Multiple to_timestamp() transformation in SELECT - sql

I am currently having a varchar tm column, that stores timestamps such as: '15.11.2021 11:07:27'
The datestyle is currently set to ISO,MDY
How can I transform that varchar using SELECT value in order to preserve its format?
If I use to_timestamp(tm, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS')::timestamp without time zone I still get it in other format 2021-11-15 11:07:27
I also tried to do double to_timestamps, but then an error function to_timestamp(timestamp with time zone, unknown) does not exist appears.
So the question is: Is there any way to convert from varchar type "15.11.2021 11:07:27" to timestamp type 15.11.2021 11:07:27 using select statement?
PS. Even though I used it in DBFiddle, I cant change datestyle on the target server
Postgres version 13.5
EDIT: also, if I use cast(tm as timestamp) I receive date/time field value out of range: "15.11.2021 11:07:27" error.

You could try using:
CONVERT(varchar, timestamp, 103) AS YOUR_VALUE
This way you would convert timestamp without changing its original form.


Issues while converting timestamp to specific timezone and then converting it to date in bigquery

I am doing just a simple conversion of timestamp column value to specific timezone and then getting the date out of it to create analytical charts based on the output of the query.
I am having the column of type timestamp in the bigquery and value for that column is in UTC. Now I need to convert that to PST (which is -8:00 GMT) and was looking straight forward to convert but I am seeing some dates up and down based on the output I get.
From the output that I was getting I took one abnormal output and wrote a query out of it as below:
select "2021-05-27 18:10:10" as timestampvalue ,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10" ,"-8:00")) as completed_date1,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10","America/Los_Angeles")) as completed_date2,
Date(TIMESTAMP_SUB("2021-05-27 18:10:10", INTERVAL 8 hour)) as completed_date3,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10","America/Tijuana")) as completed_date4
The output that I get is as below:
Based on my understanding I need to subtract 8 hours from the time in order to get the timestamp value for the timezone that I wanted and according to that completed_date3 column seems to show the correct value that should be there but if I use other timezone conversions as suggested in google documentation, the output gets changed to 2021-05-28 and I am not able to understand how that can happen.
Can anyone let me know what is the thing that I am doing wrong?
I was actually using it in a wrong way. I need to use it as below :
select "2021-05-27 18:10:10" as timestampvalue ,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10") ,"-8:00") as completed_date1,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10"),"America/Los_Angeles") as completed_date2,
Date(TIMESTAMP_SUB("2021-05-27 18:10:10", INTERVAL 8 hour)) as completed_date3,
Date(Timestamp("2021-05-27 18:10:10"),"America/Tijuana") as completed_date4
Initially I was converting that string timestamp to a specific timestamp based on the timezone and that is what I did not want.
Now if a convert a string to timestamp first without using time zone parameter and then apply timezone parameter when getting the date value out of it then it would return me correct date.
Please see the snapshot below :

What is CHAR(7) in Teradata SQL in date format?

I am trying to get the idea of char(7) in the following SQL in Teradata:
SELECT current_date (FORMAT'YYYY-MM') (char(7));
as far as it forces the display of the correct format, exactly as specified.
When I try without char(7) at the end, the format is not as specified, e.g.:
SELECT current_date (FORMAT 'YYYY-MM');
returns the day as well, ignoring the format command:
As a subquestion - is this the correct way to display the month and the year from a date column? (with char(7))
I would suggest using TO_CHAR here:
This takes the guesswork out of your problem, as the contract of TO_CHAR is to return a string representation of the input datetime using the format mask you specify. You do not need to worry about requesting a certain string width.

Casting Date type to only display time

In my database(an Oracle 11 database) I have a attribute which is of Date type but has a time in the value for some reason, idk why it is Date type and not DateTime. When I select this " Position_time" Of course it just displays the date but when i attempt a filter on the column more options are shown of the same date for multiple times so a time value is present in this column even though it is of date type.
Link to picture of position_time context
As seen in the image even though the attribute is of type Date it contains a time "component" This is not shown in the overview btw only when i try to filter the column idk of that matters.
Id like to extract this time from my date. I've seen plenty of posts explaining how to extract from a DateTime column but not from a Date. I cannot change the type of this column. Is there any way to achieve this?
for example
from positions
Do you mean like this :
select to_char(to_date(position_time,'dd-mm-yyyy HH24:MI:SS'),
'HH24:MI:SS') time from positions;
if you already passing the date type as parameter then just use to_char function for extract the time from it.
Select to_char(position_time,'HH24:MI:SS') from positions;
You would convert to a string:
select to_char(tr_position_time, 'HH24:MI:SS')
from positions;
In Oracle, date datatype consist of date + time.
It is the NLS setting of your IDE which is displaying the data like this.
If you want to show date and time then use:
To_char(tr.position_time,'dd-mon-rrrr hh24:mi:ss')
from positions
Or if you want just time portion then use:
from positions
If you want to see all the dates in your session with time then alter your session's NLS setting.
ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss';
tr.position_time -- formatting is not needed
from positions
In your IDE also, there must be setting to change the NLS setting.

Is there a way to convert a VARCHAR to a DATE in AWS Redshift?

Attempting to convert a variable character data type field that is time related (eg '2015-Q1') to a timestamp (or time) data type field in order to compare with a different field.
Need to be able to use dateadd() on the field.
Use the TO_DATE function:
select to_timestamp(to_date('2015-Q1', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'HH24:MI:SS');

How to change date format in hive?

My table in hive has a filed of date in the format of '2016/06/01'. but i find that it is not in harmory with the format of '2016-06-01'.
They can not compare for instance.
Both of them are string .
So I want to know how to make them in harmory and can compare them. Or on the other hand, how to change the '2016/06/01' to '2016-06-01' so that them can compare.
Many thanks.
To convert date string from one format to another you have to use two date function of hive
unix_timestamp(string date, string pattern) convert time string
with given pattern to unix time stamp (in seconds), return 0 if
from_unixtime(bigint unixtime[, string format]) converts the
number of seconds from unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC) to a
string representing the timestamp of that moment in the current
system time zone.
Using above two function you can achieve your desired result.
The sample input and output can be seen from below image:
The final query is
select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2016/06/01','yyyy/MM/dd'),'yyyy-MM-dd') from table1;
where table1 is the table name present in my hive database.
I hope this help you!!!
Let's say you have a column 'birth_day' in your table which is in your format,
you should use the following query to convert birth_day into the required format.
date_Format(birth_day, 'yyyy-MM-dd')
You can use it in a query in the following way
select * from yourtable
date_Format(birth_day, 'yyyy-MM-dd') = '2019-04-16';
Use :
unix_timestamp(DATE_COLUMN, string pattern)
The above command would help convert the date to unix timestamp format which you may format as you want using the Simple Date Function.
Date Function
cast(to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(yourdate , 'MM-dd-yyyy'))) as date)
here is my solution (for string to real Date type):
select to_date(replace('2000/01/01', '/', '-')) as dt ;
ps:to_date() returns Date type, this feature needs Hive 2.1+; before 2.1, it returns String.
ps2: hive to_date() function or date_format() function , or even cast() function, cannot regonise the 'yyyy/MM/dd' or 'yyyymmdd' format, which I think is so sad, and make me a little crazy.