I have a dynamic list of expansion panels and I want to use a virtual scroll on them as the list can be quit big
Here is my example
<template v-slot:default="{ item }">
some content
The problem is that when expanding one panel it is not well displayed due to the position absolute of the virtual item.
I want to make the expansion work as expected
Mainly the problem is how to make a child of an absolute element move the parent's sibling down on expand
I have been trying to add image inside v-text-field, but it is causing an issue when I add it moves label to a bit of right side?
<template #prepend-inner>
<v-img style="margin: auto 0" max-height="25" max-width="30" src="/images/KW.png"> </v-img>
as you can see label PHONE moves to right side it isn't staying on its place, I tried to add margin-top but didn't fix it.
This looks like an undocumented feature, which explains why the behaviour may be unexpected.
The cause of the seems to me is that the input calculates the width of the slot content at the time of rendering, which due to a race condition may resolve before or after the image is rendered. That's why if you render multiple times, you may not always see it behaving this way.
To get around it, I thing you should be able to wrap the image with another element of fixed width. (<div style="width:30px">)
label="My Label"
<template #prepend-inner>
<div style="width:30px">
<v-img style="margin: auto 0" max-height="25" max-width="30" src="/images/KW.png"/>
I'm losing the text highlighting when using the slots
I've used parent.genFilteredText(item.title) but doesn't solve it. I don't know what it is actually
You can comment the item and selection slots and click the v-autocomplete box to see the difference
you have to omitted hide-selected in v-autocomplete tag and after that, you need to use the below code inside v-autocomplete tag.
slot-scope="{ parent, item, tile }"
I'm tryin to add a bar at the bottom of my ElectronJS application and I'd like it to be positioned in the same way as the blue bottom bar in VSCode, where the scroll bar ends/stops above it.
Unfortunately, there always seems to be a small space on the right side where the scroll bar would appear when the content overflows (I don't want to disable the scroll bar / behavior with things such as overflow: hidden; See Edit 2).
I did some testing and with the code below you can see my desired behavior seems to happen with the nav-drawer, i.e. its scroll bar stops right above the v-bottom-navigation, which would be my bottom bar (the thick grey line you see is the scroll bar).
I'm semi-new to this, but I can't figure out why exactly that happens and how to modify it in order to get the same behavior for the whole application.
<div id="nav-drawer">
color="white darken-3"
v-for="n in 30"
:color="`grey ${n === 1 ? 'darken' : 'lighten'}-1`"
class="d-block text-center mx-auto my-3"
<v-avatar class="d-block mx-auto">
<v-btn icon small color="primary">
<v-icon>fas fa-window-maximize</v-icon>
<v-bottom-navigation v-model="value" height="20px" background-color="primary" app>
<v-btn icon small>
export default {
name: "NavDrawer",
components: {
data: () => ({
drawer: true,
P.S. I'm using ElectronJS with VueJS+VuetifyJS - I set it up as described here. Any help is appreciated.
Edit 1: I went through the VSCode source code and found the UI elements (vscode/src/vs/base/browser/ui/). Unfortunately, I wasn't able to figure out which of those is the bar at the bottom (apparently called System Bar, according to some threads I found here and there).
I think it might be the toolbar, but that seems to be part of the actionbar, which is the menu on the left (by default) and doesn't seem to have much CSS to indicate that it's the bar at the bottom.
Edit 2: I tried adding html {overflow: hidden;} in the style section of the main index.html file. It removes the bar of the main page section (the scrollbar you see in the second picture with the two arrows and green button) and the possibility to scroll, but the scrollbar of the nav-drawer remains and the scrolling still works. So, I guess this would be an option if I could still have the scrollbar in the main page section with the code above with the hidden feature enabled as well. Not sure if that's possible though.
Edit 3: Using html {overflow-y: auto;} in the index.html file, removes the scrollbar when there isn't content that is overflowing and it looks just like I want it, but when there is, it still taking up space and looks like the the second image in my post.
Found this example: CodePen
For my case the solution is adapting the :root {...} part to my application, which means to mark the bottom bar as the footer and calculate the content area depending on its size.
The html {overflow: hidden;} must also be in the index.html file's style section.
Overflow hidden not working. It creates another scroll bar like in the image
I copied the code directly from Vuetify and tried it in code pen and the results were the same.
<v-card class="overflow-hidden">
<template v-slot:img="{ props }">
gradient="to top right, rgba(19,84,122,.5), rgba(128,208,199,.8)"
<v-btn icon>
</v-btn>`enter code here`
<v-container style="height: 1000px;"></v-container>
You need to remove the overflow-hidden class from the v-card that wraps the v-app-bar and v-sheet. (You might just remove the v-card altogether)
I would guess the vuetify docs have this so the examples work on their own site.
This is happening for two reasons-
Outer Scrollbar comes from html.
bcz your contents like- v-sheet, v-container exceed your screen height
Inner Scrollbar is for v-sheet
bcz v-sheet's max-height is 600px & It's content container's height is 1000px which overflows v-sheet's height.
There is no fixed height of v-card, it's flexible to it's content. So,
don't add overflow-hidden class to it. You should hidden in any of
html or v-sheet
I'm using a v-autocomplete with a custom slot to display results:
<v-autocomplete :items=searchResults :loading=loading :search-input.sync="query" hide-no-data label="Entreprise, SIREN..." append-icon="search" v-model="selected" three-line >
<template v-slot:item="{ item }">
<v-list-tile-title v-text="item.text"></v-list-tile-title>
<v-list-tile-sub-title v-text="item.value"></v-list-tile-sub-title>
<v-list-tile-sub-title> Third line of list item</v-list-tile-sub-title>
<CompanyListItem :company=item :loading=false />
Unfortunately the resulting list items appear compressed vertically, as seen in this codepen.
Is it possible to add two-line or three-line to the underlying list to be able to have 'taller' list items? Adding those properties to the <v-autocomplete> doesn't work.
Changing the height of list tile to auto as CSS property worked for me .
.v-autocomplete__content .v-list__tile{
height: auto;
two-line or three-line are props of <v-list></v-list> to increase list-tile height.But here the contents of v-slot:item are by default wrapped in <v-list></v-list> (when i inspect the element in browser inspector).