Parse String to another appropriate type - kotlin

I have some code where I can receive, depending on the case: a text , an integer (381) or a decimal (431.2).
They are all coming as a string.
How can I parse them to String, Int or Double as needed?

Something like this should help:
fun checkContentType(): Any {
val data: String = "12.3";
val ir = data.toIntOrNull();
if( ir != null ) return ir;
val dr = data.toDoubleOrNull();
if( dr != null ) return dr;
return data;
Also, as #gidds said, another approach would be to extend the String class and then use the Elvis operator like this:
fun String.convertToAppropriateType() = toIntOrNull() ?: toDoubleOrNull() ?: this


What is the best way in kotlin to convert an Int value to a Double in a certain format

I have the following numbers:
val first: Int = 531241180
val second: Int = 653345
What would be the best way to write a function which could get first and second as input and return the following values:
output of the fist to a Double value 53.1241180
output of the second to a Double value 6.53345
If you are allowed to specify, how many numbers you want to see before dot, you can write something like this, avoiding math operations
fun intToDouble(value: Int, integerPlaces: Int): Double {
val raw = value.toString()
val sb = StringBuilder(raw)
if(integerPlaces < sb.length()) {
sb.insert(integerPlaces, ".")
} else {
return 0.0 // return 0 if operation is illegal
return sb.toString().toDouble()

Mapping array elements using a function in Kotlin

New to Kotlin from Python. In Python, I can simply use the code below to pass each element of a List to a multiline function and return an iterator of the result.
countArr = list(map(countReps, arr))
In Kotlin, I found that I had to do the following. Am I missing something?
fun LetterCountI(str: String): String {
val arr = str.split(" ")
var transform:(String) -> Int = {countReps(it)}
val countArr =
val mxIndex:Int
var ans:String
if (countArr.max()!=1){
mxIndex = countArr.indexOf(countArr.max())
ans = arr[mxIndex]
} else {
ans = "-1"
return ans;
fun countReps(str: String): Int {
var m = mutableMapOf<Char, Int>()
var v:Int
for (c in str){
if (c in m.keys){
v = m[c]?:0
} else {
return m.values.max() ?: 0
I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding your code, but one thing I can tell you is that you can replace
var transform:(String) -> Int = {countReps(it)}
val countArr =
val countArr =
In addition to the line you ask about, just about all of that code could be rewritten more concisely and idiomatically in Kotlin. For example:
fun String.wordWithMostRepeatedLetters()
= split(" ")
.associateWith{ it.maxRepeatedLetters() }
.filter{ it.value > 1 }
.maxByOrNull{ it.value }?.key ?: "-1"
fun String.maxRepeatedLetters()
= groupBy{ it }.map{ it.value.size }.maxOrNull() ?: 0
I've renamed the functions to try to explain what they give; replaced the countArr list with a map from each word to its count, so that you don't need to re-scan it to find the word resulting; and changed both functions to take a String receiver instead of a parameter. Then, because each variable was only used once, I removed them and made it all in-line, using an expression body for each function.
Some of those things don't always improve clarity, of course, especially for long functions — but I hope it demonstrates how concise Kotlin can be. (Hopefully without sacrificing maintainability. Which version would be easier to read? Which would be more likely to harbour subtle bugs?)
It's still not clear what the hard-coded "-1" return value indicates, though… If no word has any repeated letters, a null return would be more idiomatic. (Or it would be simpler just to return the first word, removing the filter() call, and returning null only if the string is blank.)

Kotlin multiple variables Null checker method implementation

I have multiple variables that can be nullable and i need to check them ( Strings and Dates ) .
I need a method where i pass it X number of variables and it returns me a list of the variables that are null.
I was thinking something that i can call like this :
internal fun checkNullVariables ( var x, var y , ..... ) : MutableList<String>{
// yada yada
return listOfNamesOfNullVariables
This definitely requires reflection, since you want parameter names. You need to add reflection as a dependency as explained in the documentation to use the below code.
private fun listNullProperties (vararg props: KProperty0<Any?>) : List<String> {
val list = mutableListOf<String>()
for (prop in props)
if (param.get() == null)
return list
val nullPropertiesByName = listNullParameters(
If it is just about logging, you could:
fun <T> T?.logNull(name: String) {
when(this) {
null -> //log '$name' was null
else -> //do nothing
and call it like
var a: String? = null
a.logNull("my a variable") // "'my a variable' was null"
I still recommend the Map-approach. You may want to use properties stored in a map to overcome the use of reflection.
Here is an example using a type with 2 dates and 2 strings, both having a nullable and a non-null variant:
class YourData(internal val backedMap : Map<String, Any?>) {
val beginDate : Date by backedMap
val endDate : Date? by backedMap
val maybeString : String? by backedMap
val string : String by backedMap
constructor(beginDate : Date, string : String, endDate: Date? = null, maybeString : String? = null) : this(mapOf(
"beginDate" to beginDate,
"endDate" to endDate,
"maybeString" to maybeString,
"string" to string
While it may seem more complicated having that additional constructor in place, it just helps to easily create new objects the way you are most comfortable with.
Now you can either supply that function I placed in the comment or any variant of it. I now use an extension function for YourData instead:
fun YourData.getKeysWithNullValues() = backedMap.filterValues { it == null }.keys
Usage then may look as follows:
YourData(Date(), "test string")
which for this example would print:

How to convert String to Int in Kotlin?

I am working on a console application in Kotlin where I accept multiple arguments in main() function
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// validation & String to Integer conversion
I want to check whether the String is a valid integer and convert the same or else I have to throw some exception.
How can I resolve this?
You could call toInt() on your String instances:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
for (str in args) {
try {
val parsedInt = str.toInt()
println("The parsed int is $parsedInt")
} catch (nfe: NumberFormatException) {
// not a valid int
Or toIntOrNull() as an alternative:
for (str in args) {
val parsedInt = str.toIntOrNull()
if (parsedInt != null) {
println("The parsed int is $parsedInt")
} else {
// not a valid int
If you don't care about the invalid values, then you could combine toIntOrNull() with the safe call operator and a scope function, for example:
for (str in args) {
str.toIntOrNull()?.let {
println("The parsed int is $it")
Actually, there are several ways:
// aString is the string that we want to convert to number
// defaultValue is the backup value (integer) we'll have in case of conversion failed
var aString: String = "aString"
var defaultValue : Int = defaultValue
Then we have:
Successful operation
Unsuccessful Operation
Numeric value
Numeric value
aString.toIntOrNull() ?: defaultValue
Numeric value
If aString is a valid integer, then we will get is numeric value, else, based on the function used, see a result in column Unsuccessful Operation.
val i = "42".toIntOrNull()
Keep in mind that the result is nullable as the name suggests.
As suggested above, use toIntOrNull().
Parses the string as an [Int] number and returns the result
or null if the string is not a valid representation of a number.
val a = "11".toIntOrNull() // 11
val b = "-11".toIntOrNull() // -11
val c = "11.7".toIntOrNull() // null
val d = "11.0".toIntOrNull() // null
val e = "abc".toIntOrNull() // null
val f = null?.toIntOrNull() // null
I use this util function:
fun safeInt(text: String, fallback: Int): Int {
return text.toIntOrNull() ?: fallback
In Kotlin:
Simply do that
val abc = try {stringNumber.toInt()}catch (e:Exception){0}
In catch block you can set default value for any case string is not converted to "Int".
converts string_name to String and then the resulting String is converted to int.
i would go with something like this.
import java.util.*
fun String?.asOptionalInt() = Optional.ofNullable(this).map { it.toIntOrNull() }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val intArgs = {
it.asOptionalInt().orElseThrow {
IllegalArgumentException("cannot parse to int $it")
this is quite a nice way to do this, without introducing unsafe nullable values.
add (?) before fun toInt()
val number_int = str?.toInt()
You can Direct Change by using readLine()!!.toInt()
fun main(){
print("Enter the radius = ")
var r1 = readLine()!!.toInt()
var area = (3.14*r1*r1)
println("Area is $area")
fun getIntValueFromString(value : String): Int {
var returnValue = ""
value.forEach {
val item = it.toString().toIntOrNull()
if(item is Int){
returnValue += item.toString()
return returnValue.toInt()

Check if class is a valid value for KParameter

Given the following example code
fun function(text: CharSequence) {
val textParam = ::function.parameters[0]
val stringClass = String::class
How can I check if textParam accepts stringClass as a parameter?
You can do the following with KClass:
val paramClass = ::function.parameters[0].type.jvmErasure
Alternatively, another solution with checking KType:
val paramType = ::function.parameters[0].type
println(stringClass.starProjectedType == paramType || // type is String
stringClass.allSupertypes.contains(paramType)) // type is a supertype of String