Kotlin multiple variables Null checker method implementation - kotlin

I have multiple variables that can be nullable and i need to check them ( Strings and Dates ) .
I need a method where i pass it X number of variables and it returns me a list of the variables that are null.
I was thinking something that i can call like this :
internal fun checkNullVariables ( var x, var y , ..... ) : MutableList<String>{
// yada yada
return listOfNamesOfNullVariables

This definitely requires reflection, since you want parameter names. You need to add reflection as a dependency as explained in the documentation to use the below code.
private fun listNullProperties (vararg props: KProperty0<Any?>) : List<String> {
val list = mutableListOf<String>()
for (prop in props)
if (param.get() == null)
return list
val nullPropertiesByName = listNullParameters(

If it is just about logging, you could:
fun <T> T?.logNull(name: String) {
when(this) {
null -> //log '$name' was null
else -> //do nothing
and call it like
var a: String? = null
a.logNull("my a variable") // "'my a variable' was null"

I still recommend the Map-approach. You may want to use properties stored in a map to overcome the use of reflection.
Here is an example using a type with 2 dates and 2 strings, both having a nullable and a non-null variant:
class YourData(internal val backedMap : Map<String, Any?>) {
val beginDate : Date by backedMap
val endDate : Date? by backedMap
val maybeString : String? by backedMap
val string : String by backedMap
constructor(beginDate : Date, string : String, endDate: Date? = null, maybeString : String? = null) : this(mapOf(
"beginDate" to beginDate,
"endDate" to endDate,
"maybeString" to maybeString,
"string" to string
While it may seem more complicated having that additional constructor in place, it just helps to easily create new objects the way you are most comfortable with.
Now you can either supply that function I placed in the comment or any variant of it. I now use an extension function for YourData instead:
fun YourData.getKeysWithNullValues() = backedMap.filterValues { it == null }.keys
Usage then may look as follows:
YourData(Date(), "test string")
which for this example would print:


How do I get the value from an ArrayList by using an "external" variable for comparing in Kotlin?

I am trying to get one value from an Array with a data class in an elegant way depending on a Boolean type value. Here is an example:
private val isDone = true/false
private fun color(key: String): Int {
val colors = arrayListOf(
Color(TEXT, R.color.text_light, R.color.text_night),
Color(BACK, R.color.background_light, R.color.background_night),
//Wanna achieve something like this
val color = colors.find { it.key == key }.if { isDone } // if Done is true, the colorA should be retured, if not then the colorB.
return color
This is the date class I use:
data class Color(val key: String, #ColorRes val colorA: Int, #ColorRes val colorB: Int)
Is there a simple way by using some extensions of ArrayList to achieve that? I do not want to use .forEach loop or similar.
That "some extensions of ArrayList" is find, which you are already using.
After we find it, we can use let to bind the found color to a name, and then use an if expression to check isDone.
val color = colors.find { it.key == key }?.let { found ->
if (isDone) { found.colorA } else { found.colorB }
Note that color is of type Int?. It is nullable because it will be null when key is not found. You should think about what to do when this happens.
Also note that isDone is a val, which is likely to be unintentional (?)

Kotlin: How to specify a named arguent with a variable?

Suppose I have two methods:
private fun method1(a: A): A {
return a.copy(v1 = null)
private fun method2(a: A): A {
return a.copy(v2 = null)
Can I write something like:
private fun commonMethod(a: A, variableToChange: String): A {
return a.copy($variableToChange = null)
Another words, can I use a variable to refer to a named argument?
If I understand correctly what you are trying to archive I would recommend to pass a setter to the method e.g.
fun <A> changer (a: A, setter: (a: A) -> Unit ) {
// do stuff
Is this what you are looking for?
A possible solution for this problem (with usage of reflection) is:
inline fun <reified T : Any> copyValues(a: T, values: Map<String, Any?>): T {
val function = a::class.functions.first { it.name == "copy" }
val parameters = function.parameters
return function.callBy(
values.map { (parameterName, value) ->
parameters.first { it.name == parameterName } to value
}.toMap() + (parameters.first() to a)
) as T
This works with all data classes and all classes that have a custom copy function with the same semantics (as long as the parameter names are not erased while compiling). In the first step the function reference of the copy method is searched (KFunction<*>). This object has two importent properties. The parameters property and the callBy function.
With the callBy function you can execute all function references with a map for the parameters. This map must contain a reference to the receiver object.
The parameters propery contains a collection of KProperty. They are needed as keys for the callBy map. The name can be used to find the right KProperty. If a function as a parameter that is not given in the map it uses the default value if available or throws an exception.
Be aware that this solution requires the full reflection library and therefore only works with Kotlin-JVM. It also ignores typechecking for the parameters and can easily lead to runtime exceptions.
You can use it like:
data class Person (
val name: String,
val age: Int,
val foo: Boolean
fun main() {
var p = Person("Bob", 18, false)
p = copyValues(p, mapOf(
"name" to "Max",
"age" to 35,
"foo" to true
// Person(name=Name, age=15, foo=false)
// Person(name=Max, age=35, foo=true)

How to use get() with backing fields in kotlin

in the below code I am trying to create a getter method as a backing field.
so that, when the getLastNameLen property is invoked it should return the length of the lastNameset.
please refer to the code below and help me to fix the bug.
how to display output of the backing fields
class Thomas (val nickname: String?, val age : Int?) {
//backing field 1
var lastName : String? = null
set(value) {
if (value?.length == 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("negative values are not allowed")
field = value
println("lastname backing field set: ${field} ")
val getLastNameLen
get() = {
lastname backing field set: jr.stephan
lastName is jr.stephan
lastNameLen is () -> kotlin.Int?
This is because you are using the = operator which is setting the getter to be a lambda.
You have two options:
val getLastNameLen
get() {
return this.lastName?.length
val getLastNameLen
get() = this.lastName?.length
basically use the brackets right after get() to make a getter function, or if you can do it in one line use an = right after the get() but don't include the {} otherwise it will treat it like its a lambda

Kotlin generate constructor that sets default values to nulled arguments

Let's take the class of a data class:
data class User(
val userNumber: Int = -1,
val name: String,
val userGroups; List<String> = emptyList(),
val screenName: String = "new-user"
When calling this function from Kotlin, it is pretty straightforward. I can simply use the named-argument syntax to do so. Calling from Java, I have to specify all values, or use the #JvmOverloads annotation, which generates the following constructors (in addition to the constructor that kotlin generates with the bit-mask for default values):
User(int userNumber, #NotNull String name, #NotNull List userGroups,
#NotNull String screenName)
User(int userNumber, #NotNull String name, #NotNull List userGroups)
User(int userNumber, #NotNull String name)
User(#NotNull String name)
Now, if I want to create a User object in Java equivalent to User(name="John Doe", userGroups=listOf("admin", "super") I can't do it with the above constructors. I CAN however do it if I put val userNumber: Int = -1 at the end in the data class declaration (the generation of constructors seems to depend on the order the optional arguments are defined in). Which is fine, because expecting kotlin to generate all permutations is going to heavily bloat some classes.
The biggest problem that tools like Jackson simply don't work as they have no idea which constructor to use (and not like I can annotate one of the generated ones specially).
So, is there a way to generate a (single) constructor like:
User(Integer userNumber, String name, List<String> userGroups, String screenName) {
this.userNumber = (userNumber == null) ? -1 : userNumber;
this.userGroups = (userGroups == null) ? Collections.emptyList() : userGroups;
Currently I am using the above approach, but manually defining the constructors where I need them.
I should clarify, creating a similar constructor doesn't work, obviously because both the signatures would clash on the JVM. This is what it would like in my case:
data class User(
val userNumber: Int = -1,
val name: String,
val userGroups; List<String> = emptyList(),
val screenName: String = "new-user"
) {
companion object {
fun constructionSupport(
#JsonProperty("userNumber") userNumber : Int?,
#JsonProperty("name") name : String,
#JsonProperty("userGroups") userGroups : List<String>?,
#JsonProperty("screenName") screenName : String?
) = User(
userNumber = userNumber ?: -1,
name = name,
userGroups = userGroups ?: emptyList(),
screenName = screenName ?: "new-user"
Also note the redundancy where I have to write the default values for the properties twice. I Now that I look at it, I doubt there exists a solution for this. Maybe this is a good use-case for a kapt based side-project of mine :)
Better solution is to add possibility to library understand Kotlin functional. For example, for Jackson exists jackson-module-kotlin. With this library we can use default arguments in data classes.
data class User(
val userNumber: Int = -1,
val name: String,
val userGroups: List<String> = emptyList(),
val screenName: String = "new-user"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val objectMapper = ObjectMapper()
val testUser = User(userNumber = 5, name = "someName")
val stringUser = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(testUser)
val parsedUser = objectMapper.readValue<User>(stringUser)
assert(testUser == parsedUser) {
println("something goes wrong")
After kicking this around for a minute, I think I found a solution that may work well here. Simply define a top level function in the same source file, that will build the object. Perhaps like so:
fun build_user(userNumber: Int?, name: String, userGroups: List<String>?, screenName: String?) : User {
return User(if(userNumber !== null) userNumber else -1, name, if(userGroups !== null) userGroups else emptyList(),
if(screenName !== null) screenName else "new-user")
Then when you need it, you simply call it from Java:
User user = UserKt.build_user(null, "Hello", null, "Porterhouse Steak");
Output from the example:
User(userNumber=-1, name=Hello, userGroups=[], screenName=Porterhouse Steak)
The method is somewhere between a constructor and a builder. It beats hammering out a full-blown Builder object, and avoids cluttering your data class with unnecessary Java-interop glue code messiness.
See Package Level Functions for more information.

Can a field be cast to non null version of itself?

I have a data class
data class MyModel(private val _data: MyData? = null)
And I want to ensure my data is only accessible when it is not null, else throw.
I use the below which is good.
fun getData(): MyData {
return checkNotNull(_data) { "data shouldn't be null" }
However, if I follow the guide as per Override getter for Kotlin data class, the below complaints I need to return MyData? instead of MyData
val data = _data
get(): MyData {
return checkNotNull(field) { "data shouldn't be null" }
Is it true that field can't be cast to the Non-null version of it when return?
If your goal is to declare a getter for a Any? property that returns a Any, it's not possible. You'll get the following error:
Getter return type must be equal to the type of the property
So attempting to do something like
val test : String?
get() : String = "hi"
Wouldn't work.
However, you could hide the nullable property and expose a non-nullable property which references the nullable value via casting:
private val test : String? = "hi"
val testNotNull : String = test as String
If test referenced null, an exception will be thrown.
For example:
fun main(args: Array<String>) = print(Demo().testNotNull)
class Demo(private var test: String? = "hi") {
val testNotNull : String
. get() = test as String
You can test this snippit out at try.kotlin.org
Although this is not safe. You should rethink your design. If you're not interoping with Java, you shouldn't punish yourself with nullable types.
I don’t think you can. What you did with the fun getData() is a valid approach IMO. Or you could just not use a data class and create a normal class, obviously.
What I think it may work is with something like this:
typealias notNullType = MyData
data class Test(private val _value: MyData? = null) {
val v: notNullType = _value as notNullType
get() { return field }
This would totally allow you to do:
fun play() {
val t = Test(null)
print(t.v) //see what I did? :-)
THAT BEING SAID… I don’t think “hiding” the ? optional is necessarily a good idea.
It doesn't necessarily mean that the MyData class is null if you cast it like MyData?
The '?' Just allows the object to be null in the instance that it actually becomes null to avoid an exception at runtime.
You can make your class nullable and it can still contain your data.