What ends up happening when we try to use regex modifiers in awk? - awk

See this output:
❯ awk '/indubitably/i' /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l
Awk does not complain about invalid syntax or anything like that, and just spits out all lines in the file (words indeed has 102401 words inside).
Since it's very reasonable as an awk newbie to try this as a guess for case insensitivity (I am aware that IGNORECASE=1; is the right way to do it) I'm now curious how awk actually interprets /indubitably/i.

actually there's nothing invalid about that syntax.
it's regex matching "indubitably" anywhere in each input line, and concat with a uninitialized variable "i" that, by default, is an empty string, or boolean value of False.
but i'm guessing what happened instead, is that awk concatenating that empty string into regex (not as a comparison item, but afterwards), which becomes a non-empty string, since you have a word inside the regex.
and basically anything that evaluates to non-zero numerically or non-empty string becomes a boolean True at the pattern level, which then defaults to print as an action. you literally can throw anything there -
writing a "1" there is just conventional notation, but you can even place NF, OFMT, FNR, SUBSEP, or RS right there at the pattern (as long as it's not an empty string), and it'll work as if you've placed a "1" there.


Trino regexp_replace this character in the beginning but not in the middle Trino [duplicate]

I am a complete Reg-exp noob, so please bear with me. Tried to google this, but haven't found it yet.
What would be an appropriate way of writing a Regular expression matching files starting with a dot, such as .buildpath or .htaccess?
Thanks a lot!
In most regex languages, ^\. or ^[.] will match a leading dot.
The ^ matches the beginning of a string in most languages. This will match a leading .. You need to add your filename expression to it.
Likewise, $ will match the end of a string.
You may need to substitute the \ for the respective language escape character. However, under Powershell the Regex I use is: ^(\.)+\/
Test case:
"../NameOfFile.txt" -match '^(\\.)+\\\/'
works, while
"_./NameOfFile.txt" -match '^(\\.)+\\\/'
does not.
Naturally, you may ask, well what is happening here?
The (\\.) searches for the literal . followed by a +, which matches the previous character at least once or more times.
Finally, the \\\/ ensures that it conforms to a Window file path.
It depends a bit on the regular expression library you use, but you can do something like this:
The ^ anchors the match to the beginning of the string, the \. matches a literal period (since an unescaped . in a regular expression typically matches any character), and \w+ matches 1 or more "word" characters (alphanumeric plus _).
See the perlre documentation for more info on Perl-style regular expressions and their syntax.
It depends on what characters are legal in a filename, which depends on the OS and filesystem.
For example, in Windows that would be:
The above expression means:
Match a string starting with the literal character .
Followed by at least one character which is not one of (whole class of invalid chars follows)
I used this as reference regarding which chars are disallowed in filenames.
To match the string starting with dot in java you will have to write a simple expression
^ means regular expression is to be matched from start of string
\. means it will start with string literal "."
.* means dot will be followed by 0 or more characters

Why is the order of evaluation of expressions used for concatenation undefined in Awk?

In GNU Awk User's Guide, I went through the section 6.2.2 String Concatenation and found interesting insights:
Because string concatenation does not have an explicit operator, it is often necessary to ensure that it happens at the right time by using parentheses to enclose the items to concatenate.
Then, I was quite surprised to read the following:
Parentheses should be used around concatenation in all but the most common contexts, such as on the righthand side of ‘=’. Be careful about the kinds of expressions used in string concatenation. In particular, the order of evaluation of expressions used for concatenation is undefined in the awk language. Consider this example:
a = "don't"
print (a " " (a = "panic"))
It is not defined whether the second assignment to a happens before or after the value of a is retrieved for producing the concatenated value. The result could be either ‘don't panic’, or ‘panic panic’.
In particular, in my GNU Awk 5.0.0 it performs like this, doing the replacement before printing the value:
$ gawk 'BEGIN {a = "dont"; print (a " " (a = "panic"))}'
dont panic
However, I wonder: why isn't the order of evaluation of expressions defined? What are the benefits of having "undefined" outputs that may vary depending on the version of Awk you are running?
This particular example is about expressions with side-effects. Traditionally, in C and awk syntax (closely inspired by C), assignments are allowed inside expressions. How those expressions are then evaluated is up to the implementation.
Leaving something unspecified would make sure that people don't use potentially confusing or ambiguous language constructs. But that assumes they are aware of the lack of specification.

Why awk does not remove BOM from the middle of a line?

I try to use awk to remove all byte order marks from a file (I have many of them):
awk '{sub(/\xEF\xBB\xBF/,"")}{print}' f1.txt > f2.txt
It seems to remove all the BOMs that are in the beginning of the line but those in the middle are not removed. I can verify that by:
grep -U $'\xEF\xBB\xBF' f2.txt
Grep returns me one line where BOM is in the middle.
As mentioned sub() will only swap out the leftmost substring, so if global is what you're after then using gsub(), or even better gensub() is the way to go.
sub(regexp, replacement [, target])
Search target, which is treated as a string, for the leftmost, longest
substring matched by the regular expression regexp. Modify the entire
string by replacing the matched text with replacement. The modified
string becomes the new value of target. Return the number of
substitutions made (zero or one).
gsub(regexp, replacement [, target])
Search target for all of the longest, leftmost, nonoverlapping
matching substrings it can find and replace them with replacement. The
‘g’ in gsub() stands for “global,” which means replace everywhere.
gensub(regexp, replacement, how [, target]) #
Search the target string target for matches of the regular expression
regexp. If how is a string beginning with ‘g’ or ‘G’ (short for
“global”), then replace all matches of regexp with replacement.
Otherwise, "how" is treated as a number indicating which match of regexp
to replace. gensub() is a general substitution function. Its purpose is to provide more features than the standard sub() and gsub() functions.
There's tons more helpful information and examples linked below:
↳ The GNU Awk User's Guide: String Functions / 9.1.3 String-Manipulation Functions

Regular expression to extract a number of steps

I have a localized string that looks something like this in English:
5 Mile(s)
5,252 Step(s)
My app is localized both in left-to-right and right-to-left languages so I don't want to make assumptions either about the ordering of the step(s) or about the formatting of the number (e.g. 5,252 can be 5.252 depending on user locale). So I need to account for possibilities that can include things like
Step(s) 5.252
as well as what's above.
A few other caveats
All I know is that if the Step(s) line is in there, it will be on its own line (hence in my regex I require \n at each end of the string)
No guarantee that the Mile(s) information will be in the string at all, let alone whether it will be before or after Step(s)
Here's my attempt at pattern extraction:
NSString *patternString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"\\n(([0-9,\\.]*)\s*%#|%#\s*([0-9,\\.]*))\\n",
NSLocalizedString(#"Step(s)",nil), NSLocalizedString(#"Step(s)",nil)];
There appear to be two problems with this:
XCode is indicating Unknown escape sequence '\s' for the second \s in the pattern string above
No matches are being found even for strings like the following:
0.2 Mile(s)
1,482 Step(s)
Ideally I would extract the 1,482 out of this string in a way that is localization friendly. How should I modify my regex?
as far as the regex, perhaps this approach might work - it simply matches (with named groups) each couplet of numbers in sequence, with the assumption the first is miles and the second is steps. Decimals in the . or , form are optional:
(and i think it should be \\s) - i'm not an ios guy, but if you can use a regex literal it would be way more readable.
regular expression demo
First I'd like to ask - Why is Mile(s) mentioned in the question at all?
And now to my two bits - you could simply use a positive look-ahead:
It makes sure the expected word is present on the line, and then captures the number on it, allowing for localized, optional, decimal separator and decimals. This way it doesn't matter if the numer is before, or after, the "word".
It doesn't take localization of the "word" into account, but that you seem to have handled by yourself ;)
See it here at regex101.
Your regex is close, although in Obj-C you need to double-escape the \s and (s):
In your NSLocalizedString you likely also need to escape the parentheses enclosing (s):
NSString *patternString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"^(([\\d,.]+)\\s%#|%#\\s([\\d,.]+))$",
NSLocalizedString(#"Step\\(s\\)",nil), NSLocalizedString(#"Step\\(s\\)",nil)];
If you don't escape (s) then the regex engine is probably going to interpret it as a capture group.
Looking at NSLog you can see what the pattern actually reads like:
NSLog(#"patternString: %#", patternString);
patternString: ^(([\d,.]+)\sStep\(s\)|Step\(s\)\s([\d,.]+))$
Since you mentioned the Mile(s) part may not be in the string at all I'm assuming it isn't relevant to the regular expression. As I understand from the question, you just need to capture the number of steps and nothing else. On this basis, here's a modified version of your existing regex:
NSString *patternString =
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"^(?:([0-9,.]*)\\s*%#|%#\\s*([0-9,.]*))$",
NSLocalizedString(#"Step\\(s\\)",nil), NSLocalizedString(#"Step\\(s\\)",nil)];
This is based on the following tips/modifications:
Use the m (= UREGEX_MULTILINE) flag option when creating the regex to specify that ^ and $ match the start and end of each line. This is more sophisticated than using \n as it will also handle the start and end of the string where this might not be present. See here.
Always use a double backslash (\\) for regex escaping - otherwise NSString will interpret the single backslash to be escaping the next character and convert it before it gets to the regex.
Literal parentheses need to be escaped - e.g. Step\\(s\\) instead of Step(s).
Characters within a character class (i.e. anything within the [] square brackets) don't need to be escaped - so it would be . rather than \\. - the latter.
If you are using (x|y|...) as a choice and don't need it to be a capturing group, use ?: after the first parenthesis to ensure it doesn't get captured - i.e. (?:x|y|...).

How to pass a regular expression to a function in AWK

I do not know how to pass an regular expression as an argument to a function.
If I pass a string, it is OK,
I have the following awk file,
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
function find(name){
for(i=0;i<NF;i++)if($(i+1)~name)print $(i+1)
I do something like
$ ./fct.awk <(echo "$str")
This works OK.
But when I call in the awk file,
This does not work.
What am I doing wrong?
Eric J.
you cannot (should not) pass regex constant to a user-defined function. you have to use dynamic regex in this case. like find("mysql")
if you do find(/mysql/), what does awk do is : find($0~/mysql/) so it pass a 0 or 1 to your find(..) function.
see this question for detail.
awk variable assignment statement explanation needed
section: 6.1.2 Using Regular Expression Constants
warning: regexp constant for parameter #1 yields boolean value
The regex gets evaluated (matching against $0) before it's passed to the function. You have to use strings.
Note: make sure you do proper escaping: http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html#Computed-Regexps
If you use GNU awk, you can use regular expression as user defined function parameter.
You have to define your regex as #/.../.
In your example, you would use it like this:
function find(regex){
if($i ~ regex)
print $i
It's called strongly type regexp constant and it's available since GNU awk version 4.2 (Oct 2017).
Example here.
use quotations, treat them as a string. this way it works for mawk, mawk2, and gnu-gawk. but you'll also need to double the backslashes since making them strings will eat away one of them right off the bat.
in your examplem just find("mysql") will suffice.
you can actually get it to pass arbitrary regex as you wish, and not be confined to just gnu-gawk, as long as you're willing to make them strings not the #/../ syntax others have mentioned. This is where the # of backslashes make a difference.
You can even make regex out of arbitrary bytes too, preferably via octal codes. if you do "\342\234\234" as a regex, the system will convert that into actual bytes in the regex before matching.
While there's nothing with that approach, if you wanna be 100% safe and prefer not having arbitrary bytes flying around , write it as
"[\\342][\\234][\\234]" ----> ✜
Once initially read by awk to create an internal representation, it'll look like this :
which will still match the identical objects you desire (in this case, some sort of cross-looking dingbat). This will spit out annoying warnings in unicode-aware mode of gawk due to attempting to enclose non-ASCII bytes directly into square brackets. For that use case,
"\\342\\234\\234" ------(eqv to )---> /\342\234\234/
will keep gawk happy and quiet. Lately I've been filling the gaps in my own codes and write regex that can mimic all the Unicode-script classes that perl enjoys.