Splunk Count Specific String in a Field - splunk-query

In Splunk, I need to get the count of events from the below msg field value which matches factType=COMMERCIAL and has filters.
Using the basic Splunk query with wildcard does not work efficiently. Could you please assist
app_name="ABC" cf_space_name=prod msg="*/facts?factType=COMMERCIAL&sourceSystem=ADMIN&sourceOwner=ABC&filters*"
msg: abc.asia - [2021-08-23T00:27:08.152+0000] "GET

Try this:
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp msg=*
| rex field=msg "factType=(?<facttype>\w+).(?<params>.+)"
| stats count by facttype params
| fields - count
| search facttype="commercial"
The rex will extract the facttype and any following parameters (note - if the URL is submitted with the arguments in a different order, you'll need to adjust the regular expression)
Then use a | stats count by to bin them together
Lastly, search only where there is both a facttype="commercial" and the URL has additional parameters


Regex count capture group members

I have multiple log messages each containing a list of JobIds -
IE -
1. `{"JobIds":["661ce07c-b5f3-4b37-8b4c-a0b76d890039","db7a18ae-ea59-4987-87d5-c80adefa4475"]}`
2. `{"JobIds":["661ce07c-b5f3-4b37-8b4c-a0b76d890040","db7a18ae-ea59-4987-87d5-c80adefa4489"]}`
3. `{"JobIds":["661ce07c-b5f3-4b37-8b4c-a0b76d890070"]}`
I have a rex to get those jobIds. Next I want to count the number of jobIds
My query looks like this -
| rex field=message "\"(?<job_ids>(?:\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+)+),?\""
| stats count(job_ids)
But this will only give me a count of 3 when I am looking for 5. How can I get a count of all jobIds? I am not sure if this is a splunk limitation or I am missing something in my regex.
Here is my regex - https://regex101.com/r/vqlq5j/1
Also with max-match=0 but with mvcount() instead of mvexpand():
| makeresults count=3 | streamstats count
| eval message=case(count=1, "{\"JobIds\":[\"a1a2a2-b23-b34-d4d4d4\", \"x1a2a2-y23-y34-z4z4z4\"]}", count=2, "{\"JobIds\":[\"a1a9a9-b93-b04-d4d4d4\", \"x1a9a9-y93-y34-z4z4z4\"]}", count=3, "{\"JobIds\":[\"a1a9a9-b93-b04-d14d14d14\"]}")
``` above is test data setup ```
``` below is the actual query ```
| rex field=message max_match=0 "\"(?<id>[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\-[\w\d]+\")"
| eval cnt=mvcount(id)
| stats sum(cnt)
In Splunk, to capture multiple matches from a single event, you need to add max_match=0 to your rex, per docs.Splunk
But to get them then separated into a singlevalue field from the [potential] multivalue field job_ids that you made, you need to mvxepand or similar
So this should get you closer:
| rex field=message max_match=0 "\"(?<job_id>(?:\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+-\w+)+),?\""
| mvexpand job_id
| stats dc(job_id)
I also changed from count to dc, as it seems you're looking for a unique count of job IDs, and not just a count of how many in total you've seen
Note: if this is JSON data (and not JSON-inside-JSON) coming into Splunk, and the sourcetype is configured correctly, you shouldn't have to manually extract the multivalue field, as Splunk will do it automatically
Do you have a full set of sample data (a few entire events) you can share?

Splunk query with conditions of an object

I need a Splunk query to fetch the counts of each field used in my dashboard.
Splunk sample data for each search is like this
timestamp="2022-11-07 02:06:38.427"
loglevel="INFO" pid="1"
What would a search look like to print a table with the number of times the name and number is used to search data (at a time only either number/name data can be given by user).
Expected output in table format with counts for Name and Number
Can you please try this? You can change regular expression as per your events and match with JSON data.
YOUR_SEARCH | rex field=_raw "RequestPayload=\"(?<data>.*[}])\""
| spath input=data
|table name number
My Sample Search:
| makeresults | eval _raw="*timestamp=\"2022-11-07 02:06:38.427\" loglevel=\"INFO\" pid=\"1\" thread=\"http-nio-8080-exec-10\" appname=\"my-test-app\" URI=\"/testapp/v1/mytest-app/dashboard-service\" RequestPayload=\"{\"name\":\"test\",\"number\":\"1\"}\"*"
| rex field=_raw "RequestPayload=\"(?<data>.*[}])\""
| spath input=data
|table name number

Merge url with parameters into 1 in Splunk

I am creating a dashboard for our service. And I want to create metrics for url requests.
Lets say have a similar url like this one:
And I have following query in Splunk
| stats avg(timeTaken) as avg_latency, p99(timeTaken) as "p99(ms)", perc75(timeTaken) as "p75(ms)", count as total_requests, count(eval(responseStatus=500)) as failed_requests by url
| eval "success_rate"=round((total_requests - failed_requests)/total_requests*100,2)
| eval avg = round(avg)
| sort success_rate
All I want is to have a table with one common url showing all the metrics. But instead, I get a table with a list of all urls with different parameters.
You want to create a field which is the URL minus the UserId part, And therefore the stats will be grouped by which url is called.
You can do this by using split(url,"/") to make a mv field of the url, and take out the UserId by one of two ways depending on the URLs.
Mvfilter: Eg: mvfilter(eval(x!=userId))
Or created a new mvfield with the userId removed by it's index in the mvfield using this: Add/Edit/Delete mvfield
Instead of removing you could also choose to replace the UserId with "{userId}", so long as you do the same for all Urls.
And then you can rejoin the url using mvjoin(url,"/")
I hope I understood your question correctly and this helps you!
You could try doing a replace() on your URL field with eval before calling stats:
| eval url=replace(url,"\/\d+\/settings","/settings")
If it turns out the userid is important to hold onto, pull it into its own field prior to running replace():
| rex field=url "\/(?<userid>\d+)\/settings"
expansion for comment
For multiple possible endings of your URL, try something like this:
index=ndx sourcetype=srctp URL IN("*/api/v1/users/*/settings","*/api/v1/users/*/logout","*/api/v1/users/*/profile")
| rex field=url "\/(?<url_type>\w+)$"
| eval url=replace(url,"\/\d+\/\w+$","")
| stats avg(timeTaken) as avg_latency, p99(timeTaken) as "p99(ms)", perc75(timeTaken) as "p75(ms)", count as total_requests, count(eval(responseStatus=500)) as failed_requests by url type
| eval "success_rate"=round((total_requests - failed_requests)/total_requests*100,2)
| eval avg = round(avg)
| sort success_rate
This will extract the "type" (logout, profile, settings) into a new field, then cleanup the URL by removing everything from userid to the end

Splunk match partial result value of field and compare results

I have 3 fields in my splunk result like message, id and docId.
Need to group the results by id and doc id which has specific messages
message="successfully added" id=1234 docId =1345
message="removed someUniqueId" id=1234 docId =1345
I have to group based on the results by both id's which has the specific message
search query | rex "message=(?<message[\S\s]*>)" | where message="successfully added"
which is giving result for the first search, when i tried to search for second search query which is not giving result due to the someUniqueId"
search query | rex "message=(?<message[\S\s]*>)" | where match(message, "removed *")
Could you pelase help me to filter the results which has the 2 messages and group by id and docID
The match function expects a regular expression, not a pattern, as the second argument. Try search query | rex "message=(?<message>[\S\s]*)" | where match(message, "removed .*").
BTW, the regex strings in the rex commands are invalid, but that may be a typing error in the question.

Splunk: find what a user is searching for?

I am trying to write a Splunk SPL query that will show me the most popular search terms that a user is looking for in one of my web apps. I have the logs already in Splunk but I am having a hard time extract the search parameter from the event. The event shows the full SQL select statement that looks like the query below:
select result from table where search_term = 'searched for this text'
How can I have this:
index=my_app search_term | top result
How do I actually capture the search term?
Thank you
You can use rex to extract the search term. Something like this
index=my_app | rex "search_term = '(?<search_term>[^']+)"
If you want individual words then use the split function followed by mvexpand to make each word a separate event.
... | eval words=split(search_term, " ") | mvexpand words