Vitesse starter template stuck on build - vue.js

I am using Vitesse which is a Vuejs starter template for my new dashboard which is metronic 8 and i am facing a problem when runnuing pnpm build is it working when run dev but when trying to build the app it showing this
It keeps stucking on this rendering chunks (13) I've tried this solution
But it didn't work ..
I've read that element-plus is somehow causing the issue when removing it ... and build again i am facing this error
Any idea please?

1 ) delete node_modules ( rm -rf node_modules ).
2 ) delete package-lock.json ( rm -rf package-lock.json ).
3 ) Removed unused packages in package.json file (Check all the packages to see if there is any where used. If not, remove it in package.json)
4 ) npm install and npm run build.


React-Native dependencies integration issue

I'm beginner in react-native Sorry in advance if found issues in question asking.
I cloned a repository from remote server where now i've empty node_modules directory. I've "package.json" file with all dependencies list while when I run "npm install" I didn't get dependencies in node_modules directory and got number of warnings on terminal related to different files as you can see here.
delete node_modules folder.
Then try to do npm install first. it ll added node modules folder.
after that try to install can find necessary dependancies from json file.
ex:- npm install --save depencencyname#versionnumber
for some modules you have to link them before it use..
using react-native link dependancyname

Yarn add does not install dependencies

I am using the latest version of stable yarn 1.3.2. Everytime I run yarn add <package> it adds it to my package.jsonand yarn.lock but the node_modules does not get installed.
I have tried yarn install --force and still no result. The only way to get it to work is to delete my node_modules folder and run yarn install. This is annoying to do for every package I add mid project.
Has anyone faced this issue?
uninstalled angular/cli and reinstalled.. it is now working fine

Got issues when installing new components to react-native project

Having issue in installing react-native-slider
I just tried this command
npm i --save react-native-slider
It shows following message.
added 1 package and removed 29 packages in 1.944s
But it removed react packages
After that i am not able to run the project.
You can do the following things
rm -rf node_modules
npm install

Command invalid: run always ask to create a project

I have a project about 4 months and suddenly the aurelia's CLI commands are not working.
When I try to execute au run --watch I receive a message with options to create a new project under the path.
I have already tried to uninstall and reinstall the aurelia CLI, It's not work.
The last thing I have done was to execute a git clean -xdf
I think that could be something on my project. Someone could help me?
After some attempts I fixed the problem:
1) I reinstall Git and Node;
2) I have deleted all the files under the \AppData\Roaming\npm-cache path;
3) I have checked if the Git and Node were in the PATH of environment variables;
4) I run the npm install command;
Is aurelia-cli included in the devDependencies of the project and also installed globally?
First, install globally:
npm i -g aurelia-cli
Then, in the project directory, install & save to devDependencies:
npm i --save-dev aurelia-cli
You should then be able to run au in the project directory and see that the build and run commands are now available.
Note that you'll also need to install the necessary gulp dependencies required by the tasks in your project devDependencies.
EDIT: See aurelia/cli/issues/485 which confirms that installing aurelia-cli as a local dependency fixes this issue.

Requiring unknown module "ReactInstanceHandles"

Recently updated to React 0.19.0 and have started to get this error.
I've tried cleaning out the gradle folders but I'm still getting the error.
I've also tried restarting the package manager.
I fixed this by
rm -rf node_modules
Remove react from package.json, since react-native now includes it.
npm install