How to set options in qemu - usb

I am following the steps given here.
The page asks to set options in qemu for using usbredir.
When I install qemu on fedora there are bunch of qemu related commands like
qemu-alpha qemu-ppc qemu-system-mipsel
but not a command qemu itself.I do have the Virtual Machine Manager which shows up QEMU/KVM and some xml in the details of the same.
How to configure the options in qemu?
I have no previous knowledge of how to configure an option in qemu.


Boot QEMU KVM with libvirt/sVirt but without using virt-install tool in command line

Can anyone help me on how to boot QEMU KVM with libvirt/sVirt but without using virt-install tool in command line.
or using virsh tool
In order to use virt-install, you need to install the following:
yum install qemu-kvm qemu-img libvirt libvirt-python libvirt-client virt-install virt-viewer bridge-utils tigervnc-server
Then, you can start the daemon:
systemctl start libvirtd
Now, download the OS you want to install, and then copy it to the folder shown below:
cp CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1708.iso /var/lib/libvirt/images/
Finally, run virt-install. Here is an example of what the script should look like:
os="--os-type=linux --os-
cpu="--vcpus 2"
ram="--ram 2048"
disk="--disk /dev/mapper/centos_192- root,size=40"
type="--virt-type qemu"
network="--network network=default"
graphics="--graphics none"
virt-install $os $network $disk $location $cpu $ram $type $disk $graphics --name=$name
After running virt-install, verify that the VM is running using virsh:
virsh list
Id Name State
4 centos7 running
Virt-install command-line options
Below are some command-line options, but this isn't an extensive list, so I encourage you to do some research in order to fully take advantage of this tool.
os="--os-type=linux --os-variant=centos7.0" --
Some of these commands have main options, as well as sub options. For example, if you type os-type=linux, then you need to further specify --os-variant=centos7.0. You can get a list of OSes that virt-install supports by typing osinfo-query os.
This is where you've copied the ISO image file containing the OS you want to install.
cpu="--vcpus 2"
The CPU command-line option enables you to specify the number of vCPUs assigned to the VM. In this example, I'm assigning two vCPUs.
ram="--ram 2048"
The RAM command-line option enables you to specify the amount of memory assigned to the VM. In this example, I'm assigning 2,048 MBs -- or 2 GBs.
The name command-line option enables you to assign a name to the VM. In this example, I'm naming the VM centos7.
disk="--disk /dev/mapper/centos_192-root,size=40"
This is where the VM will be installed and the size, in gigabytes, to be allocated. This must be a disk partition and not a mount point. Type df -h to list disk partitions.
type="--virt-type qemu"
The type command-line enables you to choose the type of VM you want to install. You can use KVM, QEMU, Xen or KQEMU. Type virsh capabilities to list all of the options. In this example, I'm using QEMU.
network="--network network=default"
Use network=default to set up bridge networking using the default bridge device. This is the easiest method, but there are other options.
graphics="--graphics none"
The graphics command-line option specifies that no graphical VNC or SPICE interface should be created. Use this for a kickstart installation or if you want to use a ttyS0 serial connection.

Change bash.exe with multiple linux subsystems on windows

I first installed a Ubuntu linux subsystem with the windows store.
I then installed the hyper terminal for windows like explained in this tutorial :
Like it is written in the tutorial I put C:\\Windows\\System32\\bash.exe in the hyper configuration file.
However, afterwards, I installed another linux subsystem, Wlinux.
So now I have two subsytems located here
Wlinux : C:\Users\martinpc\AppData\Local\Packages\WhitewaterFoundryLtd.Co....
Ubuntu : C:\Users\martinpc\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_7...
However, when I open the hyper terminal, It seem like I can only access the files of the ubuntu distrib and not the Wlinux. Therefore, I would like to know how I can point Hyper to Wlinux and not Ubuntu anymore. Thank you for your answer.
First of all, bash.exe has been deprecated. You should use wsl.exe in command lines. Check your installed distributions in WSL with wslconfig.exe /list /all command. Alternatively, for Windows 10 version 1903 and above, wsl.exe --list --all command can be used. Choose the distribution that you want to connect with HyperJS Terminal emulator. Open up Hyper.js configuration with Ctrl + , or open %UserProfile%\.hyper.js in any text editor. Edit the shell configuration from these two named values:
shell: 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\wsl.exe',
shellArgs: ['--distribution', 'Your-Distro-Name'],
Alternatively, you can use wslconfig.exe /setdefault <DistributionName> command to change default distribution. With this step, you can skip the shellArgs line in .hyper.js configuration file.

How to enable X11 forwarding in PyCharm SSH session?

The Question
I'm trying to enable X11 forwarding through the PyCharm SSH Terminal which can be executed via
"Tools -> Start SSH session..."
Unfortunately, It seems there is no way of specifying the flags like I would do in my shell for enabling the X11 Forwarding:
ssh -X user#remotehost
Do you know some clever way of achieving this?
Current dirty solution
The only dirty hack I found is to open an external ssh connection with X11 forwarding and than manually update the environment variable DISPLAY.
For example I can run on my external ssh session:
vincenzo#remotehost:$ echo $DISPLAY
And than set on my PyCharm terminal:
export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0
or update the DISPLAY variable in the Run/Debug Configuration, if I want to run the program from the GUI.
However, I really don't like this solution of using an external ssh terminal and manually update the DISPLAY variable and I'm sure there's a better way of achieving this!
Any help would be much appreciated.
P.s. Making an alias like:
alias ssh='ssh -X'
in my .bashrc doesn't force PyCharm to enable X11 forwarding.
So I was able to patch up jsch and test this out and it worked great.
Using X11 forwarding
You will need to do the following to use X11 forwarding in PyCharm:
- Install an X Server if you don't already have one. On Windows this might be the VcXsrv project, on Mac OS X the XQuartz project.
- Download or compile the jsch package. See instructions for compilation below.
- Backup jsch-0.1.54.jar in your pycharm's lib folder and replace it with the patched version. Start Pycharm with a remote environment and make sure to remove any instances of the DISPLAY environment variable you might have set in the run/debug configuration.
Here is what you need to do on a Mac OS or Linux system with Maven installed.
unzip download
cd jsch-0.1.54
sed -e 's|x11_forwarding=false|x11_forwarding=true|g' -e 's|xforwading=false|xforwading=true|g' -i src/main/java/com/jcraft/jsch/*.java
sed -e 's|<version>0.1.53</version>|<version>0.1.54</version>|g' -i pom.xml
mvn clean package
This will create jsch-0.1.54.jar in target folder.
Update 2020:
I found a very easy solution. It may be due to the updated PyCharm version (2020.1).
Ensure that X11Forwarding is enabled on server: In /etc/ssh/sshd_config set
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
X11UseLocalhost no
On client (MacOS for me): In ~/.ssh/config set
ForwardX11 yes
In PyCharm deselect Include system environment variables. This resolves the issue that the DISPLAY variable gets set to the system variable.
EDIT: As seen in the below image it works. For example I used the PyTorch implementation of DeepLab and visualize sample images from PASCAL VOC:
X11 forwarding was implemented in 2021.1 for all IntelliJ-based IDEs. If it still doesn't work, please consider creating a new issue at
By the way, the piece of advice about patching jsch won't work for any IDE newer than 2019.1.
In parallel, open MobaXTerm and connect while X11 forwarding checkbox is enabled. Now PyCharm will forward the display through MobaXTerm X11 server.
This until PyCharm add this 'simple' feature.
Also, set DISPLAY environment variable in PyCharm run configuration like this:
(the right hand side should be obtained with the command echo $DISPLAY in the server side)
Update 2022: for PyCharm newer than 2022.1: Plotting in SciView works by only setting ForwardX11 yes in .ssh/config (my laptop OS is ubuntu 22.04). I did not set any other parameters either on the server or local side.

reboot VM (run on vbox) into specific (compiled) kernel from shell

Im running ubuntu 14.04 with vbox . In this machine I compiled and run kernel 3.14 which I choose from the grub menu when ubuntu load on vbox.
The host also run on ubuntu 14.04.
I wanted to ask - is there a way to load the guest ubuntu into specific kernel with a command on shell?
I can start running a vm on vbox trough command line with this command :
VBoxManage startvm ubuservloc --type headless
but its not quite exactly what I need.
I don't know of any way to directly communicate from the host to the guest's GRUB, but there are several indirect ways you could go:
mount the /boot filesystem from the host and drop a file there that is read by the guest's grub.cfg.
VBoxManage controlvm keyboardputscancode to type a hotkey which is assigned to the correct kernel in GRUB (shortly after starting the VM)
Configure GRUB to listen to a (virtual) serial port and select the kernel by writing to that file
In case a second reboot is acceptable (first boot into default kernel and then reboot into desired kernel) there are also several ways (you can use the grub-set-default command from guest to choose your desired kernel and issue a reboot). Some I can think of here:
VBoxManage guestcontrol run to call a shell script from host in the guest (after guest additions have been loaded)
VBoxManage guestproperty to set a property from host and VBoxControl guestproperty to read it from an init script and decide from there
Just SSH into the guest and reboot from there :D
Obviously, if you always want to boot that kernel, why not make it default? And in case always you want to alternately boot two different kernels, you can also set the default for next boot to another one direclty from grub.cfg.

Adding new ARM machine to Qemu

I've used buildroot to compile a firmware targetting the LPC EA3250 board, I'm trying to get this to run using qemu so that I can test changes to the firmware on my machine. I've tried commands such as:
qemu-system-arm -M virt -kernel uImage -hda rootfs.ext2 -boot c -m 128M -append "root=/dev/sda rw console=ttyS0,38400n8"
But I keep getting similar errors no matter which -M option I apply. It seems that somehow I need to get a new machine option to pass qemu which will correspond to my board. I've found this config file which seems to be the configuration needed for the board I'm looking at.
What I would like to know is how to insert this config into qemu. Do I have to place this config somewhere and then recompile everything? If I do where do I need to put it?
On further investigation it seems that the config file I found is for something else entirely. The LPC EA3250 is not supported by qemu and adding in support for additional machines is an extensive task.