((total_requests - failed_requests)/total_requests*100,2)
| eval avg = round(avg)
| sort success_rate
This will extract the "type" (logout, profile, settings) into a new field, then cleanup the URL by removing everything from userid to the end


Regex count capture group members

I have multiple log messages each containing a list of JobIds -
IE -
1. `{"JobIds":["661ce07c-b5f3-4b37-8b4c-a0b76d890039","db7a18ae-ea59-4987-87d5-c80adefa4475"]}`
2. `{"JobIds":["661ce07c-b5f3-4b37-8b4c-a0b76d890040","db7a18ae-ea59-4987-87d5-c80adefa4489"]}`
3. `{"JobIds":["661ce07c-b5f3-4b37-8b4c-a0b76d890070"]}`
I have a rex to get those jobIds. Next I want to count the number of jobIds
My query looks like this -
| rex field=message "\"(?<job_ids>(?:\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+)+),?\""
| stats count(job_ids)
But this will only give me a count of 3 when I am looking for 5. How can I get a count of all jobIds? I am not sure if this is a splunk limitation or I am missing something in my regex.
Here is my regex -
Also with max-match=0 but with mvcount() instead of mvexpand():
| makeresults count=3 | streamstats count
| eval message=case(count=1, "{\"JobIds\":[\"a1a2a2-b23-b34-d4d4d4\", \"x1a2a2-y23-y34-z4z4z4\"]}", count=2, "{\"JobIds\":[\"a1a9a9-b93-b04-d4d4d4\", \"x1a9a9-y93-y34-z4z4z4\"]}", count=3, "{\"JobIds\":[\"a1a9a9-b93-b04-d14d14d14\"]}")
``` above is test data setup ```
``` below is the actual query ```
| rex field=message max_match=0 "\"(?<id>[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\")"
| eval cnt=mvcount(id)
| stats sum(cnt)
In Splunk, to capture multiple matches from a single event, you need to add max_match=0 to your rex, per docs.Splunk
But to get them then separated into a singlevalue field from the [potential] multivalue field job_ids that you made, you need to mvxepand or similar
So this should get you closer:
| rex field=message max_match=0 "\"(?<job_id>(?:\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+)+),?\""
| mvexpand job_id
| stats dc(job_id)
I also changed from count to dc, as it seems you're looking for a unique count of job IDs, and not just a count of how many in total you've seen
Note: if this is JSON data (and not JSON-inside-JSON) coming into Splunk, and the sourcetype is configured correctly, you shouldn't have to manually extract the multivalue field, as Splunk will do it automatically
Do you have a full set of sample data (a few entire events) you can share?

Extract data from splunk

I have a Post query where I want to extract request payload or parameters and print a table. In the query, I am trying to extract the user_search name field
I have written a Splunk query but it is not working for me
"Parameters: {\"user_search\"=>{\"name\"=>*" | rex field=_raw "/\"user_search\"=>{\"name\"=>/(?<result>.*)" | table result
Splunk Data
I, [2021-09-23T00:46:31.172197 #44154] INFO -- : [651235bf-7ad5-4a2e-a3b8-7737a3af9fc3] Parameters: {"user_search"=>{"name"=>"aniket", "has_primary_phone"=>"false", "query_params"=>{"searchString"=>"", "start"=>"0", "filters"=>[""]}}}
host = qa-1132-lx02source = /src/project.logsourcetype = data:log
I, [2021-09-23T00:48:31.162197 #44154] INFO -- : [651235bf-7ad5-4a2e-a3b8-7737a3af9fc3] Parameters: {"user_search"=>{"name"=>"shivam", "has_primary_phone"=>"false", "query_params"=>{"searchString"=>"", "start"=>"0", "filters"=>[""]}}}
host = qa-1132-lx02source = /src/project.logsourcetype = data:log
I, [2021-09-23T00:52:27.171197 #44154] INFO -- : [651235bf-7ad5-4a2e-a3b8-7737a3af9fc3] Parameters: {"user_search"=>{"name"=>"tiwari", "has_primary_phone"=>"false", "query_params"=>{"searchString"=>"", "start"=>"0", "filters"=>[""]}}}
host = qa-1132-lx02source = /src/project.logsourcetype = data:log
I have 2 questions
How to write a splunk query to extract request payload in post query
In my above query I am not not sure what I am doing wrong. I would really appreciate if someone has any suggestion.
At the least, your regular expression has an error
You have:
There is an extra "/" after the "=>"
This seems to pull what you're looking for:
Edit per comment "I only want to fetch the values such as aniket & shivam from the name key"
There're a couple ways to do what you're asking, and which is going to be mroe performant will depend on your environment and data
Option 1
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp ("aniket" OR "shivam")
| rex field=_raw "user_search\"=>{\"name\"=>(?<result>.*)"
| stats count by result
Option 2
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp
| rex field=_raw "user_search\"=>{\"name\"=>(?<result>.*)"
| search result="aniket" OR result="shivam"
| stats count by result

Splunk Count Specific String in a Field

In Splunk, I need to get the count of events from the below msg field value which matches factType=COMMERCIAL and has filters.
Using the basic Splunk query with wildcard does not work efficiently. Could you please assist
app_name="ABC" cf_space_name=prod msg="*/facts?factType=COMMERCIAL&sourceSystem=ADMIN&sourceOwner=ABC&filters*"
msg: - [2021-08-23T00:27:08.152+0000] "GET
Try this:
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp msg=*
| rex field=msg "factType=(?<facttype>\w+).(?<params>.+)"
| stats count by facttype params
| fields - count
| search facttype="commercial"
The rex will extract the facttype and any following parameters (note - if the URL is submitted with the arguments in a different order, you'll need to adjust the regular expression)
Then use a | stats count by to bin them together
Lastly, search only where there is both a facttype="commercial" and the URL has additional parameters

How to get two fields using rex from log file?

I'm newbie with Splunk. My goal is take two or more fields from logs. I must check if one field is true and so use another field to make a counter. The counter is about how many requests is make by client using user-agent attribute.
My logic desired:
int count1, count2;
count1 = 0;
count2 = 0;
if (GW == true) {
if (UA == "user-agent1") count1++;
if (UA == "user-agent2") count2++;
At the moment I can get just one field and make a counter without if-condition.
This query works fine, and return the correct requests counter:
source="logfile.log" | rex "UA=(?<ua>\w+)" | stats count(eval(ua="user-agent1")) as USER-AGENT1
But, when I try get the second field (GW) to make the logic, the query returns 0.
source="logsfile.log" | rex "UA=(?<ua>\w+) GW=(?<gw>\w+)" |stats count(eval(ua="user-agent1")) as USER-AGENT1
So, how I get more fields and how make if-condition on query?
Sample log:
2020-01-10 14:38:44,539 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-8] class:ControllerV1, UA=user-agent1, GW=true
2020-01-10 14:23:51,818 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-3] class:ControllerV1, UA=user-agent2, GW=true
It will be something like this:
source="logsfile.log" UA GW
| rex "UA=(?<ua>\w+), GW=(?<gw>\w+)"
| stats count(eval(gw="true" AND ua="user-agent1")) as AGENT1,
count(eval(gw="true" AND ua="user-agent2")) as AGENT2
If, for example, you do not know the order of variables or you have more than 2, you can use separate rex statements:
source="logsfile.log" UA GW
| rex "UA=(?<ua>\w+)"
| rex "GW=(?<gw>\w+)"
| stats count(eval(gw="true" AND ua="user-agent1")) as AGENT1,
count(eval(gw="true" AND ua="user-agent2")) as AGENT2
This could be a bit slower since _raw will be parsed twice.

Stats Count Splunk Query

I wonder whether someone can help me please.
I'd made the following post about Splunk query I'm trying to write:
I received some great help, but despite working on this for a few days now concentrating on using eval if statements, I still have the same issue with the "Successful" and "Unsuccessful" columns showing blank results. So I thought I'd cast the net a little wider and ask please whether someone maybe able to look at this and offer some guidance on how I may get around the problem.
Many thanks and kind regards
I tried exploring your use-case with splunkd-access log and came up with a simple SPL to help you.
In this query I am actually joining the output of 2 searches which aggregate the required results (Not concerned about the search performance).
Give it a try. If you've access to _internal index, this will work as is. You should be able to easily modify this to suit your events (eg: replace user with ClientID).
index=_internal source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd_access.log"
| stats count as All sum(eval(if(status <= 303,1,0))) as Successful sum(eval(if(status > 303,1,0))) as Unsuccessful by user
| join user type=left
[ search index=_internal source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/splunkd_access.log"
| chart count BY user status ]
I updated your search from splunk community answers (should look like this):
| dedup eventId
| rename request.ClientID as ClientID detail.statusCode AS statusCode
| stats count as All sum(eval(if(statusCode <= 303,1,0))) as Successful sum(eval(if(statusCode > 303,1,0))) as Unsuccessful by ClientID
| join ClientID type=left
[ search w2_wmf(RequestCompleted)`request.detail.Context="*test"
| dedup eventId
| rename request.ClientID as ClientID detail.statusCode AS statusCode
| chart count BY ClientID statusCode ]
I answered in Splunk
but using dummy encoding, it looks like
| dedup eventId
| rename request.ClientId as ClientID, detail.statusCode as Status
| eval X_{Status}=1
| stats count as Total sum(X_*) as X_* by ClientID
| rename X_* as *
Will give you ClientID, count and then a column for each status code found, with a sum of each code in that column.
As I gather you can't get this working, this query should show dummy encoding in action
`index=_internal sourcetype=*access
| eval X_{status}=1
| stats count as Total sum(X_*) as X_* by source, user
| rename X_* as *`
This would give an output of something like